
Chapter 20


🐠Sirena (POVs)

As my human Jacob hold the weird looking circle on the door, he then opens the door, as I was smiling ear to ear.. My smile then fades away when I met the people who he will going to have 'meetings'.

\\So this is the Villanueva everyone is talking about in my company?? \\

\\He doesn't deserve to be worldwide known businessman, he does not have that talent. \\

My happiness then quickly fades away within five seconds as my smile disappeared on my face as I heard those negative thoughts from each man's inside this room.

( Why are they having negative thoughts towards to my human?? )

( I feel hurt inside my chest...)

As I look each one of the man's inside this room, I quickly remembered all their faces and there were at least ten man's including Jacob my human inside this room and I was the only female In this room.

As I watch my human Jacob greeting everyone with a smile, I can't help but to feel pain as I keep hearing negative thoughts from each one of them, there weren't a positive thoughts in their mind.

And most of all.. There is one guy inside this room who had a red mark on his chest, the people who had committed sins are the bad people that the sea goddess told me to punished those people who have 'X' mark on their chest, by drowning them to the deepest part of the ocean.

The people who have 'X' mark on their chest are the people who have committed sins, either they killed someone, rape, or doing illegal things that has something to do with SINS, or maybe.. More than that.

( Why.. Are these bad people are here??? )

As everyone sit on their chair and I was just sitting on the chair too at the corner alone, I was just listening through to their conversations about businesses.

" Wow, you're very incredible at this business, I'm starting to like you as my business partner soon." said the other guy as my eyebrows crossed and I feel emotionally pain when I heard everyone's thoughts.

\\So arrogant, acting smart and mighty.\\

\\Is this everyone been talking about?? He talks a lot, stupid business guy, I don't even know why his company his on the top list.\\

\\Acting all intelligent, tsk.\\

I then give all of them a death glare of the siren  as I was just sitting right on the corner behind my human Jacob's back.

( How dare they speak like that to my human.)

( They do not deserve to be in the industry of human.)

( Humans that have no respect, not deserve to be respected.)

As I was having my own thoughts, I stop when I heard a red flag thoughts on one of the guy who I don't really know.

\\Target located... Tsk, I'll probably going to kill you by myself, Mr Villanueva.\\

As I was staring at the guy who was smirking looking at my human Jacob, my eyebrows crossed as I was mad and I give that bad guy who had an 'X' mark on his chest a death glare.

And when he noticed I was staring at him, I glared at him and I give him a hand gesture that sirens would always do, a death hand gesture.

\\Who the fuck this woman staring at me with that ferocious green eyes?! Who the fuck is this woman?! Is she messing up with me?! \\

I then just smirk as I stare at him with a big smile on my face.

\\Although.. This woman is actually my type.\\

As I heard those thoughts inside his mind, I even look at him and stare at him and when I smile, I saw a glimpse of his eyes that it quickly turns pink and back to normal, telling me he's under my spell.

\\She's.. Beautiful.. \\

I then smile as I heard his thoughts, I knew he was now under my spell, tonight.. He will meet me in the ocean.. He will.. Die at the bottom of the sea floor, soon he will always be together with the ocean, together with the other bad people.

( You will soon sleep for eternity, bad people like you do not deserve to walk among good people.)

( Bad people are just like my puppet with a string, and I'll wrap them up around my ring.)

After a few minutes and an hour of them talking about businesses, finally it was over, my butt hurts by just sitting on the corner, all of them get up from their own chairs and they all shake Jacob's hands as they all give that same negative thoughts while they smile.

This guy with an X' mark on his chest was about to shake my human Jacob's hand but I immediately took his hands off away from my human, to get him not shake his hand because I don't want Jacob's hand will get dirty by touching this guy's hand.

" Oh.. Uhm.." said the bad guy with dark hair, they all look young and stuff, but I do not like all of them of how bad they are towards to my human.

