
Stop Looking, You Perve!

Over at the hospital, completely oblivious to what was happening to her sister, Delilah was enjoying her new year's eve dinner with her two best friends.

"This may be your last new year's eve as a single woman. I can't believe you're spending it in the hospital," Tiffany sighed.

"I know, right? We should be out there partying and flirting with the boys. Think about it, you might never sleep with another man again!" Sam frowned. "I knew we should have picked up those two boys at the pool party yesterday. Perhaps, all this wouldn't have happened."

Delilah laughed. "There's nothing we can do now," she said as she thought about the two blond-haired men that were looking at her by the pool the previous day. They did, indeed, seem very interested, and they weren't bad-looking at all. In fact, they looked very muscly and strong.

If she had just walked over to say 'hi', who knew how the night could have panned out. Would she have gone back to the hotel with one man? Or two?

Delilah fanned herself a little. Just the thought made her body heat up a little.

Unlike Maya, Delilah was a lot more...'adventurous'...when it came to sexual relationships. Back in Hong Kong, she was often seen around the clubbing district of Lan Kwai Fong, hooking up with strangers and getting up to all sorts of 'mischief'. Who knew she would be so 'tame' here in Las Vegas. She, at least, expected to be in bed with the ugly Lucas Lee by now. Instead, she had just finished eating dinner in her hospital bed.

All of a sudden, Delilah looked at her two best friends and bit her lip seductively as a thought crossed her mind, "Since we can't go anywhere...and there's no one to hook up with...maybe, the three of us can..."

Tiffany glanced at her best friend and immediately understood what she was suggesting. With a mischievous grin, she sat down beside Delilah and looked at Sam. "Come on, Sam, haven't you ever been curious...?" she asked as she curled a finger, gesturing for the man to join them.

She then stared softly into Delilah's eyes and said, "I've never done it in a hospital before."

However, Sam grabbed a packet of unopened chips and threw it straight at the two women. "Stop joking around, you know I'm not interested!" he yelled. He then turned around and started walking out of the room, "I'm going to the toilet. The two of you can finish yourselves off!"

As soon as he stepped out, the two women looked at each other and burst into laughter. They were just messing around. Why was Sam so sensitive?

Tiffany quickly ran over to the door and yelled down the corridor, "There's a private toilet in the room. You don't have to leave the room to go to the toilet!"

But Sam ignored her and continued walking away. Shaking her head in amusement, Tiffany returned to Delilah's side and opened the chips that Sam had thrown at them. "Did we go too far?" she asked.

Delilah grabbed a chip and chuckled, "No, he's just really not into women at all."

Meanwhile, Sam rushed down the corridor and found his way to the men's toilet. As he walked inside, there was another man already standing at the urinal, but he bypassed the urinals and hurried straight into one of the cubicles. As he sat down, he tried to slow down his breathing as he looked down at his crotch with disappointment. "I almost exposed myself," he whispered.


Back in the alleyway, Noah whispered under his breath as he glared at Lucas, "Lucas Lee, it's about time you expose yourself."

As he said this, he grabbed a piece of broken wood that had been disposed beside the dumpster and stepped out. But just as he did, he noticed Lucas step away from the woman and there was a slight smile on her face.

With a confused look in his eyes, he quickly hid back behind the dumpster. [What's happening?]

"Trespassing?!" Maya smirked with interest. "You want me to trespass with you?"

A moment ago, Lucas had pointed out that the metal bars behind her was actually a ladder that led to some fire escape stairs, and he had asked her to climb it with him.

Lucas smiled mischievously and explained, "Those stairs lead to the rooftop of this building. Up there, we can get a private view of the city that no one knows about. Are you brave enough to go up there with me?"

Maya turned around and looked at the ladder with hesitation. It went up one floor before it met with the stairs, but the stairs appeared to go up another 6 floors, at least!

She then glanced down at her shoes. She was wearing a pair of darned stilettos that Delilah loved to wear. How was she supposed to climb to the top wearing this? She could barely even walk in them.

Lucas looked at the woman and smirked, "Have you made a decision yet? If you want me to marry you, you will have to show some sincerity. Or...are you too precious and afraid?"

Maya saw the smugness on the man's face. Precious? Afraid? If she wasn't wearing these stilettos, she would be flying up the stairs like she was walking on solid ground.

She hated it when men underestimated her.

Looking around carefully to make sure there was no glass on the floor, she quickly took off her shoes and stared straight into the man's eyes with determination, "Not at all. You better keep up...precious..."

She then threw the stilettos aside and started climbing up the ladder with ease.

Below her, the man chuckled with amusement and started climbing as well, but as he looked up at the woman, he couldn't help but make a comment, "I must say, it's quite a nice view from down here..."

Maya looked down with curiosity and quickly realized what the man was referring to. From his angle — he was looking directly up her dress!

She quickly stopped to pull down her dress as the man caught up to her. Glaring at his face as he got closer, she stuck out one foot and rubbed it straight in his face. With a cheeky laugh, she said, "That's what you get! Stop looking, you perve!"

As she was laughing, the man brushed her foot aside, narrowed his eyes, and quickly climbed up the ladder with a smirk. However, he did not stop until his feet were one rung below hers.


...in this position...

...he was no longer below her...

Lucas was now standing directly behind her.

Maya felt the man's firm chest against her back and watched as his muscly arms reached out beside her and grabbed the sides of the ladder. The cold night wind stopped blowing against her skin, instead, she could feel the man's breath against the back of her neck. As the man's body heat enveloped her, she felt her breathing stop.

She pulled herself closer to the ladder nervously and screamed, "What are you doing?"

With a chuckle, the man leaned forward and whispered beside her ear, "Didn't you tell me to stop looking? I can't see anything from this angle..."

Can you guess what will happen next?

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Yunyi xx

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