
Entrance Exam (2)

After the symbol inside the orb became clear, Kayla couldn't help but be shocked. Each magic had its own symbol. Meanwhile, the symbol that appeared on the orb really astonished her. After all, it was an unknown symbol, so she was at a loss on how to judge or rate such a thing.

"Err… Luna Hysi, have you performed elemental magic before?" Kayla asked to the teen that seemed to be quite confused at the result herself.


"How many elemental magics can you wield?"


"Did the archduchess say any instructions about this?" Kayla asked.

When Eliza Castea enrolled, she was also the one who administered her entrance exam. It was astonishing to see someone who had aptitude for two elements; ice and lightning, and now, there was another unusual mage enrolling in the Magic Arts Department of the Imperial Academy.

"She didn't say anything."

"Then, what element are you the strongest at?"

Kayla watched as the fifteen-year-old pondered at an answer.

"Fire and Ice." she answered after a few seconds.

Kayla couldn't help but widen her eyes again. A mage had the capability of wielding two types of magic, but the pair was usually not contradictory like what Luna said.

"Archduchess, what kind of monster have you been raising?" she muttered to herself.

"Teacher Tresde?" called Luna to the shell-shocked teacher.

"Did the archduchess herself teach you magic?"


"I see. No wonder. Very well, show me what you can do with fire and ice magic."


I raised my two hands and collected energy from my surroundings. Ever since arriving in the capital city of the empire, I noticed that there was a lot of energy around the city, especially in the Imperial Academy. I wouldn't have to worry about energy while staying there.

I created an energy orb each in my hand, using my inner energy to guide it. And by visualizing in changing its composition to that of fire and ice, the energy orbs transformed. The orb on my right hand became a fireball and the orb on my left hand became an ice orb. Since I technically transformed the pure natural energy to that of that of the elements, a mystic circle appeared. It was identical to magic circles, only with subtle differences, which could only be noticed if one looked and studied it closely. Most importantly, that person had to know what they were even looking at.

I threw the fireball to a dummy which then began burning and the ice orb to another dummy and frost started to spread around it.

Manipulating the natural energy, changing its composition to whatever element, and using it to whatever I wish, that was the true nature of Mystic Arts.

"Very good." Professor Tresde said after swallowing. "You passed, but the ranking of the results will be released in three days. You can visit the Imperial Academy by then to take a look."

I bid my goodbye and left the examination room. When I arrived outside, I saw Andrea that was waiting for me. We already talked about it before we got called to take the exam. Whoever finished first would wait for the one that did not finish yet.

"How did it go?" I asked.

She only grinned and gave me a peace sign. "Of course I passed! But I don't know how many points I received. I have to wait for the results in three days!"

"Same as me then."

"You passed? That's good!"

We talked as we headed outside the exam building. All of sudden, somebody shoved Andrea and she fell to the floor. Somebody else tried to shove me too, but I was unmoving.

"Hn! Lowly commoners like you passing the magic exam and alchemy exam? I wonder what kind of tricks you used just to pass." said a voice behind us. I turned around and saw a very beautiful girl.

Well, Eliza was still more beautiful and Torii was beautiful in an aloof kind of way, but the girl in front of me screamed pretty and nobility. She had curly golden hair which reached up to her waist and pretty blue eyes which looked like the sea. She was also wearing a set high quality clothes that was dominated by the color blue and a pair of earrings made of sapphire. Behind her were two other girls and one boy. All four of them were from noble families, considering the pins on their collars had crests on it.

In Praiji Empire, most nobles tend to parade their status. One way to do that was pinning their family crest on their clothes. Of course, I wasn't really familiar with the different noble houses in the country, so I did not know which families they came from.

"The Imperial Academy used to be a haven for nobility and royalty. And yet, commoners have wormed their way in the past few years."

According to history, until thirty years ago, only the noble families, royal families or sponsored by such families could study in the Imperial Academy. However, a law was created to let commoners have a shot at studying and growing their potential with proper guidance. Of course, not all noble families agreed to such a law, but nobody really went against the emperor. And now that I remembered it, Aunt Zaira, no, the previous prime minister, Archduchess Mira (who was still Aunt Zaira), was the one who gave the idea to the emperor and the court.

I noticed Andrea trembling beside me. I helped her stand up but she cowered behind me as we faced the girl.

"Excuse me, but who are you?" I asked.

"How ignorant!" exclaimed one of the girls. She had dark brown hair and dark green eyes. "Don't you know who she is?"

"Would I be asking if I did?" I asked again.

Behind me, Andrea said; "She's Freya von Berialis, the first young miss of the Berialis Household. Her family has the status of Marquise."

No wonder Andrea was trembling. She was a commoner, and getting in the nerves of a noble was a bad thing for commoners.

"I see, so it's the first young miss of the Berialis Household." I said. "Greetings, my name is Luna Hysi."


Freya rolled her eyes and went past us, flipping her hair. The rest of her friends (followers) were giving us an icy glare.

"Oh no. We managed to piss off someone from a noble family." I heard Andrea mutter. "I heard she's enrolling in the Magic Arts Department and she's a strong wind magic user!"

"Don't worry about it then. You won't be seeing her often since she's from a different department than you." I said.

"Don't you know?"

"Know what?"

"During the first two years inside the academy, the morning classes will be an integration of the different departments since its just general studies subjects?"

"What?!" I exclaimed. "Nobody told me that! Why am I not told about those kind of things?!"

I heard Andrea snicker beside me, her fear and tension obviously gone. I did not do it on purpose but it was a good thing.

"You're funny Luna. And weird." she said. "I definitely want to be your friend."

I smiled. "I want to be your friend as well."

She invited me to her family's restaurant (the same restaurant where we first met), but I declined and told her I had to go home soon since my family wanted me to inform them if I passed or not. Luckily, she did not push the idea and we went our separate ways.

As I made my way back to my home, I pondered about what just happened. It was true that in a hierarchal society, those of lower status would always respect and obey those of higher status, but it was quite different back in the Celestine Territory. People there knew of our identities and status, but there was no awkwardness or gap between us whenever we visit the villages. Even the servants of the manor were quite friendly to us. Of course, we were aware that there was a line never to be crossed, but showing off one's status and saying rude things to those of lower status just felt a so wrong.

Back in my life as Nyxtriel, the members of the Fox Clan respected the royal family, my family, but we were friendly and open to each other. It was the kind of society I grew up in. When I became older and started meeting and mingling with the gods and residents of the Celestial Realm, there was a war, so I never really realized how those of different status treated each other.

But then again, the king of the Celestial Realm was someone who used his status to get everything he wanted and never be blamed about it. I just thought nothing of it that time. But seeing humans imitate such things made me feel a little twinge in my heart.

I shook my head and decided not to worry about it. In the upcoming school year, I would be enrolled as a commoner so I should just be careful around those of noble status. When I reached home, I immediately told them the good news.


And she's in! Don't forget to vote, collect and comment!

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