
A game of Chance


He walked through the jungle-desert, with a sense of commitment. The first step of his plan was complete. The only thing left to do now was to make the swap. However he had to get back to the base fast, A storm was brewing in Lahore and he had to survive it. As he walked back through the marsh and the filth, he noticed something, something that made him go pale. Under the tree sat a figure. He was almost a hundred percent sure that it was human. As he edged closer, he saw it stir. It confirmed his doubts. Dalhousie had become something new. He felt an urge to put his priorities over the others. The whispers had grown louder and more powerful.They hurt him if he didn't listen. "Kill him", said the whispers.

Dalhousie found himself walking up to a heavy rock. He stopped himself as he bent over to pick it up. He wouldn't. He had wanted freedom from the rulers.He had wanted to be recognised for what he was. And now he was being shrouded by his subconscious. " Worthy thoughts. But imagine the worth of the diamond. Imagine the time you could spend in prison if he woke up. They won't know" He picked up the rock and lunged at the figure, he let out a shrill battle cry and decided to smash the head of the momentarily startled figure, when he noticed the Uniform. The man was one of his own.The memories came surging back. He remembered why he had wanted to rob the diamond in the first place.He threw the rock away to help him up."

You, you were the one to hand me the envelope, was it not ?"."Yes sir. The letter had been intercepted. The letter that you received was a complete fake." Dalhousie didn't know what to say. He felt he had been lied to.Betrayed. And angry. "Lets move", he said. The dark of the night witnessed the two lonely figures walk in silence with the occasional intervention of lightning and thunder.Neither men were ready to face the storm. About fifteen minutes into their walk, There was rain.Heavy rain.Rain that wanted to quench its thirst. It lashed out in all possible directions while throwing outa harrows of wind. Moreover, the clouds almost completely blocked the moon making an already dark night into a gloomy one. It was at about this point that the forces of nature decided to give it all they had as a sandstorm hit the men. It was normal enough at first with the occasional speckle of sand but then mother nature as always had other ideas in mind. Before they knew it, the wind intensified and the men could barely keep their eyes open. Everything hurt. Dalhousie couldn't feel his face. His knees seemed to buckle every time he moved and a part of him just wanted to give up.To just fall down and die and never look back. He couldn't help but imagine what this, this boy next to him was going through. He felt that he was growing delirious. He was seeing things and hearing sounds. He was seeing people and figures running around. He went near Richard's ear and shouted with the best of his efforts." CRAWL! AND TRY TO GET OUT OF THIS FOREST! he heard no response.The next hour that followed was the most bizarre set of events to ever happen.And Dalhousie didn't even take the sand storm into account.


