
Chapter 58: Storm's End's Tourney's details

A/N: Hey guys,

Here's today's second chapter. I am now editing the chapters from the first chapter and I hope I could finish editing them all today.

Try reading them and checking if they were alright. I used their suggestions and thought of you all as my editors.

Thanks to everyone who supported me.

You could read up to 15 more advanced chapters on my pàtreon.


For the mass release, if we reach 50 pàtreons, I will upload 5 more chapters.



Although everyone was surprised, they still nodded their head. They were already angry at House Connington, and if their Lord thought that this was the best way, then they would do it.

"Let's end this matter here. We would have a lot of time to teach House Connington a lesson in the future." Said Edward as he did not want to think about House Connington. It was not suitable to talk about dead people. Yeah, That was it. Edward thought since he would exterminate that House, it would be a waste of time to think about them, then.

"I gathered all of you here today for two reasons. I wanted to introduce you all to the famous Ashara Dayne. The sister of Lord Arnold Dayne, the first of her name. She is going to be my wife. I intend to perform the wedding ceremonies in two months." Said Edward as he pointed his hand towards Ashara, who was sitting beside his mother.

Since Cassana knew that Edward would marry Ashara, she did not let the poor maidan leave her sight. Ashara was her hope. Ashara would give her grandchildren. Edward did not want to break her heart by telling her that she already had a granddaughter in the Eyrie. Robert's bastard daughter, Mia Stone, should have been born a little later after the death of Steffon.

"Congratulations, my lord." Said everyone in the same tone. Did not that mean that they were going to have another heir to Storm's End soon?

"Isn't that great news, Edward? Did not you say you prefer to go to the brothel than marrying?" Said Heldon, as he tried to joke with Edward, but he got himself a death stare from both Edward and Cassana.

'What is the fuck, uncle? Did not you find another time to joke about this? I am trying to make the woman fall in love with me, and you just blow up everything away in an instant.' Thought Edward to himself as he felt Ashara's gaze towards him. Edward refused to look in her direction. He wished he could stand and give his uncle a few punches in the face.

Not to mention Cassana, Even Stannis and the rest of the lords wanted to cut Heldon's tongue. Stannis was finally relieved that his brother would marry as he saw his two brothers' whoring as a dishonor. The same for Cassana, who wanted to have a grandchild and had been nagging Edward since ever.

Edward could only sigh and turn his eyes towards Ashara, trying to reassure her. It was as if he was telling her.

"I will confess everything when we are alone."

Ashara was still glaring at him while pouting. She did not hear about this side of Edward. She should have heard about something like that as it should be known, should not it?

Ashara could only agree as they were still in an important meeting. She did not want to make the mood heavier than it was already.

Cassana could only sigh while holding Ashara's hand. She swore that she was going to teach his brother a lesson. She was finally relieved that her son could keep his tongue from saying unruly words. It seemed that she had to teach that to her brother.

Heldon could only scratch his head. He sensed that he had fucked up. He did not know that he would be beaten multiple times by everyone in this room when the meeting was over.

"Ahm, The second thing that I wanted to talk about is a tourney. I intend to hold a tourney here in Storm's End. I wanted it to be the biggest in the history of Westeros. I would hold this tourney to honor our father's memory." Said Edward while looking at Stannis and Cassana at the end of his speech. This matter considered the two of them, after all.

Cassana was emotional at the mention of her dead husband, but still, she nodded her head.

Stannis also nodded his head. He had also suggested such a thing to Edward after Steffon's death. Edward had told him that he intended to make it big so he would need many gold dragons. So they had to wait till all the projects started to earn them gold dragons.

His men and his father's advisors also nodded their heads. Edward had formed a consultatory council. This council had all the experienced men that helped his father, plus a few of his men. This council had many duties and held some power. Edward had done something like that to gather every help he could get.

"When do you intend to hold it, my lord?" Asked maester Jones. Edward did not implement his education plan to get rid of the citadel influence yet. Plus, he trusted maester Jones who was with his father since young.

"Two months from now. I want to hold our wedding ceremonies after the tournament. The tournament would continue for ten days." Said Edward as he was explaining the specifics for the tournaments.

"I want you to supervise the building of the coliseum, Edmond. It should be half-finished as I already ordered for it to build. I want it finished in two months. Would you be able to do that?" Asked Edward as he looked at his Steward, Edmond Buckler.

"I will, my lord." Said Edmond as he looked proud as ever.

"Stannis send a letter to every lord in Stormsland. Tell them that they had to send to come. They have to show the rest of the kingdoms our power. Also, do not forget to send a letter to House Connington. It is time to teach them some lesson." Said Edward as he looked at Stannis. He thought that he could use this tournament as a way to humiliate House Connington.

"What about the prizes, my lord?" Asked Emery Wylde, one of his father's men.

"Yeah, I was thinking about that, but I wanted to hear everyone's ideas." Said Edward as he looked at everyone.

Everyone started to express their opinion. Stannis and Edmond suggested a big prize of gold dragons while others suggested a valuable set of equipment to the winner.

After listening to everyone's suggestion, Edward raised his hand to make them stop talking for a bit.


Since I don't have money to hire a professional editor, please help me by pointing to my mistakes.

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