
69. Warning Mail

Wen Sao had tried looking for management jobs in various companies, but he had no work experience to show for himself. He had the skills but he could only show those skills either in the interview or after he already got the job. But he was always rejected in the first round itself due to his empty resume.

He had always managed SaoLin Designs behind the scenes, so he did not even have any connections in the fashion world. He could only work in stores at the front as a salesman with his resume. He was used to just staying at home and working in front of a computer. Now working from morning to night at the store front was too tiring. But he was thankful that he at least had the chance to get a job and was able to earn money to feed himself.

He now realized how big of a mistake he made in trusting that vile man. Not just trusting that man but he hated himself for not making any connections. Working at the front he realized he had been an idiot, being afraid of working amongst many people. He did not like crowds or talking to people so he was afraid to show his face. Now though he realized his fears were unfounded. It wasn't bad working like this, as a matter of fact he liked working amongst so many people. He was never bored and no one was judging him as he thought they would.

He wanted to work well and claim his position in the industry, but that was not possible now. He could not even get an administrator position. Getting a managerial position was a dream now. During these moments he remembered that beautiful woman who told him she would let him manage his company if he grew up. He still didn't know what growing up meant but he wanted her words to be true.

'Who am I kidding? Why would an unknown woman help me?'

He received a call, so he excused himself and asked his co-worker to take his place for a while.


"Mr Wen Sao?" A male voice spoke from the other side. Wen Sao was a little afraid to speak. He did not receive many phone calls and whoever was on the other end seemed very professional.

"Y.. Yes?" He timidly replied.

"Mr Wen Sao. This is Bai Xing speaking. After finding out about your skillset our Young Miss has recommended you to a job. You will be receiving a call for the interview."

"Huh?" Wen Sao took a while to process what he had heard. "You know me? What job? What young miss?" He did not understand anything. Was this a prank call. He was angered immediately. "Stop pranking me!" He shouted angrily.

Since the office was very quiet, RuQian and grandfather Zhang were able to hear what the man had said. Grandfather Zhang did not know exactly what was going on but he understood that his granddaughter had helped that man out by literally handing him a job. It might sound like a recommendation, but it was a job offer.

Before grandfather Zhang could erupt in his own fit of anger, RuQian calmly extended her hand, not even looking up from the document she was reading. Even the pen she was writing with did not stop. Bai Xing told Wen Sao to wait and handed her the phone.

RuQian took it and held the phone to her ear, "Do you not want the job? Then you can continue selling clothes in that store for the rest of your life. Nobody will stop you." RuQian calmly spoke continuing with her work.

"What?" Wen Sao blanked out at the sudden sweet yet detached voice. The image of a beautiful woman came to his mind.

"Never mind." RuQian was about to hang up when a shout came from the other end.

"Wait! Are you that beautiful woman from the mall?" Wen Sao became timid again.

"I don't like repeating my questions." RuQian didn't explain further. Thankfully Wen Sao understood immediately. At least he was faster than Bai Xing had been when he first met her. Bai Xing observed that she wasn't in a good mood. Maybe the documents weren't to her liking. Did she know what she was doing? Seeing as the chairman himself did not stop her, she must know what she was doing.

'She is his granddaughter after all, she must know about his business too. These rich people know how to earn more and more money so she must have many skills.'

"I want the job! I mean, I will get the job. I will attend that interview." Wen Sao remembered her previous question. She even knew where he was working, when he met her she looked really rich by the clothes she was wearing and he could tell she came from a rich family by the way she carried herself. It wasn't good to mess with rich people. She was helping him get a job, why would he deny her.

"We'll see after you get the job. I'll have to see if you'll really grow up, just be a doormat once again or you'll stoop low just to get revenge." She hung up after saying this.

Wen Sao did not even get to ask for her name. He thought over her words. 'If I'll really grow up? Be a doormat once again? Or stoop low to get revenge?' She had just answered the question he had been wondering about from the last time he met her. She wanted him to grow up but he did not know what to do or how to grow up.

