
63. Had Extras

The three girls turned around to see what all the shrieking was about. They saw many girls huddled around Wan Wan and Lu Xu Mei. It looked like Wan Wan was gloating about something, as usual.

Lan Xie got interested and tried to listen in to the conversation, it sounded like Wan Wan was going on and on about being famous.

She couldn't really understand what all the hype was about but Lan Xie wanted to know how Wan Wan was going to get famous.

She walked over, tapped a student closest to her and asked what everybody was talking about.

"Why is Wan Wan saying she is famous?"

"Oh you don't know?"

"Um, no."

"She's been telling the whole school about this from the morning."

"About what?"

"She has received an invitation to go to the party Old master Zhang is throwing to introduce his granddaughter."

Lan Xie smirked when she heard what the ruckus was about. 'Good, she's tooting her own horn. She'll be in way more pain when she falls down later.'

"I mean there are many others who have been invited to this party but they are all really rich so they aren't really flaunting like Wan Wan is but I've heard that even they could only get invites because of their grandparents. So it's a shock that Wan Wan has gotten an invite frankly."

The student went on, not noticing the hidden smirk on Lan Xie's face.

"I really wanted to see what a grand party like that would look like. Oh right, you must be used to those kind of parties right Lan Xie?"

Everyone in the school knew she was the Lan princess, other than idiots like Wan Wan who thought they were novelty. But common people did not know she was the Mu family's granddaughter.

Everyone thought she was important just because she was the Lan family's only daughter but her mother was actually the daughter of the main family in the Mu house.

The thing was, in the Lan family, she was already doted on because she was the only daughter and an only child. Her mother had had some difficulty after Lan Xie was conceived, so her parents did not have other children.

Her parents were very doting of her but they rarely budged from their decisions about her career choice.

On the other hand, even though she was not the only girl child in her maternal family, she was the youngest and also the most loved. There was never a time when she didn't get what she wanted.

She might be denied in her own house but she would get everything she asked for in the Mu family, unless it was something Mu Chen said no to.

Currently Mu Chen was the head of the Mu family, so whatever he said was the rule, also he was known as the most ruthless head till date, even his parents and grandparents didn't defy him in any manner.

On top of this, even Grandpa Zhang treated Lan Xie as his granddaughter, despite all this Lan Xie had never grown spoiled.

She was trained well from a young age, never to let these things get to her head, even when her parents loved her a lot, they clearly knew what was good for her.

From a young age, not only Lan Xie but even RuQian were trained in etiquette, speech lessons, manners, some basic self defense, tea brewing, calligraphy, music or dance if they were interested, cooking, flower arrangements, basic business lessons, general knowledge which had to be kept up with, fashion lessons, etc.

These all were never deep lessons, they were always just basic lessons. Because when one belonged to such high standing families, they tend to be watched by the whole country in some or the other manner. And every other person in the high society itself was a wolf, if you showed any weakness your family would suffer. They had to be good in almost anything and everything they came across, of course the quality of lessons would differ, the more prominent one's family was.

It was a cut throat world and the outsiders wouldn't like to hear these things but that's how the world worked.

It wasn't wrong that their families wanted to show off their children's good traits. Which parents wouldn't want to do that?

That was the reason, new money could be easily spotted, if a family gained some money and reputation recently, they still couldn't fake the years of training the rich family's children were given.

This was the reason it was clear Wan Wan or even Lu Xu Mei weren't from money. They acted too much. The elegance, pride or the self confidence couldn't be copied!

"Did you shop for your clothes already?" Lan Xie's thoughts were broken by the voice she heard from beside her.

The girl who had explained what was going on previously, looked like a good person, it didn't look like she had any malicious intentions and she also hadn't taken Wan Wan's side, so Lan Xie took out a white envelope from her pocket and gave it to the girl.

"Here. Go and shop for a nice dress." Lan Xie handed her the invitation.

"What is this?" The girl asked confused, looking at the plain envelope.

She turned it around and her eyes almost bulged out of her head when she saw what it was.

"T..This... thisss... no, it's not real. Is it? N.. nn..nno. I.. It's real?" She started stuttering.

"Well, it's as real as it gets. You can bring another person if you want. You don't want it?"

"I want it. I'll come with my friend, thank you Lan Xie." The girl beamed happily.

"It's not a big deal. I had some extra."

Lan Xie turned around and went back to her table. The girl stared at Lan Xie's back dumbfounded. There Wan Wan was, showing off her invitation whereas Lan Xie was not only invited to that party but also had extras which she could give out to anyone she wanted. She could see the stark difference between the both clearly.

Lan Xie was giving out invitations in the school to people whom she felt weren't evil minded or wouldn't be Lu Xu Mei or Wan Wan's lackeys.

She was planning on embarrassing those two later on and only if the high society students and parents watched over, the others wouldn't know about it. Of course their reputation would be in shambles in that society but she wanted those two to not be able to lift their heads, not even in school.

So she was making sure other students came to the party to make sure these bitches' reputations were destroyed.

RuQian asked her what was going on to which Lan Xie smirked.

"Just a fly buzzing around before it's death."

Don't you think Lan Xie is so cool. She is innocent some times and the she is evil the other times.

I love that about her.

Shining_Starcreators' thoughts
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