
Chapter 16 - Dog-Fight = The Beef Is Real And Humble Time

"RALPH?!" A passionate Link shouted aloud which surprised Bianca who was more focused on the person on the phone instead of her brother. Her eyes gone wide in shock where she watched her brother twisted as he walked towards her. A faint sense of fear welled up in her heart where Joe came up to hold back his brother yet it didn't prove effective when he had started dragging his younger brother!

"What are you doing?!" Screaming at the young teenager who merely growled audibly as his response. He would've gotten more ground if Richard hadn't come over to hold him back with some difficult! 'Why he strong outside of games?!' A shocked youth thought where he felt the thrash Link who was in arms that it was taking some effort to hold him back without hurting him.

On the phone which had been switched from it's normal audio setting to speaker where an all-to-familar voice shouted aloud. "LINK?!" Bianca looked down at the similar aggression coming from her man whom spoke out towards his rival. "You bitch! Stay away from my Girl, Zelda least you wanna get curb-stomped!" As the cuss-word was heard, the eldest out of the group was stunned by her boyfriend's language. 'What?! He was always so nice and respectful to eve-' Trying to regain her thoughts only to have her brother shout despite Joe and Richard's attempt to restrain or rather; his mouth.

"Fuck you! Touch Bianca or you die, you boar-mouth shit-head!" Responding earnestly to defend his sister (Despite being an idiot about everything) yet it only yielded a chuckle from his rival who shouted back. "IF I FIND YOU ON ROAD! IT'S ON SIGHT, ZELDA!" Screaming out over the phone where the noises of a car accelerating and tires screech could heard however Link didn't care about this where he said. "BET MONEY - YOU JERSERY-PAMERED BOAR-BITCHBOY! I'LL CRATE YOUR FACE!" Slipping out of the grasp of his two boys who were stunned by Link's somehow, super-human strength and agility before he whipped out the unlocked front-door and ran. Richard giving chase as best as he could with Joe in tow where Bianca heard the sounds of the stairway door opening from a distance with their footsteps.

"R-R-Ralph?! What are you doing?! That's My B-" Trying to speak sense into her boyfriend's head yet the teenager over the phone wasn't having it. "Nah! I'm gonna body that bitch once-and-for-all!" Screaming where the girl had a face riddled with anger before she tried to speak only to find that the call was done... He hung up. '... Did that... Fucking... Boy... Hang... Up... On... Me?' A quiet rage came over where she got up and went to her room.

Throwing on a jacket and some boots where she didn't run after her brother but this young lady had an idea of what she was gonna do to a pair of nearly-identical morons.

[On the ground-level]

Link exploded out of the stairways-door; sprinting past the and push the front-door open where surprised the security guard on duty who looked up from his phone to see what was going on as the freshly-braided teen ran out of the building.

'That is... Weird.' Thinking to himself before his attention returned to his phone once more before the adult went to take a swig of his coffee.


*Bang!* Tilting it alittle bit too much where a worried and fast moving Richard ran past and exited out of the building but the guard wasn't worried bout that. "Shit!" Speaking out where his hands went to some tissue to whip away at the hot drink that overpoured on the lower-part of his face which visibly annoyed him where he inspected the area.

"Damn it. What are those kids doing." Putting his attention to whip away at his table where he was much more concern with whipping away the desk to prevent any stains or the like. Getting out of his chair where he was forced to go on his hands and knees to take care of the floor itself where his head went underneath the desk to go more of the slip.

*Bang!* The sound of the door opening made the guard snap up only for the back of his head to smash upward into his desk made him shout. "SHIT!" Cupping with his hands where a panting Joe looked over to the desk and saw a grown-man in a security uniform on the ground holding his head. Forcing himself to speak up however it didn't work out as well where he squeezed out. "S-S-So-Sorry. *Exhale*" Pushing off and turning his attention to outside whilst his eyes widened. Richard was busy outside trying to contain two enraged dark-skin teenagers who were throw fists as best as they could around the much wider and taller boy who trying to defuse the situation.

