
[Bonus chapter] All That

"Here is your sparkling water," said Tang Hebe as she gave Raelle the water. And then she gave a cup of coffee to Xiang Weimin saying, "Justin told me that you like black coffee. So, here it is."

Xiang Weimin smiled at her, "Thank you!" 

"Justin is a clever little boy," commented Raelle. "You even found out all the likes and dislikes of my brother? Aren't you very smart, eh?"

"I'm smart," said Justin.


"You said that," reminded Justin.

Tang Hebe suppressed her smile while Xiang Weimin gave his son a proud look. Justin did have a way to talk to Raelle and it was very unexpected too.

"Now I know what 'getting slapped with your own words' feels like," said Raelle. "Thanks for the new experience, little man!"

"You are welcome!"

"Oh, you are getting cheeky!"

Justin grinned at her without any restraint showing his tiny-tiny teeth.

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