
No mercy.

As the police dragged Ke Mingze's unconscious body away, Tang Huizhong sat beside his wife and touched her cheek with cold compress. "Does it hurt?"

Tang Haifeng gazed at her husband's worried face, her heart turning warm. Although she was a strong woman who didn't like to show weakness, right now she just wanted to behave spoilt and dependent. "Yes, it does. My cheeks are aching."

His eyes furrowed. "Its all Chunlan's fault. We should have just gone about this the easy way."

Chunlan secretly rolled her eyes at her father's suggestion of killing both of them and dumping them in and ocean. "We needed more evidence."

Haifeng defended her daughter when she saw her husband's disapproving glare. "Don't blame Chunlan. Its your fault for not believing in me in the first place." She pushed her husband away lightly.

His eyes softened. "Right, its my fault. My fault. Let's go and rest."

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