"Oh Crap!" Hurrying along as he threw open the front-door and his eyes were pelted with the sounds of fists hitting flesh and profanity. "STOP USING INK AS SHIT, YOU PUSSY!" "SAME THING TO YOU, BITCH-MADE!" "SAY THAT AGAIN WEAK-ASS COWARD!" "GOTCHU, PUSSY! YOU A BITCH-MADE CUNT!" "YOU'RE FUCKIN' DEAD!"

Pushing forward where Richard stumbling and lose his balance as Link and Ralph managed to get hands on each-other with the youth looking over to a stunned Joe that he said. "JOE, HELP ME OUT FOR GOD'S SAKE!" Shouting out where his actions weren't as effective as beforehand. "Yo, Calm down Guys!" Running over that Joe was barely able to pull-off Link who tried to throw himself at Ralph who was fully contained by Richard.

"Just relax!/Guys, It's not that serious!" The two's attempts to verbal calm the two feel on deaf ears where their eyes were glued at one-n-another where their eyes held the very fires of hell itself! Joe's grip was loosen that Link almost broke out but he and Ralph stopped when one figure appeared.


A blank face girl came over - Ralph spoke. "Don't worry, I'm gonna knock out this cree-" Turning his head over to his girlfriend but he was silenced when a small, womanly hand came over to his head. Clenched where it slammed into his jaw and stunned him - Surprised from the blow but also from the blood that was beginning to coming from a cut within his mouth that drip out. His shock had overridden his sense of pain at the moment.

"HA! I knew my sister wouldn't like some two-faced sonva b-" Taunting Link who was released by Joe at the whole situation founded an open-palm swat his face where his head shifted over only to look at Bianca who held an angry face.


"We'll talk about this."


Within the brothers' home; Richard face was tightly clamp up in focus. His lips shut as he was on his best behavior.



He was watching as both Link and Ralph had been grilled til the were burnt. He swore that the two actually went from dark-brown to purple with how much angry, fury and insults that the Bianca was tossing at them!

'How was she so creative with her words and so mean at the same-time?' Thinking to himself as the two were both seated beside each-other with their heads down. As a result of this - Richard was able to taking in Ralph's outfit. A striped salmon-orange polo-shirt that allowed for a golden necklace to hang out, bleached jeans with patches of stark white finished off by some basketball sneakers where Richard couldn't identify the brand.

"Stupid Brat." Ralph mumbled under his breath that made Link perked up at the insult and groan out. "Aaaaaaaah?!" Twisting head in annoyance with Ralph doing the same where the two butt-heads once more with veins forming on their faces.

"SHUT UP!" A wooden-spoon came down on their heads shutting down these types of reactions from the two where she had even greater veins bulging from her own brow at these two. The wooden-spoon in hand was held as Bianca crossed her arms. "Now. Link... Ralph... Is... My... Boyfriend... Ralph.... Link is my little brother... So Please... Get along."

Demanding from the two who look at her... then turned her eyes to each-other.


"Break up with this bitch./Disown this lizard-faced fuck-wit." Speaking at once whilst the two's tempers flared only to be shut down by Bianca who was even angry where she shouted at the two several more times to truly hammer home the message into these two's minds that the sound of wood striking skin made both Richard and Joe flinch and turn their faces in sympathy.

"Link... Me and Ralph are just gonna hang out... If I find you following us... I'm gonna kick your ass. Got It~?" A sing-song tone making Link snap his head rapidly up and down in fear of receiving wooden-spoon once more which made Ralph smile where Bianca proceeded to say. "Hell, you smiling for? You on punishment, dummie."

Dead-panning where Bianca gestured for Ralph to follow as the two went their way. Before leaving however Link and Ralph stared at each-other with figurative laser-beams fired from their very eyeballs only for the older of the two to have his ear yanked by his girlfriend as she dragged him out of her home with the door closing behind them.



"Your sister... is scary." Richard stated the fact in his mind as Joe "hm" in agreement as he nodded his head where the two looked at the exiting couple only to look over at Link who was more displeased by everything.

