
Vs. Thor and Zeus

          Although Femradiel's plan was just a slight upgrade from Ryan's, he didn't complain. Still, he felt slightly troubled in having to fight while considering that Loki would have to back him up. Before leaving, Femradiel and Ryan gave the orders for their pets to fight to protect Egypt no matter what. In the last moment as well, Ryan decided to do something unusual to pump him and Femradiel. A brofist… it seemed silly, but it was the best Ryan could do at the moment to show his trust on her.

"What is this?" Femradiel frowned.

"Just close your hand and touch it," Ryan said. "It is like a promise between friends, friends… friends..... That we will win no matter what."

"Why did you tried to imitate an echo in the word friends?" Femradiel frowned even more. "Well, I suppose this is just like you… too damn shy."

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