
Rui Li wants more dog food

Ji Yao wasn't messing around as he wield his weapon stepping on the man. He didn't like being tricked and this man that lay underneath his feet was the only person who had the balls to pull such a stunt in front of him.

In all his years, this man was the only one who had dared to directly enter the wolf pack as a distraction so his accomplice could swipe their prey. Even Ji Yao had to admit this man was an outright cunning fox but he would never say that aloud.

Seething in anger a rush of seraphic energy transferred to his leg that was stepping on the man's face. At this rate, he was surely going to crack this man's skull like a nutcracker.

Screams of anguish and the sound of bones slowly succumbing to the pressure pierced the air.

Dong Jie felt like his head was being squeezed like a melon and it would shatter into millions of pieces with a little more force.

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