
Was That Blood His Or…

Someone said those same words to her not so long ago. Alaina sat up right on her bed from her lying miserably on her tummy position. Who said that? Why does she feel like she heard that before?

She thought on it hard until a memory fleeted to her mind and in front of her eyes. The night, Alaina standing in the woods behind the venue building of the party, with her a man standing in dark attire; it was Ivar who said those words to her when she answered his question as to what she was doing outside.

She was having a nightmare worthy horrible time, that's what she was doing outside. Gosh! He somehow always shows up to her shortcomings. And while he sometimes so shockingly help her out, other times, which are most of the times, he often only riles her up and insults her for no fucking reason; like he loves to see her hurt, as if it's how he gets off.

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