

What?" Serena blurted out as she tried to process what Jane said.


Then, Serena watched as Jane got closer to her and took the perfume away from her hands. She could not help but be bewildered at the situation.


With the perfume in his hands, Jane then walked up next to Hugh and squatted down to him. Hugh ignored her and kept on enjoying his time by himself.




Jane let out the perfume once again. The recipient of the perfume was once again Hugh.


"Raise your left leg and try to perfume a handstand," Jane said as soon as Hugh was touched by the perfume.


At first, Serena was wondering what got into Jane. She did not think that Hugh would follow Jane's instruction so easily if he was normal.


Contrary to Serena's expectation, Hugh followed Jane's words to the tee. Hugh indeed raised his left leg and performed a handstand.


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