"Uggggggghhhhhh? ... You okay, buddy?" Richard asked towards his friend who silently nodded before leaning back into his seat. Pondering everything before he said. "...He's gonna hold that crown over me for a loooooong time." Stating as his face shifted into one that an old, angry-grumbling man who had to deal with some annoying young couple as neighbors. Standing up to pat his boys' back where Joe who had been quiet simply said.

"... That was funny."


"Pft." Spit burst from Richards', Links' & Joes' lips as the trio broke into a fit of laughter because of the situation which had just happened. "Dayum! Y'all throw paws like you two cats!" Richard exclaimed where his hand came down on his knee - slapping a couple times with Joe falling over his chair in laughter as well.

The mad-dog of the group merely chuckled yet it grew it laughter after dealing with all of this. "Yep! AahahahahahhhhhAaaaaaa!" Standing up to lean on Richard as the mood had brighten severely.

"Alright, Let's ignore Sis and... 'Ralph' so the boys' can chill! What y'all say?" Shouting with the younger boys pumped their hands upward in excitement and proceeding onward.


"S-S-Stop it, Yo!" Some-time later, Link and Joe were grabbing some snacks where Joe was annoyingly picking out plenty of sweets which started with the Letter 'M' whilst Richard whispered aloud. "You like sweets with M? Monny-Boy." Teasing him as the three had found themselves in an convivence story as they were planning to head-over to a mall or something along those lines.

"I'm joking, Link. I'm joking." Raising a hands as Link who had been flustered turned to the Big-Man where Joe blankly looked and said. "... I'm not... Touch me and I'll knock you out." Turning around to pay for his chips as a pissed-off Link reached yet stopped when Joe warned him. Nodding at the threat where Link grabbed his own snacks and came over to his brother which he replied. "Nice one. I respect that energy." Patting the chubby teen on his back as Richard had gotten a 4-set of different types of protein bars instead of Link's chocolate bars or Joes' chips.

Heading over to the front-counter to pay up where they openly decided to pay for their own things. Link jokingly said. "Y'all broke boys?" Yet his insult was shut down when Joe twisted a look over to his brother and replied. "Boy... You have a dollar in your savings... which is a piggy-bank." The exposure made Richard giggle like a fool where Link nodded at his younger brother with squinted-eyes.

After paying and heading out of the store - Link wrapped his brother in a headlock to punish him whilst he ripped his bros' chips out of hand to attempt to snack yet it was prevented when Richard bonked the teenager to help out Joe. "Man... You're a bully." Grunting in approval as the teen puffed his chest out as the other two blankly looked at him...then each-other... Turning back with a stone-cold deadpan appearing where Link felt droplets of sweat form on his brow.

"C-Come On. To... Chill Out!" Unwrapping his snack and pointing it forward like it was sword in some kind of fantasy where the two grumbled insults at Link who was embarrassed by it. "Stupid Video-Game Wannabe/Jerk Bully Brother." Those made the oldest teenager at the moment turn to them only to shout out. "Shut It!"

Heading on their way as the three traveled through their hometown. Joe didn't find many things to interesting aside from some console/controller repair stores along with a franchise game provider in an intersection where he made sure he'd remember. Link found some interesting spots - A variety of Mon n' Pop shops from pizza to subs that he liked along with an fashion/clothing store which held a brand or he liked from their display window.

Lastly; Richard noticed a sportswear store alongside a Footlocker which was attached to it. He liked that but he didn't have too much money to spend on new things so he'd leave it along for now.

Noticing one thing where the squad arrived at the Mall-itself. "Yo, This shit just... big... like... for no reason." Looking upwards at the grand and tall entrance for a gigantic mall which had a huge sign known as 'Apple Town' that Link spoke out. Joe dumbly nodded in argument with the Big-Man who had been wide-eyed had whistle at the sight.


"We gonna go or not?" Stepping forward was Richard that the brothers' followed after the boy where they head up the steps to the entrance and went through the grand-doors.

The Apple Town Mall... did not disappointment with the hustling, bustling crowds. Numerous stores number in what could only be assume is the hundreds. Lastly - Hundreds of signs were all-over; neon or T.V.'s showing messages.