" *smile* I didn't know you really wanted to shake my hand so bad." he says as he smiles so widely, I then smile at him back as everyone in this room was staring at me, I then immediately let go of his hands as I rub my hand around my pants.

" I.. I.. I am your.. Fan. " I said as I smile awkwardly.

( I.. I don't know what it means.. But I heard Jacob's mom says she was fangirling on me.)

" Oh.. You're a fan of me? " he says as he smile so widely.

( I don't like people with 'X' mark.)

" I'm happy to hear that, I am Janzen Gutierrez, and what is your name? " he said as I just smile awkwardly.

" I.. I.. I.. Uhm,, Sirena??? " I said and everyone was now smiling and I then look at Jacob who was just staring at the guy and me with his eyebrows crossing showing his mad again as  I feel his emotions again.

" Mr. Villanueva, we didn't know you have such a beautiful secretary with you, this might be the only reason I will come and visit to your company just to see this beautiful woman." the other guy says and even smile as everyone of them looks at me, but half of what he said.. I didn't understand them.

" Hmmm.. " that was the only thing my human Jacob says.

" If that is the reason, then there's no reason for all of you to keep coming in my company starting today, because I won't be seeing any of you and I won't be working with all of you, goodbye and please don't come to my company again." He said as he grab me from my hand wrist.

As we were still standing in front of this people inside the room, they were looking at my human Jacob with shocked on their faces.

" W-wait.. Mr.Villanue—." the other guy says but he didn't let him finished his sentence.

" Don't care, I take jokes seriously from stranger people who I just met, so if you all just want to come to my company just to see Sirena, I'm going to drag all of you out from my company." He said as he stares at all of them.

" And if I saw one of you coming back in my company again, I'm going to crash all of the company and the branches that you all build with just a snap on my finger. " He said as everyone was looking at him.

" It was all fun and fine when we were all talking about business, we're all here for business not for flirting with someone in my company, remember that. " He says as I was listening.

" Also, she's not a worker in here, she's not my secretary, if anyone of you dare to approach to her, all of you will deserve something from me. " He says as he smiles and then just drags me outside and I then just wave my hand goodbye to them.

As we were now outside the room and we were walking, his grip on my hand wrist were now hurting me, it was too tight that my hand wrist feels pain.

" H-human... My hand.. It hurts." I said and we then stop and he turns around with his eyebrows crossing to each other.

" Why did you shake his hands? Do you know that guy? And you said, you're his fan, so I'm guessing you know him." He said as his eyebrows were crossing, I then just genuinely shake my head.

" Me not know who he is, me not his fan." I said as one of his eyebrow raised.

" You don't know him, you lied about being his fan, then tell me why did you shake his hands??  " he asked as I then smile genuinely.

" He was bad and don't want your hands to get dirty, so I took and shake his hand instead." I said and smile.

" What? " he said as his eyebrows crossed.

" You shake his hand because you don't want my ha d to get dirty?? " He said and I just nodded, he then just face palm himself as he also sighs.

" Ghad... You're driving me crazy, oh my ghadddd..." he said and as I was just watching him,I then stop on m track as my smile disappeared when I felt suffocating again..

( I'm.. Running out of oxygen again..)

( I.. I need.. Water...)

I then immediately hold my human Jacob's hand as he then look at me with his eyebrows crossing.

" Human.." I said as I felt suffocating from my breathing, I'm.. Running out of breath again..

" What? Why are you looking at me like that??? " he asked as his eyebrows crossed.

" Office.." I said and he just stares at me as he raised his eyebrows.

" What? Office? What about office? And why are you looking at me like that? Is something wrong?? " He said as I felt my knees trembling and I'm having hard time to breath.

" Sirena?? What is wrong why are your eyes become teary?? Are you going to cry again?? I'm sorry, I'm not mad at you. " He said as he caress my face but I shook my head.

" Me.. Wat.." but before I called finished my words I then just collapse in front of him as I was running of oxygen in my body.

" Sirena??! Oh my ghadd.. " he said as I felt darkness taking over me.



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