
Chapter 6: The Sleepless and The Broken Part 7

Surprisingly, there was another person who looked worried about the topic of memories.

Risa was over at her own table, shaking and staring blankly at her food. She looked worried, and scared. I wanted to go over and talk to her, but Poppy chimed in for the conversation topic.

“I’ll start then! My favorite memory as a lil’ kiddy was probably when me and Oscar, my dog, were outside hangin’ out, and then a butterfly landed on his nose!”

“Aww, that’s cute.” Urkstin complimented.

“Yeah, it was adorbs, up until Oscar ate the butterfly.” Poppy ended, speaking coldly. She looked up to everyone else, who had a wide eyed look. After a silent moment, Poppy burst into laughter

“Y’all should look at your faces!” She cried out, laughing harder than she ever has.

“THAT is your favorite memory?” Liam asked, sounding uncharacteristically confused.

“Yessir! Ya can’t tell me that that’s not funny.” She replied, trying to see if anyone else was laughing.

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