
Zariel Vs Aldrich II

Aldrich lifted his lips, that was tightly sealed, skimmed his eyes over the young Nephilim, and bounced his gaze back to Zariel. And dashed, ripping through space, his blade hammered against Severance, shattering the earth's surface and spreading out faults of webs along the city as he growled like a feral beast.

Similarly, Zariel met his growl with his own as he dropped Aurelia face first into the earth and whipped his feet towards Aldrich's abdomen but fell short as Elysium's King lifted his knee, blocking the strike with the swift position of his leg.

Blades suddenly danced and hissed like venomous snakes as the men wielded the power of demigods. Whipped over the azure skies. Explosion flashed like stars vanishing into embers as the two bellowed and cleaved.

Zariel was fast and sharp, but Aldrich was steady and even; his blade would always react while Zariel initiated.

Crashing over the ground from over a hundred meters into the skies in an explosion of dings and parries, a frenzy of embers followed the blades as they began to pick up the pace. Blood was spilling as they pushed their bodies past their physical limits, pushing to battle prowess that no mortal body could handle.

"Got you!" Aldrich howled, striking towards the center of Zariels chest. However, with a bloodthirsty look, Zariels knee shot upwards, hitting the sword as he whispered in a hushed tone.


Eyes wide in bewilderment, Aldrich's sword shattered into hundreds of shards of metal that dug through the flesh of the two demigods, drenching their robes a bright red as they stared at each other with overwhelming smiles.

Morningstar suddenly whipped, crackling with the sounds of lightning, but without even flinching, a sword formed by Arcana congealed, parrying Zariels blow, but still pushed Aldrich back a few meters.

"Marvelous! You would have been a fine general! A fine General indeed.' The King of Elysium shouted as the dust settled. "But…" He paused, and intent that should not exist stifled the very laws holding them in place. Time seemed to freeze as the laws of time resonated with Aldrich. His comprehension had been so great he'd not need to use his Arcana but rather his intent to summon them. "You are still a ways from this King."

"I've been to the nines! That was not without its benefits." Said Zariel as the edge of Severance began to bleed a thick black ooze that withered the very ground beneath their feet. He smiled and, for the first time, looked into the Weave.

"Enough!" The Red Priest barked, flashing in the center of these two lords. His violet eyes open, radiating a horrendous amount of Astral Qi. "Do not make me act."

"So the Ilthad thinks he's King." Laughed Aldrich amused to no end. He pointed his timeless sword towards the Red Priest. " Step down, or bare this king's sword."

"Why don't all of you step down?" A cold, distant voice commanded. " Or I'll toss you all into the Nine Hells myself."

Lifting their eyes, both Zariel and Aldrich lost their grins as Zero stepped through space. His silver mask bared with cold chilling intent. Neither wished to cross.

"Zero," Zariel muttered.

"You know this… thing?" Aldrich mentioned but gave no indicator of why he was surprised. Something that shocked even Zero, as this was the first time they'd met.

"To idiots killing each other over what? A girl who none of you wished to hurt? Idiots. This ends now. Or I'll end it." He said, vanishing, leaving only the ruin of the dozen or so streets and buildings all across trinity.

Aldrich lowered his blade, but his guard never dropped as he swept his eyes towards his rival."Till next time… it seems you can't heal. What an interesting weakness." He pointed out, turning his back.

Thoughts unreadable, Zariel didn't bother to say a word as he took towards the skies to pick up Aurelia.

"Eighty-nine broken bones, several internal bleeding around the lungs, heart, and brain. This is about to be a few months of hell." The Silver devil moaned as he laid eyes on Aurelia, who had not moved where he dropped her.

Lifting her with his mind, he quickly made for his room, dropping her onto the bed floor as he sat on his settee as blood began to creep from his eyes and nose.

Zero had not appeared, and Zariel knew the reason. He was curious about what he would do to Aurelia.

In the days that followed, Zariel had rejected anyone who had come demanding questions and only sat watching the young girl. He had not even bothered to mend his injuries through an apothecary but was still like a corpse.

By the fourth day, Aurelia's lashes trembled, and with a moan, she opened her eyes to a young man completely drenched in blood. Memories coming back to her, she paled and shot to her feet.

Her finger suddenly grew clenched as she waited for a lashing, but as she stared at the silvery eyes of Zariel staring back at her. Nothing came.

"I-I-I… I'm not sorry."

Zariel stared.

"I would do it again!" Aurelia soon barked. "I hate you! It's all your fault! All of it!"

Zariel continued to stare, his breath hollow and his eyes serine as the endless waves.

"Why are you such a bully? Why did you bring me into your war? Why are you always—"

"Are you done?" Came his icy voice that sounded so weak. Its sent pangs resonated through Aurelia as she stared. "If you are, get out."

"You're not going to hit me?" Said the young Nephilim, taking a few steps back.

"I've nothing to say to you, Aurelia Morningstar. If you want your freedom, then go. I'm done with you." he said, closing his eyes as the light within his heart went dead, and the soft snores began.

"Dumb-Dumb?" Aurelia called, drawing near as her pale face grew paler.

Zariel's eyes snapped open without focus, and to Aurelia's surprise, she saw a smile appear. " M-Mother?" He called, fainting into oblivion once more.

Arriving near his side in a moment like a silent apparition, Zero gave a faint sigh and turned to the traitorous Nephilim. "Leave. You're no longer welcomed here… Enjoy your life."

Cheeks turning red, she turned to the bloody features of the young man that seemed so weak he would fade out of existence, and then towards the icy mask of another, words gathered, but nothing sounded but the bitter tears ebbing from her cheeks.

"Will he be alright?" She asked, clenching her seizing heart.

"Leave. It's none of your concern. Not anymore." Banishing her out of the building with a snap. He turned to Zariel.

"You better know what you're doing."

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