

The Red Bolt Emperor, a middle-aged man with a fierce face and dark-red spiky hair, changed his surroundings, turning them into a domain full of his red bolt: a combination of Lightning and Disassembling Dao.

Ji Lanfang found himself in a strange space. An unknown force constantly tried dismantling him into his fundamental parts — atoms. His soul resisted the urge to return to the natural energy between Heaven and Earth.

He swung his sword to cut off the void, but that force dismantled his speed into countless slower slashes, thus achieving the feat of decreasing his speed.


A bolt of red lightning rushed toward Ji Lanfang, and he countered it with a fast sword slash. However, he missed since he was not fast enough, and his body had to move independently to evade. This technique divided his speed, which could be considered one of his counters.

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