She just told him how to grow up indirectly and how she wanted him to change. Wen Sao had always been smart this way. Just because he trusted his ex-friend too much didn't mean he couldn't read in between the lines.

That woman did not want him to be a doormat again. So to achieve that he needed to grow a backbone and learn to be careful from now on, also he could not repeat his past mistakes. He had to stay as the face of his work and build connections.

She also questioned if he would stoop low just to get revenge. She wanted to know if he would play dirty tricks just to get back at that bastard. She told him to fly but then she tethered him to the ground with her next sentence.

Wen Sao smiled after realizing her intentions. She was the one allowing him to fly, so she didn't want him to turn out like that man. But even after her warning if he went and did that, she could always push him down as she was the one who lifted him up. She had given him confidence and threatened him in just one sentence.

Wen Sao received another call right after. He picked up and found out that he had an interview with Z&K fashion the next day. He was dumbfounded. Even having your own small company couldn't be compared to working in Z&K. Now he was thankful for accepting that beautiful woman's offer.

Bai Xing stared at RuQian from the other side of the table scratching his head. "Uh.. Miss RuQian, he might not have understood what you meant."

"If he can't even understand something that I practically spelled out for him, I don't need him." RuQian nonchalantly replied. Bai Xing opened and closed his mouth not knowing what to say. Grandfather Zhang had a proud expression on his face as if he was the one that taught her everything.

"Mr Bai, he will call you after he gets the job. Just tell him to work properly and that I would keep an eye on him. You can leave now."

"Yes young miss." Bai Xing wanted to ask her how she knew he would call, but he didn't dare. He left. Ren Wei informed RuQian that it was done. She had also finished about twenty documents by this time. They weren't too difficult. She used to work on much more difficult one's in lesser time. She wasn't even using half of her brain to work on those documents.

"You can send these for review, and these can be thrown directly in their faces. How are they working? Are they coming here to play? How can executives of a company like Zhang Tech actually submit these shitty proposals? Is it because my grandfather is being lenient that they think they can do whatever they want? And the rest, how many mistakes will they make? Do they not check the work they submit? Were these all written by interns? Are the executives actually making interns work in their places?

I have half a mind to fire these idiots at this point. Secretary Ren, relay what I just said word for word to all of them. Don't mince any word. Tell the rejected and the to-be reviewed ones I will be needing an explanation about those proposals, a written one. Also, tell them they can kiss their bonuses goodbye if they ever submit half assed proposals like these. Got it?" RuQian coldly informed Ren Wei.

Ren Wei was shaking in his shoes but maintained an impassive expression. The Young Miss did not even raise her voice, it was the same as always, but it felt like the temperature in the room fell several degrees.

Ren Wei broke out in a cold sweat but he steeled himself and asked, "Um, Young Miss should I relay these as the chairman's words?"

RuQian looked at him like he was an idiot. At this point grandfather Zhang finally butted in not wanting to lose his secretary to a heart attack, "Or else what will you tell them? Have you gone dumb along with the rest of the staff as well? Hai, maybe I should look for someone else."

Ren Wei panicked and picked all the documents, "I will immediately deliver the instructions."

"Tell the driver to be ready. We should be leaving now." Grandfather Zhang reminded him. The poor secretary bowed to RuQian and ran out not even bothering to bow to his chairman. 'Oh.. wuwuwu.. the Young Miss is so scary.' He ran for his life and got everything done. To make sure there were no mistakes, he himself called all the related executives and relayed the message. At least he was happy he could call them all at once or else he would have had to repeat the same thing twenty times.

Grandfather Zhang was very impressed with his granddaughter and wanted to praise her but kept quiet, worried that she wouldn't do something like this again.

After they reached home RuQian washed up, ate her supper and retired for the night. She checked her mail as usual. She was slightly shocked when she saw the mail she recently received. It was a warning mail.

"Trusting is hard. Knowing who to trust, even harder." - Maria V. Snyder, Author

Should I let the MCs meet? What do you all think?

Shining_Starcreators' thoughts
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