
Punching Bag


The Wednesday was gone very fast.. I go for gym my as always time.. I did my workout and left. I didn't saw that time Max and he's brother is here or not. I mean I shock when I know that tattoo boy is Max. I mean I never saw tattoo in his body. Maybe

Maybe I didn't saw him properly. Or maybe I am not interested in saw him like that. Because there is nothing going to happen between us. So..

Never mind..

After that I did my tennis practice like I always do. Jade and me both did practice together.. and we got one more New friend. He's name is somethin Jake.

He's nice guy or I don't know. Little arrogant.. but still nice. We just play together and nothing did together. I don't like him much.. like I know jade. She said. ' if we didn't give him chance to know how will know what type of guy he is' so I just play and talk with her. Because jade wanted.

After that I left for dance practice.. we already complete our dance. We want just little do better. And we did. The song was 4 or 5 minutes.. but than some girl our team edited that song. Did little short and fast. but same as before nothing Chang..  it's little did work. And than we did our dance little fast. And change position like fast. And did our good job in that. And we ready to preform that. But we have two more day left. So we practice for cheering..

I like that.. what steps janna tell me to do us. And we all are enjoying that. I also enjoy but I didn't like to cheering Max team. But I also do no matter what I have to do it.

After that we as usual do our lunch. And talk.. this time Danni and he's friend Nick both are come and join us.. our lunch table going to be big.. but we enjoy our time. And than had fun in lunch time.

After that we also had P.T. did with all juniors raced and play other more sports.. it's fun.. we all having fun. Most of me.. and I like here. I had friend's.. I mean normal friends. Who's carefree and good. They don't in any trouble or any much involved shit like I am in.. so I am happy for that..

After Wednesday past fast.. Thursday come. And did same routine.. there is nothing change..

I thought Ray come.. with some plan or some news. But he didn't. I waited him but he didn't. Maybe they are thinking how to do. How to meet me.. I know they will come with good plan.. I miss him. I also can't talk to him. Text him or call him. So I ended up in James.. I called him. And talk with him to ignore all thought. And any information about Justin.. he didn't tell much. He also don't know when Justin coming here. So after that talk normal things.

I ended the call and than left for my practice and do my practice. Chit chat with jade. And some of our team members. And also that arrogant Jake. This time it's little bit.. oky. I mean he try to be nice with us. So I thought why not. And jade was right. We have to give chance..

After that I did my dance practice.. and it's good. I like it.. when we already finished our practice.. we started to know each other. All girl's seems nice.. and cute.. After that.. we dance show each other our talent what we have special about.. and like that we passed our time.

After that we had our lunch.. this time in cafeteria.. we saw Scarlett and there bitchy friends finally show up.. and bullying some girl. I wanted to go and stop them. I too much mad that time.. janna and amma stop me to don't to.. we have tomorrow performance we can't involved with her any arguments.. so I control myself..

We also know what to do after our performance.. how to deal with her. And I know much better idea what to do with her..

We ignore them.. and did our lunch.. but that bitch come and also take with janna. And arguments with are about dance.. and our tomorrow performance.. janna talk with them nicely.. but they are bitch.. they want fight.. so amma give up and than say bad things to them. I know that they want it.. to say something and they did something.. After that I am worry for amma. She said she's fine nothing going to happen. I hope that.. trust her. Because tomorrow our important day. And I don't want any bad thing happened..

After that I attain P.T. and I am nervous for tomorrow.. to much stress.. whenever that happened I can't think strength.. I always feel little scared what if we didn't impress them.. what if I did anything wrong.. Because first entry has mine.. so I little bit nervous.. or tans.. I want to be all perfect and good.

But that all thought can't get out in my mind. So I go gym this time didn't sleep.. I can't sleep properly when I have important day tomorrow..

So I thought going gym and did some stress out maybe that could be work.. when I enter there.. there are people who working out.. and I wanted to be alone.. so I thought if Nicole is here. So he can help me for that.. my luck he's here. Train some guy..

I walk there where he trained that guy. And approach him..

" hyy Nicole.." I call him nervously.. bit hesitate..

" hyy ava.. how's you" he turned around looking at me.. and whatever he trained that guy also stop...  Nicole so that.. so he told him to do continue.. and he come toward me..

" I am good.. hope you also.. listen.. I need your help" I said to him.. I hope he will help me..

" anything " he said and smile.

" I wanted to workout here..." I said to him.. " alone.. " I said and he rise he's one eyebrow.. and looking at me to continue..

" ummm can you help for this.. you said last time when we meet.. and told me that you can do it.. so please.." I said to him nicely.. Because I Don't have anything to do with him so why I'll be rude with him..

Also he apologized about what he did when we first meet. Now let's see what he do now..

" uh-huh.." he said. And walk passed me.. and go center in gym and walk there.