"Ya know... Brother, we have never been here." Joe spoke out that Link replied. "... Yep..." He was busy looking around where Richard's eyes wandered as well in wonder and surprise. "Yooooo~." Vocalizing his joy only to bob his head with a smile on his head.

Following this - The three simply wandered around. Checking out store after store where Richard didn't find anything too appeal unlike Link and Joe yet all of these boys simply enjoyed the experience.


"Dang. You ain't found anything?" A concerned Link spoke up - A bag from a clothing-store in hand whilst he had been nursing a soda cup where he took swig from a straw. Richard's hands were in his pockets where the youth was thinking about what he'd be able to get with his limited amount of money.

"Not everyone spends their money on random crap, Link." Beside Link happened to be Joe who was sipping away at a cup which held Ice-Tea instead of soda. In his own hands was a bag from a video-game store where the chubby boy was able to get a deal with quick-wit and smart usage of words.

"Joe. You hustled a girl who sells video games. You don't get too talk." Speaking out that Link looked at his little brother.


Joe merely shrugged whilst their attention was drawn to elsewhere.

"HELLO - TRY OUR INFAMOUS 1-ON-1 CHALLENGE! FACE OFF AGAINST A FAMOUS HOOPER FOR THE CHANCE TO CUSTOM APPERAL & SNEAKERS PROVIDED BY US! COME ON ALL OR COME ON, ONE!" A voice from a megaphone rumbled aloud where a lady was gesturing to some kind of in-door hoop area.



Link and Joe looked up at Richard who gained a devilish smirk. "... Lucky...Me." The two looked back at each-other where they followed after the Big-Man. Following afterwards; a crowd of people came over and surrounded a half-court.

Beautiful hardwood & an quality in-door hoop with a proper net - not chain-links. Smiling to himself as Richard looked over to see a game going on - A man who wasn't dressed in proper basketball gear founded himself crossed over by a much, smaller and wiry man. The crowd resounded with shouts of ah as the baller scored after bursting forward for a lay-up.

"That crossover was pretty crisp." Joe muttered under his breath where Link merely whistled. "Would've caught me if that guy has a counter." Suddenly speaking which Richard spoke out. "Yeah but his balance was shooty when off the first-step, shame." The three looked at each-other only to chuckle under their breath; they've experienced quality basketball but their rivals. That guy over there... wasn't quality in comparison. Just above average with some street-flair.

Walking over to the organizer where he said. "Hello, Miss?" A petite, Asian girl looked up in surprise at the frame of Richard who looked down. "Y-Y-Yes, Sir?" The boys nearly broke into a laugh behind Richard who simply replied. "Could I participate?" The question lead feel at ease as she gain a 'customer-service' smile. "Oh Yes. Please just sign a wavier and you'll receive your participation number." Nodding where she directed him towards a table for sign-ups.

Both Link and Joe head over to the side where they both knew what Richard would do if this guy wasn't up to par... 'Kill' Him.

Standing in a small line of 5 people aside of himself where the youth held a small piece of paper with the number '6' written on it. Some of the other participants were really athletes as a majority of them were overweight and such whilst 2 actually seemed athletic however using his ability; (Living Film Study) reveal that they had astounding awful skills with odd personality badges which didn't improve anything.

Following this; the large boy watched as the older/slightly-older people ahead of them went one after the other only to get beat down.

The baller seemed to have decent 1v1 skills but his playmaking was awful... Which didn't matter in 1v1s'. When it was his turn; he walked up casually and relaxed. Approaching the man infront of him as he said. "Hello, I hope to hav-" But his act of respect and kindness was shut down when a cocky voice rumbled out of his mouth which said. "Just shut up your mouth and play, Dawg. Gonna put your ass on my Youtube Mixtape for some views; wasting my time with the bull-crap."


A bigger smile appeared on Richard's face followed by him saying. "Alright. Let's check ball." Motioning his hands to receive the ball where baller bounced to the boy who bounced the ball back.


"Can't believe you got into a fuckin' argument with my little brother, Ralphy." Bianca who held pair of bags in one-hand whilst she was sipping on a mixed-fruit smooth. Her frown was present as she glanced at her boyfriend who seemed to be displeased as soon as the teen was mentioned.

