
47. Anonymous

RuQian slept well until three in the morning but then woke up from another of her nightmares. She freshened up, went for a run, after an hour and a half she went back to the house and got ready for school.

RuQian had her breakfast, bid her grandfather goodbye and left for school.

"Qian Qian, we should do something about these rumors. They are getting out of hand." Amy said when she saw other students staring at RuQian, again.

When not stopped, rumors got out of hand and this was a similar situation. Others were now calling RuQian a prostitute and that this was what she and her mother did for a living.

When RuQian heard this, her eyes turned cold, Amy was slightly scared as she had never seen RuQian being angry.

RuQian could not tolerate some low lives slandering her mother. She had to take several deep breaths to calm herself down. Looked like yoga was helping, she had never been able to calm herself so quickly.

The rest of the morning was uneventful other than Lan Xie erupting into a fit of anger after hearing those ridiculous rumors.

But looked like in this life she could not stay peacefully until the party, as during lunchtime, in the cafeteria Chang Min came and sat down at their table.

RuQian sighed internally, she slowly whispered to her left where Amy sat, "Amy, am I a magnet for drama? Why does this keep happening to me?"

Amy had to control herself so as not to laugh out loud, a giggle still passed through. Amy got to see various expressions of Qian Qian today. Usually, RuQian was always poised and never let others know of her thoughts.

But it was different that day. 'Oh, I never knew Qian Qian was this cute.' Amy smiled to herself imagining a chibi version of Qian Qian.

Meanwhile Lan Xie was busy glaring at the unwanted prick beside her. Chang Min must have wanted to sit beside RuQian but Amy and Lan Xie had already occupied the seats beside her, so Chang Min had no choice but sit opposite her.

The funny thing was that RuQian never even glanced in his direction and ate her food quietly. It was as if everything was normal for her. RuQian did not want to feed into Chang Min's ego by giving him any attention. Lan Xie could not do the same though, this was the guy who hurt her best friend and spread rumors about her.

No one would have known anything about the other night, unless he had said something and surely he never told the truth of her abduction as no one knew about that.

Chang Min finally broke under Lan Xie's stares, "Look, I swear I did not spread any rumors. It has nothing to do with me."

"You liar!" Lan Xie erupted for the second time that day.

"Why would I lie? What would I get by lying to you?"

"You just want to get into my Qian Qian's pants! I am telling you, I will protect her from your dirty paws."

Chang Min was slightly flabbergasted. It was the truth but he never expected Lan Xie to be bold enough to say it out loud.

"You should leave now. I will get indigestion if I keep looking at your face!" This sentence and the one before, Lan Xie had said quite loudly, so the students seated on the nearby tables had heard every word clearly.

Chang Min's face turned red with embarrassment and after glancing at RuQian once again, who did not give him any face, he left glaring at Lan Xie.

RuQian was still busy fiddling with her food and never even lifted her head while Amy was not able to control herself any longer and burst out laughing.

She laughed so hard that tears started rolling off her face, Amy was happy that Chang Min had faced some embarrassment finally.

RuQian suddenly looked up at Lan Xie and stared at her wordlessly without any expression on her face.

Lan Xie started fiddling with her fingers, plucking her nail polish but RuQian had not stopped staring so she couldn't stop herself any longer and erupted, Again!

"Qian Qian, it wasn't my fault. He was the one who sat here. I hate that guy, you can't expect me to say nothing when he sat beside me right? A..And did you see how he was staring at you like a piece of meat? I.. I jus..just wanted to teach him a lesson. I am sorry okay?"

"Lan Xie."

"Hmm?" Lan Xie looked up into RuQian's face innocently.

"I need you to do something." Lan Xie's face lit up when she heard this. It didn't look like Qian Qian was mad at her. She sighed visibly.

"What? What do you want? Tell me! Do you want me to go kick him in the balls. Maybe then you'll feel even better!" Lan Xie had a sadistic smile on her face while saying this.

Amy shuddered slightly when she saw that face. Looked like she did not know Lan Xie as well as she thought she did.

"Not necessary." RuQian stopped her friend when she saw her coming up with more plans to hurt Chang Min physically.

"You sure? We could put some super glue on his underwear before he returns from his game practice. It won't be difficult to get into the boys locker. Then after he wears the underwear, he won't be able to take it off."

Lan Xie giggled after thinking of this new plan. Amy could see Lan Xie devising a sketch in her head of how this plan would work out.

She slowly leaned towards RuQian, "Qian Qian, is Lan Xie losing her mind?"

RuQian glanced at Amy and gave a small smile, "No, this is how she gets when someone she loves gets hurt. She'll be fine after Chang Min gets crushed in some way."

Amy was amazed at how she felt at that moment. There was something so sweet about Lan Xie's behavior at that moment.

"Or how about we bring a hammer and.."

"Okay, no kicking, no glueing underwears and definitely no hammers whatsoever."

Lan Xie pouted like a kid at a store wanting an expensive toy but denied of the toy. "Qian Qian think again. Let me tell you how we will use the hammer. He won't die I promise. Listen..."

"No! Lan Xie, I need you to do something else for me. Could you please focus on that?" RuQian asked Lan Xie, hoping for her to pay attention to what was being said.

"Okay. What?" Lan Xie exasperatedly asked.

"I need you to send an anonymous invite to Chang Min."

"What invite?"

"My birthday invitation Lan Xie, did you forget?"

"Oh, right, that! Why do you want to invite Chang Min?"

"He has to be there for my plan to work out. Do the same with Lu Xu Mei too. I need both of them there at all costs."

Amy looked on as she did not receive an invite to the party. She knew about the party as a lot of people were gushing about it. But neither RuQian nor Lan Xie ever mentioned it to her so she figured they didn't want her there. She did not want to say anything as RuQian hadn't invited her.

"Oh by the way." RuQian continued after she remembered something. "The three of us need to go dress shopping. We need clothes for the party."

"Yayyyy" Lan Xie shouted with excitement.

Amy opened and closed her mouth then finally said, "Qian Qian, I don't have an invite."

Lan Xie's excitement vanished and anger took it's place, "Why would you need an invite when you are Qian Qian's friend? Amy, do you not think of us as friends?"

Amy saw that Lan Xie had on an angry look while RuQian had an almost expressionless face but the hurt in her eyes gave her emotions away.

"No, that's not what I meant, I mean, I don't think I can afford a dress." Amy was just trying to cover up what she previously said but instead of making things better she made it worse, this time she hurt Lan Xie and angered RuQian in the process.

"I will be buying everything when we go shopping and that's final." RuQian left after saying this. She knew of Amy's financial issues but she could not believe that her friend would've thought this way.

It's not like she wouldn't take care of her friends and money was never something she valued, it was the relations.

Publish timings changed from today...

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Shining_Starcreators' thoughts
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