As the rain lashed around, pushing all the creatures of the dark Inside, A group of men were the only thing that was seen across the Horizon. The sound of the hooves, stomping across the ground was almost rhythmic.Ranjit fell into a daze. as they made their way across the terrain, he couldn't help but realise that a storm was heading towards the British ,and they weren't prepared. The plan was perfect. Duleep had the duplicate diamond with him and he was going to make the switch. They were almost there. they made their way through the masquerade of trees and at last they stood in foreign soil." My lord such a chance is almost impossible. We have a chance to attack an entire unit of British Troops" Ranjit didn't answer. The commander knew that it meant he agreed. " Sire I have a plan. Lets first secure the gem and then bring in reinforcements before dawn for the attack. This means that their strategy of reinforcement build up would be lost. No."" Sher go to the barracks and bring me one single musket." As the prince went in search of the barracks, The sandstorm struck. Everyone was in Panic. Ranjit could not handle it. If only he had been.... no. He would not go through this again. He had made a promise and he was going to live to see it fulfilled. Sher walked out in a hurry with the musket. " Which one is the barrack ?" Asked the king. The third one from your right. Ranjit could barely see. His eyes burned overtime he opened them. He tried hard to not buckle down and crawl but he was forced to when the storm intensified. He looked around like a child searching for his mother. He had to take the shot and he didn't know where the target was. He tried to think, visualise where the target could be. The storm had gone berserk ! no one was to be spared. Ranjit bounced back as he took a shot. He had hit his target. He waited for a second, Then two then three. He hoped that it had hit the kegs with gun powder. There was no way he could go get another gun. And then, it was too bright to see. Ranjit fell back to shield himself from the flying debris. He saw glory sights of crippled men running around and a few cries for help. He saw that he had won the battle and it was now time for the war. They went inside the forest in search of Dalhousie as they're spy had informed them. The party opted to stay together rather than risk being found.After all, A lot of those men at the base smoked cigars and were addicted to liquor. It was only a matter of time that one such cigar should find its way into the barracks.Shame that the indifference of one had wiped an entire unit. They went into the forest on their bellies, barely able to move an inch forward. They trudged on for what seemed like days, only to realise that they had moved no further than a hundred feet. As they went forward, they had their first sign of hope; two humanoid figures. An unspoken unanimous agreement was made that one of the two people was Dalhousie.They Fought their way into the sandstorm with a sense of renewed vigour. As soon as they reached Dalhousie , Duleep reached out to grab Dalhousie's uniform. The struggle was real. He had used up nearly all his strength but Dalhousie wouldn't budge. It was almost as if he had weighed twice as much. Ranjit by himself was barely able to march forward. He somehow managed to inch closer to Duleep His torso seemed to be on fire. He couldn't hold on. He felt like he was dying, he held on to Duleep's hands. He saw something fall. He wasn't sure what it was. He didn't know whether he could trust his instincts anymore. Duleep scrambled around searching for the duplicate diamond. But after much -after thought, decided to focus more on Dalhousie. He pulled hard, he seemed to move much more easily now, he looked back to see his father and brothers pulling along with him. He allowed a smile and continued tugging. Yes it was much clearer now. It was Dalhousie, as he was dragged closer Dalhousie let out a punch that startled everyone. He moved with lightning speed struggling to save the boy and himself. He made one risky move and decided to stand up and run while carrying the boy. Ranjit Singh launched himself at Dalhousie. The men fell to the earth. Along with them fell three diamonds. The fight that ensued was hard by anyone's standards. Dalhousie kicked and shoved and struggled to move from the old man's grip as Ranjit Singh was determined to maintain his grip. Dalhousie elbowed the Sarkar as he fell to the ground with a thud. The King knew that he was not going to win the fight . He had to act quickly. The storm was at its Prime. He summoned all his strength at once and shoved the trader away. He looked at all four of the diamonds. He picked it all up and as he made his way out, a kick to his back made him lose three of the diamonds. He decided to trust God and retreat with the diamond in hand. Dalhousie moved with full swing, he didn't seem normal. He had a murderous rage glinting in his eyes as he stepped forth. With the blessings of God, he should have picked up the right diamond.


When he felt someone tugging at him, he was momentarily relieved. But he couldn't just leave the boy there. He didn't deserve this. He didn't deserve to have to die in this hellhole. It amused him to realize that for all his caring , he didn't know the boy's name. As he edged closer to his saviours, the whispers took over. All that he remembered was waking up to gunshots. His head hurt. He had three diamonds in hand. A bullet whizzed through and hit his shoulders. The pain was unbearable. It was excruciating as he felt the shock and confusion. He couldn't move his right arm. He had flashes of what had happened. He had....fought with the king. He had won.... Or. Another shot moved just past his head as he struggled to move. The pain was something he was used to. But he was numb. His hand went limp. He was irritated that he couldn't use his arm. He had to move. Quickly. He ignored the blood as it oozed out of his shoulders. He could almost see his bareboned shoulder blade in between all the mauled flesh. He ran. Trying to hold as many diamonds as he could. As he moved, one diamond slipped. He has no time to look back. The pain was too much. He muttered a silent prayer and hoped that one of the two diamonds was the Kohinoor.


The sandstorm raised at about three in the morning. The creatures of the crawled out to witness nature's fury as the murder of crows moved ahead to start their day. In between all the havoc and wreck, buried underneath the sand and the earth stood a Diamond. Too bad no one had managed to pick it up.

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