
Chapter 66: Stannis's sharpness and Edward's viciousness

A/N: Hey guys,

Here's today's second chapter.

Thanks to everyone who supported me.

You could read up to 15 more advanced chapters on my pàtreon.


For the next mass release, if we reach 65 pàtreons, I will upload 8 more chapters.



"I don't really know what to say, my prince. No one could say anything about Lord Baratheon's talent. Everyone could already see how he changed Storm's End and Stormsland by now but what I feer the most is what he hides." Sighed Barristan as he gave up on judging Edward anymore. He did not know if Edward was bliss or a calamity.

"He is unique, your highness. But I won't be able to give an honest opinion since he would marry my sister. You are the one who gets to decide after all, so see if he fits your criteria." Said Arthur with his calm tone. He would not middle in this matter. He did not like Edward at all, but he wanted his sister to live happily.

Rhaegar could only nod his head after hearing the others' opinions. He suspected Edward, but it seemed that his suspicion was without necessary.

While Rhaegar was thinking that, Jon, who was standing behind the other two, was fuming with anger. He had exaggerated the situation earlier and assumed that these two would be on his side, but it seemed that he thought wrong.

Although the other two did not hide their suspicions, they still sang praises of Edward. Jon felt betrayed at the moment and thought that he had to take action himself. He assumed that he was the only one who knew Edward's hidden intention and the truth behind it and that he was the only one who could take precautions against the man.

While all that was happening, Edward was in his tent. Cassana and Ashara were accompanying him there. Cassana came to see how he was doing while Ashara just came back from the Dayne's tent.

Stannis came after he heard about the death of Ronald Connington. He knew that was his brother's doing and that his brother did that on purpose. Stannis did not care much as he was also annoyed by house Connington.

Due to Edward's interference and the rumors that he had spread that made House Connington the house that used The Crown to take lands from the other lords, All the lords of Stormsland saw them with some hatred. If House Connington did that to House Morrigen, They could do the same to other houses. As the result of this hatred, House Connington got isolated from the rest of the lords of Stormsland. Even the other three Houses that would stand against the rebellion did the same. The Connington's began losing gold dragons, their political power as The marriages with the other Houses got postponed as a result.

"Edward, you did it on purpose, did not you?" Asked his mother. She was feeling a headache right at the moment. She was sure that her son was the one behind the accident.

"Mother, I knew you are against such acts, but please don't interfere in this matter. I am the lord of Stormsland. You could not disagree with every decision that I made. I am doing this for our family. If you disagree, just turn the other way around." Said Edward with some annoyance. He had to let his mother knew that he had a bottom line. Yeah, she was afraid, but he was doing this for himself and his children after him.

Cassana got surprised a little by what Edward had said, but it was indeed true. Although she did not undermine Edward's authority, she already had heard his plans earlier and should know his stand by now.

Cassana could only sigh and decided to let Edward do whatever he wanted. She knew whatever she said would not change Edward's mind after seeing his firm stand. Cassana could not also persuade Stannis as he supported his brother's decision. She could only prepare herself if anything wrong happened and send Renly to Essos. She had to let the Baratheons' bloodline continue.

The poor woman did not know that her son, Renly, would not help continue the family but put an end to it, instead.

"Is there any point of doing this now, Edward? We are not going to attack the Conningtons any time soon, so why the rush?" Asked the smart Stannis. He did not see any benefits of killing Ser Ronald at the moment.

"I did it for three reasons, Stannis. First, I wanted to see House Connington's attitude and reaction. If they changed their attitude or knew how to hide their anger, it would be challenging for us to do anything to them. But after what that cunt, Jon, did, we can now isolate Griffen's Roost even further." Said Edward getting a nod from Stannis. It would be really a problem if Jon hid his anger and tried to get close to Edward's side instead of hating him. At that point, Edward would not have a reason to do anything further.

"The second is to gauge Rhaegar's attitude. I wanted to see if he would help House Connington if I took action before executing our plan. And if I could, I wanted to take them apart so that we could finish House Connington once and for all. It seemed that their friendship is still strong." Said Edward as he explained further, getting a confused look from Ashara. Edward still did not tell Ashara about any of his plans. He loved her, but she was Dornish and a friend of Elia Martell, who would marry Rhaegar.

Edward had been working non-stop to change her little by little. He wanted to increase her loyalty to Stormsland and only to Stormsland. He wanted her to be cruel, even to the Daynes.

Edward did not explain anything to Ashara and continued explaining to Stannis.

"The third is my plans to kill all the possible heirs to House Connington from the younger generations. Ser Ronald is just the start. His sons and cousins are next." Said Edward to everyone with a cruel smile on his face.

Cassana was shocked and started speaking at once.

"But they are just children. Are you going to kill a child?" Asked Cassana as she did not expect Edward to be this cruel.

"And I kill the yet unborn children in their mother's wombs if it meant that I protected my family by doing that." Said Edward with a determined voice. He scared Cassana and Ashara a little by his words but got a nod from Stannis.

Although Stannis thought it was not honorable to do so, he still agreed. If killing those children meant that the rest of Stormsland's children would be safe, he would do such a thing.


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