
On the same team

Prayas didn't sleep the whole night and came inside the room when sun was about to rise. He took some rest and went to outside to feed animals. After sometime he felt Sati there and turned to look at her.

"You up so early?" He asked her.

"It's 8," She said and he smiled.

"It's early," he said.

"Early is when you wake up at 4 or...5" she said.

"Still, it's early,"

"You love this all so much," she said looking at the way he was feeding animals. He nodded looking at her than at animals.

"I love them and everything that is here right now," he said looking at her. There was different kind of shine in his eyes. She sat down near him.

"I know," she whispered.

They sat there staring at eachother with so much emotions in their eyes. They heard someone clear their throat and turned to find Aastha standing there.

"Sorry but...Aama told me to tell you breakfast is ready," she said and left instantly. Aastha liked seeing her mama this way. Happy and in love.

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