
Chapter; 125, Are you scared of me Moomal?

But Baba…" Saurath wanted to try again but before she could say more than that Moomal spoke up.

"Ahmed likes someone…"

Moomal's words fell like thunder on her Aunt and grandfather, as their faces were full of astonishment.

Why? Because it was the first time they were hearing something like that about Ahmed.

"Who?" Instead of asking any detail or showing her shock at this revelation, surprisingly after some shock, Saurath begum looked happy and excited after hearing this big news and just wanted to know who is this girl whom his son likes.

"It's someone he met many years ago," Moomal told them with a beautiful smile on her lips, but her eyes were showing little sadness.

"tell us more about her? Is she a good girl? Why did Ahmed never mention anything about her to us before if he liked someone this much?"

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