

After 8 Months:

Alan was sitting next to his best friends Ethan and William, and Noah and Lucia were also sitting nearby. They were waiting for a lecture by Professor Samuel Oak. He told them in the last lecture that he will give them a Pokedex. His teacher and all the class now know that Alan owns Pokemon, which is all Thanks to Honedge's pranks, he likes to stay in Alan's shadow and he hates pokeball, so Alan allows him to stay in his shadow so that he can control the shadow power very effectively. His Beldum and Honedge are now stronger, and his Beldum's confusion attack is strong enough to lift Alan for about 14 minutes. Although this is not a big improvement, Beldum is now able to lift 2 people at the same time, so Alan is satisfied with it.

Professor Oak came with his Charizard. In the past few months, his class met Charizard several times as the professor told about the fire types and their attacks. Compared with the normal Charizard that Alan had studied, his Charizard was large, so he was more attractive to him. Charizard was holding a box that may contain pokedex which was going to be distributed today.

"Good afternoon class." Professor Oak said.

"Good afternoon, professor." Everyone replied.

"I hope everyone is ready to get gifts today. I brought my invention of Pokedex. It is now complete. Except to the legendary Pokémon, it contains the details of all Pokémon in this world." Professor Oak said. Class knew about the pokedex from Professor Oak and also a chapter in their syllabus but this was first time they were going to see its work infront of them, so everyone was excited.

"Ok, so I will show you how it work then Alan will demonstrate on one of his pokemon or both." Said Professor oak and recalled his Charizard then brought that pokeball below scanner of charizard and after certain reading on the pokedex, final result appeared on screen which was.

Species: Charizard

Type: Fire/Flying

Ability: Blaze

Hidden Ability: Solar Power (Hidden Ability Unlocked)

Egg Moves: Dragon Claw, Flare Blitz

Moves: Scratch, Growl, Ember, Smokescreen, Metal Claw, Flame Charge, Flame Burst, Flamethrower, Overheat, Outrage, Dragon Claw*, Flare Blitz*, Aerial Ace, Wing Attack, Slash, Dragon Breath, Air Slash, Heat Wave, Fly**, Hyper Beam**, Iron Tail**, Earthquake**, Hurricane**.

(All Egg Moves Unlocked)

*- Egg Moves

**- Learned through Technical Machine

Everyone in class were shocked to see how powerful this pokemon was and how vast its moveset was.

"Class, this is how a pokedex work, it also gives you detail about pre-evolution and post-evolution of the pokemon & also when that pokemon may evolve. I want you to see that by yourself when you all get your pokemon." Said Professor Oak, "Now you all come one by one to collect your pokedex and check all features yourself but first Alan you come here and show details of your pokemon." Professor Oak continued and Alan walked to his desk. Professor gave him the red device which had a bulb on the center of it, he opened it and a sound came from it, "Please register yourself in the pokedex." Alan looked at professor Oak and he said, "This device will work as your trainer ID as well, it will show your status in Pokemon School and how many pokemon you have with you, so register yourself by following the process as per Pokedex and also register your both pokemon in it."

Alan opened it again and an instruction poped up which said, 'Please hold pokedex camera infront of your face, this will scan your retina and capture your face.'

Alan followed it and after few minutes another instruction poped up which said 'Please put your finger under pokedex near the charger area, this is to take your blood sample.' Alan followed that as well and felt like a pin poking on his finger but it wasn't painful.

After all the process a voice came from device, 'Welcome Alan Parker, I am your personal Pokedex and also your trainer ID card, you are in first grade of Pokemon School, please update pokemons if you have any.'

Alan took out pokeball of Beldum and put it below scanner of Pokedex, after few minutes of scanning, detail of pokemon appeared on screen.

Species: Beldum

Type: Steel/Psychic

Ability: Clear Body

Hidden Ability: Light Metal (Hidden Ability not unlocked)

Egg Moves: Steel Beam, Psychic

Moves: Take Down, Headbutt, Confusion.

(Egg Moves not unlocked yet)

Post Evolution: Metang.

Status of Evolution: Close to evolving, may evolve in 6 Months.

Alan looked at professor Oak and he said, "Go ahead with your honedge now."

Alan recalled his Honedge and put its pokeball under Scanner as well, after few minutes of Scanning, detail of pokemon was shown on screen,

Species: Honedge

Type: Steel/Ghost

Ability: No Guard

Hidden Ability: None

Egg Moves: Shadow Sneak, Sacred Sword

Moves: Shadow Sneak, Shadow Ball, Tackle, Fury Cutter, Autotomize.

(Egg move Shadow Sneak Unlocked, Scared Sword yet to be unlocked)

Post Evolution: Doublade

Status of Evolution: Not close to evolution, may take upto 2 years to evolve.

Class started clapping after seeing the details of Alan's pokemons, Professor Oak put a hand on Alan's shoulder and said, "You have trained your pokemon nicely, though this dex will update next year and show more details about move and also quality level of your pokemon, but these features are available only from second year of school, you will get to know about many new features as well in later classes."

Then he told Alan to go back and sit on his seat, then he said, "Ok, class now you all will get your Pokedex and follow instruction to update your profile in it. Also dare not to loose it because this device is very costly."

Whole class went one by one to collect their pokedex and whole class was filled with voice of pokedex which was completing process of registering students in it.

Chapter Ends.

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