"Bi - Your bro and I have had beef since we first met 9 years ago since we were little ass kids. I'm not letting him walk-over and bitch me; even if he is your bro." To her side as Ralph was looking to the side to avoid her gaze where he held even more bags in one-hand where his other hand was free if it was rubbing a golden-pendant. His face was straight but his insides were killing when he felt his girl look at him in a certain way.

"I don't care. You guys act too similar. You guys go to the same high-school. You play for the basketball team; you two also play the same position. Heck; you have the same favorite player. Qwhi, right?" Riddling off various points as the girl spoke her opinion on their similarities which Ralph was dead silent but he did speak up with a look of pure shock.

"Bianca... You don't disrespect the Goat, Kawhi Leonard." Look dead at her girlfriend who was openly surprised by the fact that she got his favorite player's name wrong but simply ignore everything else.

"Just! ... Try and be the bigger man, alright? I know you treat him like a friend but you're far too mean to him." Speaking up to defend her little brother; Bianca looked dead into her boyfriends' eyes who stopped walk as she stopped walking as well.

"Why do I got to try? I am the bigger man and a 'bigger' man - Plus, I have a girlfriend." Sneering as Bianca heard the teasing comments to jab at little brother where she got into his face and whispered so soft that only he could.

"Uh-Huh. You a big man? Hm? You 'Big?' Ralph; I love you... But don't give me a reason to make you 'Small.'" She threatened as Ralph's eyes went wide where her eyes narrowed intensely with a face that a pissed-off black mother would be proud of her demeanor.

A full-body shiver came up from Ralph whose cheeks were flush and smile to whisper back. "I like it when you have your fire." Snapping her head back as she huffed aloud with Ralph attempting to calm her down but failing when he was laughing and chuckling.

"Hm? What's that?" The two turned their attention to a sign that was ahead in the mall which took up a considerable amount of space. "Free apparel and sneakers? Yo, Babe. I'm gon-" Attempting to speak where the girl sighed so loud that some others turned their heads where Ralph looked surprised at his girlfriend's actions.

"... Fine. You can go. Jeez, Boys and their games. Alwa-" Trying to complain only for a large kiss to fall on her lips when Ralph pulled her close to himself as the two embraced for a moment. Pulling back where Bianca had a faint blush. "Sly, dirty boy." Whispering as Ralph laughed before pocketing his pendant to hold her hand.


Coming over; the two noticed that the crowd was even louder for a couple moments compared to before. Even though the two were havin' their fun with Ralph teasing Bianca... It's only been around 5 minutes but it was bustling with people recording, mummers and numerous comments being told aloud.

"What's going on?" Speaking out as Bianca looked around where Ralph held his girl only to smile as he said. "Basketball, Baby." Hugging her where they made their way to look at the court.

Their eyes widen.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGH!" In the air and gliding; the tongue-wagging and large frame of Richard was in the air with a much, smaller player attempting to stop yet his arm was cocked behind his head with his legs flick outward that he brought down a hammering slam-dunk.


As the two came down with Richard landing gently for his size in contrast to his opponent who was sent stumbling about to prevent himself from being on his butt from failed-contest. Snatching the ball and handing it to his opponent; Richard entered into his defensive stance as a long and tired sigh came out of the Baller.

"Yo, That guy is nasty. You just saw that Poster?!" "Dude - that guy has been lockdown. No shots allowed, bro!" "He's kinda cute, isn't he?" "Bitch~, You got a boyfriend." "He don't have to know, hehehe~."

The couple heard numerous mummers from the crowd with Ralph's smirk perking up. 'So; he's locking down someone? Ink got good, good.' Whilst Bianca was astounding by that particular comment from a ditzy girl who was drawn to Richard's appearance. 'It's always the idiots who make real girls look bad.'

But those thoughts were ceased when the next-play begun. The baller bounced the ground before attempting to drive only to be stopped by a swift Richard sliding his feet and cutting off the route who tried to counter with a cross-over that was poked making him reset as he was forced to the top of the key but Richard's pressure was pushing him backwards.

