
Chapter 121 About the bullets

So I talked to Eri about what the hell to do with these left over quirk erasing bullets. After a lot of thinking, I eventually decided it would be best for Izuku to take them.

Now, hear me out.

In the future, he will face more villains that I would have no clue about. I mean, it's not like the world becomes peaceful all of a sudden because the manga didn't release a new chapter by the time I died and reincarnated in this world. The timeline would continue to progress, and new villains will appear that I would have no clue about.

I mean, the latest chapter of the manga of My Hero Academia I read before I died was the part just after All for One in Tomura's body escaped with a ton of Nomu's to free is real body. I wouldn't have any clue what will happen from that moment on.

And Izuku, being the protagonist, will be at the centre of these events. So, giving him a trump card will do good. Especially since it's still uncertain that these villains will even have a Divine Augment. I mean, not every little villain out there had one, only those that played a memorable part in the original series.

Anyway! I peg the case of bullets at his head before running away like a shy anime girl.

It's done. I left a note inside that explains what those bullets are, I'll probably never see those bullets again.


(Izuku POV)

(Timeskip a few months…)

What should I do… I'm in a big pinch…

Our class has been assigned to the Hero Work Recommendation Project to help with our training. But in the middle of it all, we get attacked by villains.

Well, of course, we do. We're heroes, and if we're here then that must mean there's trouble. Most of the time, it's villains.

There's this really troublesome guy though. He calls himself Nine. He's strong, for sure, but the thing is, he has multiple quirks. No doubt it's All for One. I suspect he has a hand in this. Perhaps this guy even has the All for One quirk itself.

How though? I was sure Arata destroyed any way for the All for One quirk to make a comeback. Unless there is a sample that wormed its way through his security?

No, now is not the time. I'm currently on the ground, Kacchan is right next to me on the ground as well. We're heavily wounded and nearly unconscious. Well, I'm better off than him, but you get the idea.

Using the last of his strength, Kacchan reaches forward and grabs his legs. We can't let him go after all.

I would have done the same, but instead, I take out a case from a pocked in my hero costume, stealthily take out a certain red bullet, and mimic Kacchan's movements to make it seem like I'm just grabbing his legs…

*Tiny stabbing sound*

Just kidding! Get fucked!

I jabbed the needle of the bullet into the villain and now he can't use his quirks anymore. Ha, what a poor bastard. He raises his hands in an attempt to use his quirk to blast us away, but nothing comes out. His eyes widen in surprise.

My dude, you just got shit on.

I'd say this is a job well done.

Thinking that Arata might be rubbing off on me more than I thought, I slip into unconsciousness as I notice my other classmates arrive.

Get rekt.

(A/N: This is from the Heroes Rising movie for those who don't know. As an aside, I never watched this movie.)


(Timeskipn't back a few months)


Yeah, he should be fine…

Jarvis- "Sir, Project Tekmaryo is completed."

Arata- "Excellent, let's begin!"

Project Tekmaryo. You might remember it as a giant technological dragon True, that's the main part. But I didn't make it for fun, I had plans.

Ok, maybe I did want to fuck around a bit. And maybe I only recently came up with this idea. But I digress!

Project Tekmaryo is a plan I've had in the works for about a month now. Basically, I made a program, or rather, an AI that uses any surveillance system available, like street cameras, phones, even satellites, mainly my Stark satellites, to find out where anyone needs help.

This can be from natural disasters to villain attacks. Anything really, as long as someone needs help, it's certain that you will catch the attention of the AI as long as you have a piece of technology on you and you're within range of any internet or data service.

If you're in the middle of the woods, I'm sorry to say this, but you're fucked. Well, unless you get lucky with a passing overhead satellite.

Anyway! Once this AI sees that you need help, a distress signal will be sent to a nearby hero through either the Stark Hero issue phones or the soon to be publicly released neuro linkers. But, if it's a big threat like an extremely strong villain on the level of All for One or All Might, then, you guessed it, you can expect a giant robot dragon on your doorstep within a few minutes.

And that's if you're on the edges of the country. If you're near Tekmaryo's launch point, you might end up getting knocked the fuck out within a few dozen seconds.

I mean, it DOES look kinda menacing… Anyway, this is a Plan B in case something big happens when I'm not in this world anymore. Furthermore, it's being supervised by Jarvis to make sure it doesn't go Ultron on me.

I mean, if it takes over Tekmaryo, something I made to go head to head with even All Might, shit will start to go down. So I made lots of emergency shutdown buttons all over the place. The most important being that if it calls itself Ultron, Skynet, or anything on those lines, it will get a link to the Boku no Pico theme song, causing it to self destruct.

The best failsafe. Huhuhu…


A/N: Next couple of chapters I'm looking to finish this off, gonna be a massive timeskip so beware.

MC: NO! It's gonna be some post apocalyptic shit! Stop hi- *Muffle muffle*

AN: N-no, of course not! Just read the next- *Whispering* Stop striggling...


AN: *Whispering* Sleep....

MC: *Fucking dies*

Let me know if I missed something!

Also consider dropping some power stones!

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