

While Zane, Shane and Andrea were taking apart the guns, T-dog and Dale came over informing them about a walker in the well of water. The two of them followed T-dog and Dale to the well while Zane stayed seated not really caring. knowing already they wouldn't let him help, while he sat on the bench, he continued stripping the guns with nothing else better to do finishing pretty quickly since he didn't have to teach anyone as dense as Andrea. He put the guns in the duffel bag carrying them to the R.V for safe keeping.

He decided afterwards he wanted to see Carl, to make sure he was ok. He walked inside the Greene's place of residence making his way to the room where his brother was currently bedridden, stopping at the doorway leaning on the frame of the door for a few minutes looking at his brother his eyes cold. He was replaying the events of the night before, him shooting Otis in the leg. He knew what he did to Otis was wrong and some part of him regretted it, while something in him was glad he'd done it. Every fiber in his being still hated the man for what he did to his brother.

Putting his head in his hand he put his head down letting out a huge sigh, seeing his brother in this state really exhausted him. finally mustering up the courage he walks in the room sitting on the chair beside the bed his brother lay in looking at his brother his brother his emotions running wild, as well as his mind the only other time he had felt like this had been when he went to the hospital seeing his father. He talked to his brother like he would hear him magically rising to talk to him. That's not how the world worked Zane knew it, pushing these thoughts aside for the time being just talking to his brother trying to pull him out the coma to no avail.

After a while he sat on the chair in silence keeping his brother company, as he sat there his mind began to play the events of Otis and Sophia's deaths to him like it was trying to punish him or something like it was laughing at his pain. He had been in the room for a while but he hadn't noticed as he zoned out deep in thought when his mother walked in, he was looking down, so he didn't notice her, she was worried about him to say the least noticing that after he had gotten back from the run to get the supplies to save Carl that he hadn't said more than two words at a time to anyone besides maybe Shane. She looked at her son worry filling her eyes. "Zane, are you ok.?" Zane didn't respond or even look up at his mother, he hadn't even heard a word she said his mind was so loud.

He was trying so hard to break away from the thoughts that attacked his mind, consuming him like a parasite feeding off his every thought weighing on his conscience. He couldn't escape his choices, while he sat her deep in thought, Lori began worrying more deciding she needed to be there for him. Making her way over to him grabbing his shoulder, snapping Zane out of whatever thoughts he was plagued with, he nearly grabbed his knife and stabbed his mother thinking she was a walker in his shock of being grabbed so suddenly stopping himself realizing it was his mother.

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