
Chapter 21 Merrigold

His breath was on my neck. As much as it tickled my sensitive sweet spot, it reeked of cigarettes, liquor... smelt like a dry ashtray that I constantly had to clean out every single day for him. I could not handle anymore of it. His arm tightly was wrapped around my lower torso. I did not want to overthink, he had simply pulled me to lay with him and I did. It did not mean I suddenly thought high and mighty of him. Austin was.... a cunning, hypocrite. I'd never allow myself to flounder for the sake of pleasing him. I liked it, the way he held me. I liked it, the way he made me feel intimately. He was not so made on the eye either but... I hated his controlling egomaniac personality. With a closed mouth, he would be much more appealing. All it took for him to be attractive was to close his mouth. Something that I doubt he'd ever be able to master.

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