
love and affection3

The clock showed three o'clock in the afternoon when Humaira and Mrs. Sanjaya, who was none other than her mother-in-law, were walking in a mall spending time on Humaira's vacation. Starting next week she has to return to her routine at the hospital and lectures, even every afternoon she goes to the orphanage with her husband to help teach the Koran to the children there.

"Ra, let's eat first, mama is hungry." Said the mother while holding Humaira's hand while walking quickly towards the escalator to the top to arrive at the foodcourt. Humaira frowned because her mother-in-law was not usually in such a hurry to eat. Humaira was about to ask but she resisted because she saw her mother-in-law's behavior getting weirder. It was only after they sat down at one of the food outlets that sold fast food that the new mother seemed relieved.

"What's wrong, Mom? I'm not usually like this." Humaira asked in a low voice.

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