" listen guys.. I want empty this hall in 10minutes.. we need little bit cleaning here. So hope you understand.. so please co-operate  with me.. all have only 10minutes" he announced to all.. wow.. he's really helping.. that is good..

He walk toward.. and stand front of me with smile..

" anything else my lady.." he said with British tone..

" for now this was is enough for me.. " I said to him with giggling..

" by the way that was good.. and thank you Nicole.. thanks a lot" I said to him..

" what rubbish  Don't say that.. why we friend's for.. " he said to me..

" we are friends right" he again question me.. are we?

He helped you.. and stop act like dick.. he's nice guy. So yes.. my inner voice said to me..

" yes we are friend's.." I said to him.. also saw it that all are guys packing there things.. and half of already left this sports..

" good. Now I am also going.. enjoy your time.." he said to me.. I nodded. And than he also left.. lock he's main office and get keys and left..

After 10minutes this spot is to slient.. means all are gone.. good.

I did my workout little.. like I always do.. Because today I am only going to punch that punching bag.. that is the plan for today..

Grab fighting gloves.. and enter the ring.. and started my routine.. punching the poor patching bag..

I also use my lag.. I have to burst out my all frustration.. also I have to do little my fighting skills better.. anytime I needed it.. when I know anytime Justin come.. and surprise me.. so I can't risk that..

Also I know he trained some girl. His now toy. Who's fighting like me.. I have trained and go little bit faster than that. I didn't know still who's she.. how she look like. How's she fight like. But I hundred percent sure that he trained her hard. And so did I have to be do my best..

So much happened this week.. last week I am here for my practice.. and than after that lost of happened..

I won face of.. my encounter with denial.. oohh I forger that Max know me who I am.. and angi and Danni complication.. janna and denials relationship..

Ohh my.. how can I forgot that my and Max kissed.. and hugging part. Somehow I know this part very special for me. When I already know that it's not good.

Next denials real plan to come here. And Justin's come back.. with red.. that was epic..

Janna told her  past relationship with Sam.. Who's he dead boyfriend I kill him.. but he is not dead. He's alive.. and that was shocking news.. they explain me.. how they plan for this..

In the end.. one think I know that denial maybe try to hide my identity.. but Max.. I am 100% sure. He's not relive me.. and try to save me.. Because technically I didn't killed Sam so yeahh..

About my feelings for him.. what can I do about this.. I mean I can't stop think about that kiss.. and that feeling when he with me.. I feel that.. it's strange feeling I didn't feel before.. it's new.. I did see spark there.. but I also don't know did he feel like this..

I Don't know but I have to stop this.. maybe it's attraction.. that will be gone.. I know.. but it's not.. than what I will do.. I don't wanted to be heart broken..

I have to make distance with him.. that was nothing going to be us.. stop thinking that.. don't go there way..

I keep telling myself. And punch punching bag.. After that I started to hate myself to can't control my feelings.. I speed up.. and punch punching bag.. punch after punch.. I have to think about something else..

I have tomorrow performance.. I have to think about this.. our dance is done.. practice also done.. everything is going good.  Everything will be fine.. I know they will love it our performance.. I know..

After that I have to cheer max team.. ohh no.. I Don't wanted to.. I don't wanted to face him.. cheer for him..

Don't think about him.. He's play he's game.. you have to cheering him nothing else.. there is nothing going between us.. plus I have friend's

. I know they will assure that I didn't get time alone with them. I don't want that..

I hope tomorrow will be all fine..

Thinking that I stop punching. Hug  punching bag. Kiss the bag.. that's enough for today.. I feel so weak.. tried .. but stress free.. get out from ring. I removed gloves.. and reach my bad.. to left gym..

Thanks for Nicole.. if he didn't help me than I didn't this stress out.. and still nervous about all things..

After ready to left gym.. I see that my water bottle on empty desk.. I mean I didn't use bottle who is possible..

I walk there.. and grab it.. and there is another note with this..

I remember last when I talk with Max and Sam than I forget to get my water bottle.. but if this is here. Means someone could saw me and didn't want to interrupt me so this note.. this Maybe Sam..

The water bottle is not empty.. when I drink it.. same energy drink that I always drink.. not bad.. I am impressed Sam.

I unfold the note and read it..

Didn't wanted to interrupt so why not this..

I know again hurting yourself.. not good.. I hate to seeing you like this..

This is for you water bottle same energy drink what you prefer to drink.. hope you like it.. and best of luck for tomorrow..

I really wanted to see you performance.. hope you and other girl's did well..



I read the note.. there is nice but when I see that.. that person first wrote Sam name than he rubb it and wrote M..

And I know who is he..

M for Max..

But still confused.. is he wrote it or.. it's just Sam wanted to play game with me...

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