
chapter seven

The rest of the day was spent wobbling to classes and then retreating to the nurses' office for fresh ice. She had been telling everyone it was just that she had fallen down the stairs, and while that may be true, the small bruise on her but was nowhere as painful as the swollen ankle she was hiding.

Little did she know that a certain pudding head, had noticed her pained expressions when she got up, and the way she clutched to the railing on the stairs like it was saving her life.

The day ended and Aiko was on her way to practice soccer, even though there was no practice due to the rain, she did not care about the pain she was in. she was going to win. If I cant survive a little sprain, then I'm not fit to be the captain! A gentle hand grabbed her shoulder, and she whipped her head around to see Kenma with a skeptical expression on his face.

"O-oh hello Kenma! I was just headed to practice, aren't you headed home? Sports are closed today-"

"Show me your ankle." His voice was just barely louder than a whisper, yet she felt and ominous aura coming from him,

" Why would I do that Kenma?" she faked a chuckle, but the unamused look on his face warned her. He didn't buy it one bit.

"Aiko, you know what I'm talking about. Show me your ankle," She flinched at the growing frustration coming off of him. They locked eyes, and she reluctantly guided him out of the hallway, and into an empty classroom.

"You can't tell anyone else about that!" panic that she wouldn't be able to play was starting to build a knot in her throat, "I have to play Kenma! If I cant play then i won't deserve the title as captain! I w-wont be number one, and we won't win in the tournament! Kenma... please... I have to play," her sudden break down had taken the boy by surprise, the last part was just barely a whisper. But he had heard it. Why does she have to play? I'm missing something...

She slid into a chair and hid her face in her arms to shield the fact that she was crying. Aiko Nekomata the happy go lucky, always happy, princess of Nekoma was crying.

Never in Kenmas life had he been good at comforting. His shocked expression dissolved into a worried one, and he crouched next to her.

" If you don't rest your ankle, it won't get better," her wet eyes peeked out from her shield and straight into his, " Show me your ankle Aiko," it was more gentle this time (white honestly scared her) but she didn't want to try testing him right now. So she hesitantly slipped off her tall socks, Kenma's face dusted with pink at the action, but he quickly was snapped out of his brief thoughts when his eyes met the swollen purple and green ankle. His eyes widened in horror and disgust, however, he was not going to admit the second one to her, he gazed up at her eyes.

It wasn't guilt, but fear that filled her clear blue eyes.

"Kenma, I have to play," Aiko's comment wrung in Kenma's head for a few seconds, while he thought of his next move. It had almost sounded like a plead, her voice was so shaky. He simply nodded at her and helped her but her shoe back on.

He walked her home again today. The air was still and damp, after the morning downfalls. Aiko had taken several deep breaths as if she were regaining control of her emotions again.

Kenma sent a few cautious glances at the girl, her black hair swaying lightly behind her, and her eyes reflecting the gentle light of the sunset, and the way her hands fidgeted at her side.

What are we going to do with you, Aiko...

When they reached the Nekomata household, Aiko said goodbye and rushed upstairs.

"Um... coach, do you know why Aiko wants to win so badly?" the coaches eyes widened at the boy's sudden will to learn, what are you doing to them, my little Aiko?

"Well, you might as well come in, its a bit of a long explanation," Reluctantly the setter entered the household.

[AN: Hey sorry this is short, the next chapter is going to be longer! I sort of binge wrote this at like 1:00 in the morning... oops! well anyway, thank you so very much for the support that you are giving me, it means S O M U C H T O M E !!!

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