
Chapter 11

Well, that's it, this day has come, or rather evening. Large-scale attacks by masked men began to occur in the city. Which was very unfortunate, because I was hungry and still hungry, now I noticed one problem with it. I started feeling hungry a little earlier, about three or four hours, but it's already making me nervous, so an hour ago I was very hungry. And it was very unexpected, I expected that I could hold out for another three hours and just eat, move on to the case. But it looks like we'll have to eat a little earlier...

I looked at the next bound black guy with an indifferent look. Then I took a syringe with a coagulant and injected it into his artery. While the drug was spreading, I laid out the tools for work. After waiting a couple of minutes, I started.

I had to eat first, so I cut off his arm up to the elbow and wrapped a tourniquet around the wound. I quickly cut off the pieces of meat from my hand and crumbled them into small pieces. I took out pepper, salt, a few spices mixed together and sprinkled everything well. This quite well interrupted the unpleasant taste of meat.

Then I quickly threw the meat into my mouth and swallowed without chewing, the taste of blood was felt, but it was interrupted by spices, so it was tolerable. Unfortunately, this time I didn't have enough of this food, which really bothered me, because that time in the psych ward, I had enough of about what I ate now, for a whole week. Yeah, looks like appetites are growing...

I did a similar procedure with his other hand and only then was able to satisfy my appetite.

Of course, I could just eat his brain and then I could easily eat it in just a few bites, but then you could forget about the bone marrow, because the person would have died and I would have been left with a nose.

Next in line was more than simple things. Self-enhancement by eating eyes and bone marrow. The hands I cut off were of no particular value, the bone marrow in those bones was too small. But I was able to make bone meal and mixed it with spices quickly swallowed. But it didn't have much effect, mostly the bones stopped affecting me about two weeks ago, when I completely devoted myself to eating human bones.

It was very unpleasant, I was covered in white bone meal from head to toe and this terrible taste of bones still stands in my throat. But it had its effect, now my bones probably reached the limit of human potential, because more bone meal does not strengthen me in any way. So the fact that I just ate some flour was just for testing. I don't think I'll even check next time, and it's clear that eating bones doesn't make sense anymore.

Next, you had to eat the most basic things, eyes and bone marrow. Of course, it is better to start with the eyes, since the bone marrow can only be obtained in one way... So I picked out the guy's brown eyes, cut them in half, and quickly swallowed them. The eyes had no special taste other than a faint salty taste, so pepper and spices were optional. When I swallowed the eye, I felt a slight tingling sensation in my retina, which disappeared very quickly. The effect was not particularly noticeable, but I felt that it was there. I've started to see quite a bit more recently than I did last time. At a distance of almost one kilometer, I can easily see the face of a person, before I could not even dream of such a thing.

Okay, now the bone marrow... The procedure was quite simple, open the tubular bones and eat the entire contents. But the problem was that the brain tasted very unpleasant, and there was no time to add spices. Because after I start the procedure, the victim will die very quickly. So I had to endure. Most of the bone marrow is found in the pelvic bones, sternum and spine. Each of these bones is terribly difficult to open, so the best I can do is eat the bone marrow from the sternum and a little from the spine. Although the spine has little bone marrow compared to the pelvic bone, but it is terribly difficult to open it, I have already tried, it is not very profitable.

So I used my already-established autopsy method and took the bone marrow out of the sternum and ate it quickly.

- ghaa as always, disgusting...- I grimaced and continued my task. Now the spine was next, and there wasn't much time left...

Time's up, but I've met the norm. I felt much better now, even though my brain doesn't affect me as much, but it does have some effect. Okay, I've had enough of this...

I opened the news and saw exactly what I was waiting for. The ARGUS army has arrived and blocked the city, which means it's time for me to move out. So I quickly put the body in a barrel of acid, along with the cellophane and supplies I usually use for autopsies. The rest of the tools were put away for disinfection, and he quickly put himself in order.

He put on his black suit, mask, and hood. Then I checked all my equipment.

- Well, it's all ready.- I said in a rough, metallic voice. The voice change system worked without problems. Well, it's time to move out...

I went to my brand-new truck, which I had recently confiscated from another "food". It's a pity it was unarmored, but so it will do, I only need to transfer money in it and nothing more. I've already changed my mind about taking the machine Slade stole from Star labs to create super soldiers out of Roy's blood. Money is now the most important thing, and the rest can be bought.

Launder the money will not be a problem, I will invent myself some inheritance and enter this information into the database. So now I have two goals, first it's the key that Slade took from the arrow, and then stealing money with it from the secure vaults of local banks. This is the most reasonable method, since most banks have probably blocked all their vaults. Therefore, most people simply will not be able to Rob them, and they do not care about it, now most run like headless flies and only a small part of people get rich through chaos.

Well, I'll be one of them, but it will be difficult without the key, even though I made explosives, but I hope I don't have to use them. Yet the experience in the creation of explosives I have is too small.

I hopped into the van and drove out of the workshop, heading for Queen consolidation. Very soon there will be a commotion and the building will be completely free, just what I need.

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