
Dealing with the Lich part 1

It didn't take them long to reach the end of the cave corridor, where a vast room existed. A lone throne existed in the otherwise empty place except for some stone humanoid statues at the side.

There wasn't somebody sitting on the throne; instead, there was a weird jar. Around the jar was weird writing that even Shingi didn't know how to read, but he recognized it. This was a specially written language used by Liches and other highly intelligent undead.

This strange jar was the Lich's phylactery, where its soul would reside in case its undead body would get destroyed. It was something that Liches kept well-hidden as if it got destroyed, they wouldn't have any way to return after death.

The phylactery shouldn't be out in the open like that, and there were no signs of the Lich or any other undead.

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