
Ground Mimic, An Unforgivable Cliff

Four days have passed.

After the endless travel on foot, Mike finally reached his destination.

The place where the unusual aura is coming off.

(Haha... This is crazy.)

Grabbing his head with his right hand Mike's eyes widened wide from surprise from the bizarreness this place that has been shown to him.

His tired legs finally gave up as his body drop into his knees with a thud.

This place where he reaches makes his hope shatters like a fragile mirror clashing that been fell from the four-story building.

What he reaches from his long time travel is the end.

What I mean the end is the end of the ground.

He reaches the cliff of the ground he standing showing that this ground is not the very bottom of the ocean.

Just when he thought he was sure that he is at the end.

In the cliff, everything is pure darkness no dim lights found from volcanoes nor he sees any life form living down the cliff.

Like it was meant not to enter beyond that.

Mike without having a second thought he turned back and walks away from the dangerous cliff.

However, as he turns back the ground he was standing started to shake-

No, it's not shaking... The whole ground is moving.


[Mike brace yourself!]

(I'm already on it!)

Taking his stance as he takes hold of his feet on the ground Mike ready himself for worse.

As he readies his stance he felt weirdly comfortable in his stance.

Losing in his focus he looks at his footing and sees that his stance is strong... stronger and better than his last one like there is no blind spot.

[Amazing, right? This what happens when you got used to your footless stance. Your stance gets much sturdier than ever but because you lost touch on having your feet touch the ground there will be flaws from here and there so don't forget about this.]

(I know... Do you think it takes days for me just to travel here on foot without having trouble? I fell a couple of times when you're asleep, you know...)

[Ah, I see. You're clumsier than I thought.]

(Don't take this on me. Geez.)

Gathering back his thoughts the ground is going vertical.

His footing is sliding because of the loose footing but he still sticks his foot in the ground waiting for a chance to move.

Looking at his back the cliff is welcoming him that sends him chills throughout his body.

The cliff is bad news, he must never get in touch in there or else-...

Bending his foot like a stance of a frog Mike jumps upwards and swim with all of his might.

(Don't look back don't look back.)

Gritting his teeth he feels something crush his legs.

It was so sudden that the pain didn't immediately register to his brain after he looks at the cause.

He sees the culprit, he wiggles his feet to get away from the thing that he even stops his ascend and uses his hands just to get the thing away from him.

Struggling, even tho it's just been weeks he felt somewhat nostalgia for fighting for his life in this underwaters.

Using his one of his arsenal his arms turn into grey color and use the grip strength of it to pull crush the thing.

(Hahaha, yeah I miss you too but please for fuck sake don't ever go stuck near me again!)

What he shouting at is the familiar trouble maker.

The tentacle. It looks like it appeared again to drag him again. This time he appeared bigger and intimidating than ever but Mike doesn't have time to fear it.

*Crack* His bones from his lower part break from the grip of the tentacle. Looks like it's holding its strength back when it's pulling Mike back then.

For the first time, Mike's arsenal is futile from this tentacle.

Leaving no choice from the strength battle Mike decided to use his trump card.

[On it!] Before Mike could give command Imuthis already know what to do and already activated the card.

Bursting out from his body, weird substances surround his lower part of his body supporting his lower part to defend it from the tentacle's grip.

It works only a little but Mike still felt the tentacle continuing to crush his body even tho he uses his final card.

(What now!?)

Racking his brain for a solution Mike's thoughts was been suppress from the intense pain given by the tentacle.

(Fuck! Oy! If I ever see you're main body I'll fucking torture you!)

[Mike it's no use this is the first time happen to your body I can't fully suppress the pain!]

(Just suppress it even if it just a little!)


Think think, as he thinks he struggles to pull away.

*Crack crack crack* As he struggles the more time he takes the more pain is sending towards his brain interrupting his thoughts.


If I got no choice... Is what Mike is been thinking for a while now as he struggles.

As he struggles the whole ground him is starting to show up its true form.

The ground is rising and the sands around it are rinsing.

What Mike is walking from the past days are actually is not the real bottom of the ocean.

It's not an earthquake nor It's not a volcanoes eruption, its...

It's just a tentacle, one gigantic tentacle.


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