
Their Meeting I

"Flora, there will be a time where we will be separated, and just thinking about it. I get scared," Said the black-haired man. I couldn't see his face clearly since it was blurry, but who is this man? He has been appearing in my dreams since long before. I want to know who it is, but at the same time, it scares me from the bottom.

My hands moved, cupping his face, then said, "Even if it will happen. Our hearts will always be one, and if ever my memories are to be gone, we will still be connected." Huh? I said those words. Wait, am I in a dream? Now you think about this, I can't even control my own movements.

The black-haired man frowned and closed his eyes as he rests his face on my hands. What is this feeling? My heart was beating so fast, it felt like it was bursting, but at the same time, it feels nice. I want to know who this person is.

"Don't worry too much, Kaeden. I promise to be by your side. Until the day I die."

The next thing I knew, I awoke from my sleep. I sighed out loud and sat straight on the bed. Once again, it was another dream. That man Kaeden appeared in my dreams again. This time the dream wasn't sad. It was heartwarming, but at the same time, it was sad. It's like they were saying their goodbyes in advance.

Why do I have a bad feeling about today? Is it because I feel much more tired than usual? I don't know, but I better start the day.

I grabbed my apron that was hanging on my chair and wore it on. The first thing I see once I entered the kitchen was my cousin. Why is he awake already? It was around four in the morning, and he's usually up at six.

"Is there anything you need?" I asked, but he didn't answer. It scared me the fact he didn't answer me but not only that, but it scared me—his gaze.

My cousin walked out of the kitchen, and I followed him from behind. I wouldn't lie that I wasn't worried. We were a few meters apart since who knows what he will do to me. But as I continued to follow him, he was just walking back into his own room. Then he went back into his bed.

Weird. What what was that? Sleepwalking? It's his first time doing this. But something is not normal. His eyes were open, not only that, but his usual brown eyes were red. The more I think about this, it doesn't make any sense. It's best for now not to mind about it and start preparing. Aunt wouldn't like it if her food isn't on the table when she arrives in the dining room.

It was close to six, and I had to bring the dishes to the dining hall. I don't need to stay in the dining hall since they don't want me earlier in the morning, standing in the corner while watching them. Instead, I'm going to enjoy the left overs from what I cooked.

I cannot forget to bring the book I bowered from the library. It will be a waste of time if I don't read the book.

The book began by introducing the angel Lord's daughter, Floriana, and the demon Lord's son, Kaeden. I know I've said this a lot, but the daughter really does look-alike me. Not only that, but the man in my dreams was called Kaeden to. This can't be a coincidence, can it?

Reincarnation is not common, but there are some who say that it was possible to be reincarnated. In my case, it was possible, but I don't remember a thing. I don't. Plus, I am not special but a nobody…Continuing with the story.

The first time they both met was an accident. Floriana met Kaeden when she was seventeen. While Kaeden at that time was eighteen. They met in a lake where they both called it their secret hideout as not many knew and went to that spot.

"Who are you?" She asked Kaeden, who was confused with this situation too.

"I...I am not someone who would hurt you," He answered her.

Angels and demons looked similar to humans; there weren't any differences in their appearances. That is why it makes it hard for them to know if they are an angel or a demon.

"Answer me first. How do you know about this place?" Floriana asked once more as she grabbed a stick and pointed it towards him. While Kaeden raised his hands up. "This place is a breather for me. What about you?" He asked.

Floriana lowered her hand and dropped the stick onto the ground. She apologized first, then said, "I am the same as you. This place is a breather for me."

Since then, the two would meet with each other and talk until the skies would turn completely dark. Slowly by slowly, they grew to each other to the point, Floriana confessed who she was.

"If I tell you my true identity. Will you promise not to run away from me?" She asked while holding his hand. Kaeden looked hesitant, but he wanted to know who she was. Who was the person who made his heartbeat so fast?

"I don't care who you are. The only thing that matters is that you are you."

"Then, here goes nothing. I am the daughter of the angel Lord. Will you now run away from me?"

Thank you for reading. Please use your power stones thank you!

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