*Squeak* Finding a way; he droved past Richard who loosely jogged behind the man whose feet planted and pulled up for an uncontested pull-up three... Only for a shadow to come overhead where the basketball was smashed towards the hoop that banged right off the backboard; Richard recovered the ball at left Wing.

Entering a triple-threat stance where he took a loose jab-step which the Baller bite allow for the taller male to drive one way and drive towards the hoop as he drove all the way towards the Right High-Post before pulling-up to shot a fading jumper whilst he shouted out. "KOBE!" Floating to fall through the hoop - a nice *Swish* sounded earning cheers from the crowd.

"Whoa... He's... Good." Bianca didn't know basketball whatsoever; hell - the only time she played it.. She hated it... but she could mentally understand that Richard was a very capable player. His skills were awesome to look and seemed to be very easy atleast - he hadn't broke out into a sweat despite being in much, baggy and warm clothes unlike the Baller who was sweating like a hog.

"Yep. It's only been a couple days since we last played... But he's even better." Speaking out was Ralph that only smirked as his eyes was glued to the game; Bianca dumbly nodded at her boyfriend's understanding of his sport... 'Wait... What does Ralphy mean by it's been a couple of days? He... was slightly worse?' Wondering to herself when a similar possession with Richard stopping his opponent with ease and scoring with ease.



"*Exhale* Man. That was a nice workout, thank you. Gonna get my award, now." Richard whipped away at his slightly moist brow with his sweater-covered arm before he proceed to walk away. The baller was wordless panting with his hands on his knees where he was unable to look up at the winner who beat him to a pulp.

More cheers came over with both Link and Joe surrounding him alongside numerous others where Richard was openly shocked by all of this.


In his arms; Richard held several completely full-bags that was loaded with clothing and 2 pairs of sneakers which happened to be a high-quality. A slight narrow of his eyes came when he looked at his father's back-up phone.

Some people asked for his tag where he said that he didn't have one which someone activated a hotspot and 'forced' him to download a pair of social media apps. Afterwards; dozens upon dozens of people then followed his account.

In addition; a couple of girls who followed him even gave him their numbers. Even that little speaker-girl!

"Dayum. Mac-Daddy at 11, eh?" A small flush formed on the boy's cheeks when Link brought up the old-school term with Joe sighing only to say. "Well... You're a cool dude." A small smile formed on the blushing Richard where the two pat his back.

"Yo! What was that, I see? Boy with a dab of Ink?" An all-too-familar voice spoke out behind them where Link snapped around to look right at his rival. "Ralph!" Narrowing his eyes only to widen in shock.

His... Sister. His Big Sister; Bianca... with Ralph's arm wrapped around her waist in front of him who only sipped where she waved at her brother whilst the older male smirked with that expression. That arrogant expression.

"Oh, you sonva- .... You lucky motherfu-." Mumbling his breath where the group ignored him; Bianca turned her baby brother, Joe where she gave him a hug and said. "Sup, Joey. You okay?" Joe nodded whilst his face twisted in disgust making her look at him strange as he said. "You smell like compose." The comment got both Link and Ralph to break into a fit of laughter as Richard stifled his chuckles but all of it stopped when Bianca slammed a chopping-hand on Joe who crumbled to the group.

"Any other jokes, boys?" Asking where she flexed and shifted a free-hand making loud cracking noises where she put down her shopping bags to look at the others. Vein face like beforehand where her eyes went over the three with a smile plastered on her face.

All of them were shaking their heads including Joe who was still in pain from the attack.

"But dang though; Big-Guy. You're super good." The girl exclaimed as she came over and gave Richard a pat with a surprised expression making Richard scratch his neck shyly that Ralph spoke up. "You got much better at defense... Didn't have to stunk that dude, though." Stating his opinion as the squad turned to Richard who spoke with a smile and laughter in tone.

"Yeah but... Even if it's game time... There always time to Humble."

As always; You guys who are support are absolutely awesome with your comments and power-stones.

You've all kept me inspired to create more chapters and I thank you for this.

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Thanks for all of the assitance if you've done so, Dear Readers.

Please Be Safe and Blessings to You.

Purplish_Redcreators' thoughts
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