
Why Can't You Both Are Together

We both are looking at each other.. he's waiting for me to asked something to him.. I don't know what to said.. I mean he finally said that he love me.. so what I want.. now..

I also like him.. I mean I almost jealous when he make out with Scarlett.. I also don't like when he did.. but he did.. why he did..

Because he know that I kiss Eric.. he got jealous and he kissed someone else.. and that someone that I really hate her.. how could he do this to me.

What in future someone come to me talk to me.. that time he also do it again.. no it's not good. Because of him I can't just leave my friends..

When I know I have lot's of guy friends.. he will get jealous so I can't just stop him.. he have to understand me.. he can't just show he's attitude and kiss anyone..

" say something baby.." he said again.. I take deep breath. And I know what I have to tell him..

" I can't Max.." I tell him.. and he just shock what I just said..

" what you mean you can't.. I know you also same feel about me.. what I feel about you.. don't play with me now.. " he said getting little bit mad..

" you are right.." I said to him.. and see he's eyes come hope..

" I like you.. no I mean I also started to fall for you.. but still I don't want to be with you.. " I said to him..

" but why.. tell me princess.. don't play with me please.." he said to me..

" I am not playing any game Max.. whatever I said it's all true.. I don't want to be with you.. why.. you want to know.." I said to him.. he look at me.. and nodded..

" because of you.. because of your attitude.. your ego.. you hurt me.. not one time but multiple Times.. you always do what you want to do.. you never think about me.. what I feel.. what I think after that.. but know you do what you want to do.. you know how to hurt me.. but you didn't know how to understand me.. " I said to him..

" you make out with her.. why.. because you know that I kissed Eric.. I saw how you insult me.. when I talk with other people.. you never saw that how you hurt me.. you never understood me.. when Dan come to me kissed me.. you started to saying me bad words.. last time when I lost.. and by chance Eric take me in he's house.. that time you never think about me.. why I left that time.. because of you.. some time you talk to me like you care. And after that you talk like I am your enemy.. you hate me.. you insult me.. calling me name's.. like that you did last time.. when I left club.. you didn't even saw that I was fine or not.. you don't even once come to me to find.. but next day you know that I sleep with some guy.. you know this very well.. what I said about it.. what I think about it.." I yelled at him.. I really don't want to said to him.. but if I don't tell him.. he never understand that how feel I am.. how he making me feel that hurt and broken..

" how can I trust you.. that you can never do this in future.. you are jealous when I talk with guys.. how can I trust you in future if I can talk with someone you can't just go to Scarlett and make out with him.. I don't trust you Max.. " I tell him..

We both are silent. We both are standing to front of each other.. but didn't said to each other.. I  broke the silent..

" when this morning when I am with you.. I spent time with you last night.. I thought.. I thought you will change.. I see new Max.. that I never know him.. I thought that there is hope.. and this morning.. I confom that.. I don't like you.. I love you.. I love you so damn much.. but when I see you with her.. you just broke me again.. every time I said to myself that you will change.. you will never do this but you again do thinga that make me hurt and broke me and my all hope and sometimes I do question myself and fight with myself that why I am keep hoping and thinking that there will be hope and you will change when time come.. but I don't think that now I can think about this more.. it's better that you just leave me alone.. lot's of stuff are happening in this time.. I don't want distraction.. I don't want to hurt again.. Max.. please.. please just leave me alone.. I don't want anything from you.. I don't want to hurt more.." I said to him.. literally begged him..

" I can't Ava.. I love you for god sake. " he said to me..

" if you love me..than you never hurt me.." I said to him.. and tears can stop in my eyes.. he punched in the wall so hard.. and than open the door.. and leave.. I just fall doing in ground.. and cry..

I cry out loud.. sobbing.. he's gone.. I tell him to leave me alone.. he never come back.. why can't he stop.. why can't he tell me that he want another chance to change by himself.. why can't he begged me to said that he will do anything for me.. why..

Did he lie that he loves me.. he think that I am mistake for him..

" fuck.. what I just did.." I said.. grabbing my hair frustratingly.. and cried..

I don't want to be here.. I don't want to be alone now.. I have to get out from here..

I stand up on my foot.. and change some normal clothes.. removing my all make-up.. get my bike's Kay's.. and helmet.. and leave my dorm..

I don't knowledge where I am going.. but I know that whenever I will go.. I know I will be safe.. whatever happened I don't want be here alone now..

