
Chapter 147 The amazing Brienne

A/N: Hey guys,

Here's today's second chapter.

Thanks for your support.

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Although Lord Tarth loved his daughter a lot and held her dearly to his heart, the girl would still get looked down on by others which made him frustrated that he even offered her to the other lords' sons in every meeting. That made the little Brienne more frustrated that she hated her shape till she turned twelve. At that time, the news about the new knight, Corenna Swann, reached Tarth. With all the hype that Edward created to promote Corenna, every female saw her as an idol and a far-fetched goal that they could only look up to but not ever reach, except one young lady.

After hearing about Corenna and how she entered the court and got appointed by Edward, himself as one of The Princess Theresa's Princessguard, Brienne started asking her father to gather as much new information about the female knight as he could. After her father told her everything he knew and the things his friends knew as well, Brienne's eyes turned into stars. She put a goal at that moment in front of her and worked hard for it.

She wanted to surpass the first female knight in Westeros and be the first knight that entered Edward's Kingsguard. Although she held a sword before since it was the only thing that consoled her after she got rejected, she only swang the sword without as a form of consolation. After that day, Brienne trained every day since then seriously and did not even bother to meet any new fiance her father brought to meet her. For two years, she did not know anything except her sword and her food. Sometimes, she did not bother to return to her family keep and would stay at the training field, where she would sleep on the ground before training again in the morning.

When she was fourteen and with the help of her large body's frame and the hard work in the past two years, Brienne participated in her first tourney in the capitol, Storm's Eye. Although she did not win, her results surprised everyone, except the king, who kept an eye on her since she came to this world. Edward would not miss such a gem and let her waste her efforts on the unworthy. Edward did not contact the girl for this long because he wanted Brienne to develop her passion by herself. Part of Brienne's power, which made her that strong, was her passion for knighthood. Without it, the girl would lose a lot and would not turn into the badass one that Edward always admired during the series.

After that tourney, Edward made a decision that surprised everyone in the kingdom, especially after knowing Edward's personality true enough. Although Edward was rush and cruel in the past, his personality had experienced many changes after the rebellion. Edward turned into the wise and collected king that everyone respected after ruling for few years. Although Edward was still cruel when it came to corruption and criminals, The lords did not fear him as they did before. They started admiring him more and more instead, especially since Edward did not break his promise he made long ago to the houses in Stormsland and treated every house living in his realm as a branch family of the Baratheon's. The houses' wealth continued to grow, especially after Edward took over most of the free cities in Essos and allowed them to trade freely in The Cities without making them pay taxes.

The decision that Edward made that shook everyone was appointing Brienne of fucking Tarth as his squire. Although Corenna was the best example that females could become splendid knights, there weren't many. Plus, even with how much amazing Corenna was, Edward only sent her to be a squire of his friend, Clinn. Yeah, Edward as the king took a few squires and wards in the past, but they were not many. If you removed his sons from the group, the others could get counted on one hand.

That was why Edward choosing Brienne to be his squire raised many voices, especially since many lords wanted their sons to become Edward's squires. The most surprised man in all this situation was none other than Selwyn Tarth, Brienne Tarth. He did not expect such a thing to happen. Although he went along with Brienne's wishes and allowed her to follow her dream by holding the sword, he did not expect her to be successful that the king would take her as his squire himself. As he thought that with how many females entered the armies and only one managing to become a knight, his daughter did not have much of a chance.

The females enrolled in the armies were many which could get counted in hundreds if not thousands, but only one became a knight, after all, that time so everyone could understand the surprise of Lord Tarth and the others when Brienne got chosen by the king. That meant that Edward saw her potential and believed that she could surpass Lady Corenna. Although Lady Corenna could not enter Edward's Kingsguard, she was among the best of the best if she could become the Princessguard commander of Princess Theresa.

Edward's move meant that Brienne would have the ability to enter the Kingsguard, making her one of the most powerful in the whole kingdom. Not only that but being the squire of the king would raise her status among all the noble houses. House Tarth would benefit from this as well since Edward promised to reward Each House that could raise up a suitable Kingsguard with many benefits as rewards for the houses of his Kingsguard. The reason for that was that Edward had thought that those men might die protecting him and not the land. Those men had to be rewarded by him and not the taxes that he took from the Smallfolks. And since Edward was generous and had a lot of gold that he earned throwout the years and the treasures he obtained from the free cities, Edward's reward was usually high.

The second most surprised one after hearing Edward's decision was none other than the kingdom's first female knight, Corenna Swann. Although Alesanna was close to Edward and an excellent sword dancer, she did not get the chance to get promoted to a knight. Edward had sent her to Daenerys when she was just sixteen years old.

As for Corenna, who got all the attention back then, she started to see Brienne as her rival. Corenna's dream was to enter Edward's Kingsguard and become the first to do so, but her plans got interrupted by the appearance of Brienne. That was why the two's relationship did not progress at all. In fact, they did not get along.


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