
Thursday 5th Of September

The next day, Jade stared down at her bed, removing her gaze she then gets ready and leaves the house, she locked the door and took a deep breath before she put on her smile. She walked to the station swiping through her music, she stood at the station with her headphones in and she spoke out loud to herself. "This can relate to me any day." She stares at the song that's playing without taking any notice to her surroundings. "What can?" Her feet jump off the ground leaving her speechless. "...Nothing, what do you want!" He chuckles at her then gives a warm smiles, "Ow, that was just a bit rude... now about yesterday what you saw..." She stops him. "Go away, now!" He shouts, "Listen." She tries to walk away but he grabs her, hurting her wrist a little. "I said listen, I didn't want to get rough... I just don't like repeating myself! What you saw yesterday I want you to forget it." He laughs and smiles, but his eyes are sharp. "Got it?" He tightens his grip. "Ouch, Ouch! Ok, ok... I got it! Now let go of me." He let's go still smiling. "Never talk... Nor touch me ever again, I want nothing to do with you!" He gives her a cheeky wink, "Look, your weak, I'm strong... you're bound to need me." She glares at his smiling face, "I want..." He shouts over her. "Train!" She rolls her eyes as they both get on the train together, Jordan stares at her and then turns his head away, "It's going to be a rainy day today." She looks at him then huffs as she turns elsewhere, She silently whispers. "Why does he have to smile all the time." He stares at her, hearing a noise he disconnects to the doors opening, "are you getting off?" He laughs and they get off, she runs off ahead of him then walks into class.

Jade looks at the board then her eyes gaze out of the window, Katie gets up pushing Jade's desk. "Ops, Sorry. I guess my eyes wander around too." She laughs and walks away to the front of the class, Jade looks down at her page and draws at the back of her book.

Break began and Jade stayed in the classroom staring outside the window, "I wish it would stop raining, I hate being cooped up with others." she walks out of class to get to her next class and the rain gets heavier and it's nearly time to be in her next lesson so she walks past the hall that everyone's in, she stands there for a second looking at everyone laughing and playing about. "...That was me once." She sighs and turns her head, in shock she slowly tries to back away suddenly Jade trips, Katie removes her lips from Jordan. "It's like you've never seen a kiss before." Jade stares up at Katie, Jordan removes the lipstick and walks into the hall, Katie laughs. "Do-face." Jade gets up from the ground and brushes herself off, "What have I ever done to you?" Katie walks up to her, "Nothing... Nothing at all, actually... You know what I don't think you could handle the truth." Katie pushes her shoulder and waves maliciously, "Goodbye." She disappears into the hall, Jade bites her lip then walks to her class, she leans up slowly dragging her clothes along the wall to sit on the ground outside her class, she fiddles with her fingers. "I hate this place, how did this even happen?" She stares at her feet and her eyes start to water, "Gosh, I can't seem any weaker than I already am." She wipes her face secretly.

The bell rings and the teacher lets the students in, Jade walks to her desk when Katie grabs her arm. "You're getting in my way dork!" Jade removes her arm from her grip. "look, you hurt me before I hurt you! you have an unexplainable issue with me so let's resolve it right now! Get it off your chest." Katie laughs, "what gives you the right to talk to me like that." she sticks her finger in Jade's face, "is it because your mum's rich? go sit in your seat!" Jade walks away, she goes to the teacher's desk and she asked to be excused. Mrs. Tuck excuses her and she walks out and Katie smiles as she walks out of the classroom, Jade takes large deep breaths. "I won't kill her, I won't. I have to calm down." She walks through the hallway and checks the clock, "oh my god, I practically missed the whole of the lesson, I better get back." Jade turns a corner then automatically stops, "We can't do that... why?... it's against school rules, someone might come... talk to me at home please!" Jade stares confused and slowly walks to the girl, "Erm... who exactly are you talking to?" The girl freezes, she panics. "I'm not crazy! I swear... promise you won't tell anyone, please promise." Jade nods, "I have nobody to tell anyway, so who was you talking to, yourself?" She shakes her head "well, not technically when I was younger I was attached to my imaginary friend, and he's always followed me around... I'm Rilie, you're the only person I've ever told so... I'm trusting you, plus I will deny all accusations put on me." Jade looks at her... "Well.. you can trust me, oh and I'm Jade, But I really have to go." She runs to class and opens the door. "was there a point in coming back Jade?" Jade looks down... "Erm... Sorry Mrs. Tuck, I... Erh..." Mrs. Tuck looks at her. "sit down you're wasting my time!" Katie smiles and she walks to her seat with Mrs. Tucks eyes staring at her while she sits down.

the lunch bell rings and Mrs. Tuck keeps Jade in for half her lunchtime. "Coming in my class late big mistake, always doing something." Jade stares at her desk. "Leave my class." Jade gets up and walks around skipping lunch, wondering around and stops by a window, watching the cars speed by, the people rushing and strolling by.

Rilie sits on her own in the back of the drama room, her class shouting and screaming, interacting with the class. A girl smiles and sits next to her, "Why aren't you joining in?" Rilie looks at her, "You must be new, I'm Rilie, this class... well, they aren't very nice." The girl leans back on the wall, "Oh, I'm Taylor." Rilie nods, and the awkwardness fills the silence.

It's the end of school day, and Jade walks out of class, Katie grabs Jordan's arm forcefully, Rilie comes speeding down the hall. "Jade!" Katie drags his arm heading towards Jade, "Oh look, Jade you found a new freak friend." Jade looks at Jordan, "Why don't you keep your girlfriend here, on a leash." Jordan smirks and whispers into Katie's ear. "I need to go Katie, I'm late for a fight... Wait up Preston!" Katie frowns, "You're supposed to defend me!" He waves at her and Rilie grabs Jade and runs, "Earlier you said you would keep my secret right?" Jade nods. "I need your number... Sam wouldn't go, I spoke to him and one of Katie's friends heard an-" Jade interrupts, "Yeah, sure. Follow me to my detention." They talk all the way to Jade's detention, Rilie hugs her. "I'm glad I made a new friend!" Rilie skips away and her Short light blue hair swings side to side fluently, her hair matching her eyes, She's also small with a different colour tie... burgundy, pale skin. Jade smiles then walks into her 1 hour detention. After detention she spots Jordan and Preston outside, he was getting ready for a fight. "I will let you have one hit." Preston looks at him, "You sure about that Jordan?" Jordan grinning evilly, "Of course" Jade walks closer. "You sure that's a good idea?" Preston looks at her, "Don't interrupt." Jade walks away, "Fine, get yourself arrested." The boy punches Jordan in the guts catching him off guard, Jordan turns his head back staring down at his belly. "Wow, that hurt." The boy smiles and Jordan laughs then beats him up with his full strength, they fight for 4 minutes until Jordan wins, he smiles. "now, that was a fun fight." Preston grabs him by the head and head locks him, "Question for you Bud." Jordan laughs and removes his head from his lock, "Yes?" Preston looks at him, "are you still falling for Jada?" He grins, "It's Jade and yeah, I fancy her." Preston hits him, "Katie has the whole package, its Katie's enemy for god sake. She's pretty, popular and mean. Everything you need in a girl, and I don't know what 'Jade' has, nothing as far as I can see." Jordan laughs, "I think you should date Katie." Preston's laugh twists into a stirring cough, then he starts choking. "oh, no, no, no. damn man, that's your girl and I don't need to be held down by any girl." He pushes him away smiles and waves, "Bye asswipe!" Jordan laughs and salutes, Preston raises his voice. "Come early, we have stuff to do" He walks away in his direction.

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