
Season 2 Episode 85: True Strength

The two contestants immediately stepped into the arena, and walked towards the centre, until they stood face to face in front of each other, with Elder Kenneth beside them. "Cutivators, bow your heads!" Elder Kenneth yelled loudly, and the two cultivators, who were glaring at each other until now, immediately lowered their heads as soon as the Elder spoke, after which they headed to the two ends of the arena, as the Elder yelled out, "Warriors, step back!"

The two contestants arrived at the two ends of the arena in a few seconds. Elder Kenneth looked at the two, and after making sure that they were both in the correct spot, he nodded his head, satisfied, and yelled out, "Contestants! Assume your battle stance!"

As soon as Elder Kenneth finished speaking, a long saber appeared in Russell Davies' hand, and Claude summoned his katana. Elder Kenneth looked at both of the contestants and yelled out, "Start!"


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