I reached parking lot.. and site on bike.. and start the engine.. and started to riding.. I don't know where I am going.. but I can't go to Keith place.. what if she is sleeping.. I don't want to be worry about me..

Eric place..

I can't go there.. I mean they all are mad at me.. and I am not in state to talk with them right now.. where can I will go..

I Don't know what I am thinking.. I park my car opposite to Eric place.. in ground.. I know there is the ground.. but it's all empty.. there is no one here's that I can talk with.. I don't know why I am come here.. I sitting in bike.. and thinking about all this.. I don't know how much time I site there..

" who's there.. " someone said.. I didn't look back or see who's he..

" come tomorrow.. and leave the ground now.." he yelled at me..

" I will gone.. when I feel.. now go and sleep.." I yelled back showing him middle finger..

" hay you know whom you are talking to.." he said.. and come close walking in my direction..

" I don't care who the hell are you.. just fuck off man.. " I said to him.. didn't even remove my helmet..

He come to me and remove my helmet.. " who the hell.... rose.. " Eric said. Coming standing front of him and said..

" yeah it's me.." I tell him.. looking at ground..

" what are you doing here in this time.." he asked me..

" what you think what I am doing here.." I snap him..

" come on in.. its cold here.. you got fever.." he said to me.. why he's nice to me now..

" why you nice to me now.. last time I check.. you all are hate me right.." I said to him..

" we are not hate you.. we just hurt that you lied us.." he said to me..

" I didn't lied to you oky.. so stop telling me that I lied.." I snap him again..

" fine.. now come on in.. " he said to me grab my arm I pull my arm and stop again..

" wait what.. you don't want to know why they called me Ava.. and you believe me. After everything happened.." I said to him..

" yess.. I believe in you.." he said to me..

" how.. I mean why you believe in me.." I tell him..

" because no one know.. but I know that Ava only see me and call me always brother.. if you are Ava than you never kiss me.. " he explained me..

" than why can't you just tell all that your friends.. " I yelled at him..

" can you please come in.. I will give all answers in you questions.." he said to me frustrating voice.. I nodded.. and than we both are walked to he's mansion.. I follow him silently.. we didn't talk much..

We enter he's mansion.. and than I feel that I didn't eat anything.. how can I said him that.. if I am now in Max place.. I already told him that I want to eat.. but how can I talk with Eric..

" are you hungry.." Eric said to me.. turning and looking at me.. I face him. And nodded.. he also nodded and he walk don't know where.. I follow him..

" what you want to eat.." he said to me..

" surprise me.." I tell him.. and he nodded..

" how about sandwich.." he said.. and I nodded.. I don't mind.. I am hungry.. and I will eat whatever he will give me to eat..

" now you can Asked me whatever you want to Asked.." he said to me..

" about earlier.. when we all reached home.. I told them.. everything what I feel.. what I saw in you.. and they literally guilty about it.. they want to apologize.. they also called you but your number is straight to the voicemail.. so I told them.. that they you will come than we all talk about this.." he explained me all this.. making sandwich for me.. and I again nodded..

" anything else Rose.." he said to me.. I look at him.. and didn't said to him..

" here we go.. tell me how's it.." he said.. and passed me plate of sandwich.. it'd look like yummy..

I take one bite.. and eat it.. and whatever I think.. yeahh.. it is yummy.. I literally moan.. when I eat...

"i get it.. it's yummy.." he said.. and laugh.. I also smille and eat all sandwich..

" so tell me what are you doing here.. all in this dress.. and what happened to you.. are you cried.." he said to me.. when he said.. I thinking about all.. what just happened between me and Max..

It's really happened.. me and Max.. we really both are part away.. it's real that he can leave me alone.. now we can't just together anymore..

I don't know what happened now.. I tell him.. that I love him.. but but.. I think this is it.. he never come.. and we never will be together again..

" hay.. are you listening.." he said to me waving he's hand in front of me.. I broke all my thoughts.. and looking at him..

" nothing it's just.. I... I can sleep.. so I just riding around to this city.." I tell him.. I don't know what comes to me.. I said this to him..

" why can't you sleep.." he asked me again..

" I also don't know.. why can't I sleep.. I just can't sleep.." I tell him..

" how you know Max.. " I asked him changing the subject.. he surprise when I ask him about Max..

" in passed we both are happen to be best friend's.. we both are childhood friend's.." he said to me.. thinking about something..

" what happened than.. why can't you both are together.." I tell him.. I really want to know.. why can both are part way.. this question keep eating me..

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