
Chapter 2

The next time he woke up to being moved around a bit , he realized that he felt more refreshed and better than he'd done in a long while.

He looked at himself and realized that the bandages he'd worn around himself had been removed something time while he was slept and all his injuries were just… gone.

Well, he now lived in a world of cultivation where people could fly, turn into half demon beasts and do shit that the people in his past life would have thought impossible. He shouldn't really be surprised that they had mystic healing techniques to heal people quickly.

He looked at the nurse who was making his bed and had woken him up with her administrations.

"Hey…" he said, his voice coming out stronger and clearer this time.

"Oh, you're awake again." The nurse said and looked at him with surprise "I would've thought… no, never mind. How are you feeling now?"

"Better." He said. "Thirsty… and hungry. But better."

The nurse gave him some water to parch his dry throat and told him that food will come along in a while.

Once he gave the glass back to the woman, she put the glass back in a table and then pinned him with a serious gaze.

"So Itachi. Good news and bad news."

"Bad news first." He said, being confused for only a moment before he remembered the name he gave her.

"Bad news is that we couldn't find your parents or where you might have lived."

"And good news?" he asked, the bad news not really affecting him all that much as he already knew that he had no family in this world.

"Good news is that we've found an orphanage to take you in. You'll be sent to live there as soon as you're healed."

He nodded.

"Anything else?" the nurse asked.

"I… can you tell me about the city and about the situation in general. I remember that we're in Glory City but can't remember anything else about it."

The nurse nodded and took a chair to sit beside him "That's understandable. You've lost memories and I'll try to help the best I can in any way."

For a moment, his thoughts wondered off to a lewd place before he controlled himself.

"Well. First off all, I want to know about the education system. I seem to remember the Holy Orchid Institute, but I can't remember the other schools."

The woman gave an impressed whistle "Holy Orchid Institute huh… You family must be either quite well off or you must have belonged to a Noble or Aristocrat family." Then her eyes narrowed "Or maybe you're a talented commoner, in which case you'll probably still be able to go to the Institute with a scholarship. Probably from the school or one of the noble families who're always looking for talented orphans to take in and strengthen themselves."

"Aside from that, there are…"

She went on and explained to him about the education system in this city. Which could essentially be summed up with- There was no real education system in the city. Only a kid who is either a Demon Spiritualist or a Fighter gets education. The others are left to dry and live the life of a peasant.

There were essentially three schools in the city, with Holy Orchid Institute being the one which took the richest and most talented kids and churned out Demon Spiritualists.

The other two schools taught kids with slightly lower talents and churned out Fighters (read cannon fodder) for the city to increase it's number of defenders.

After explaining the education system to him, she went on to explain the other aspects of the city to him. She was a veritable gold mine of information and he learned as much from her as possible.

They talked and talked and talked until they realized that it was night time.

At that point, the nurse left and he yawned and went back to sleep once again, wondering what tomorrow will bring for him.


"Is this the kid?" the old matron asked the guard whom the hospital had sent to escort him to the Orphanage.

The guard, a 2 star Bronze ranked fighter yawned and nodded.

The guard didn't look like much and to be fair, he probably won't go far in his life at such a low cultivation. But a 2 star Bronze Rank meant that the man could easily lift over 200 pounds of weight without much difficulty and break a thin tree with his fists.

The woman gave him a look before she handed him a blue crystal along with a sweet look.

"Itachi was it. Why don't we you pour your soul force into it?"

He looked at the Bronze Ranked fighter who yawned once again, tired from his night shift and rolled his eyes.

"Do it kid. If you've some talent then you might gain entrance to one of the schools. Maybe even go to the Holy Orchid Institute to become a Demon Spiritualist or be adopted by one of the families if you're really really lucky. Though such a thing is very rare."

He looked at the old matron who was giving him a shrewd look before he sighed and poured the energy that he'd felt inside himself last night into the crystal.

Two red balls glowed inside the Crystal and he could hear the Matron sigh in disappointment.

"What about his strength?" the woman asked, her tone less patient than before.

The guard sighed and turned him around before presenting him with a palm.

He looked at the guard in confusion.

"Punch it kid." The guard said "Punch it with all your might."

"You sure?" he asked.

The guard nodded and he gave a punch. The palm didn't even move from it's location and he grimaced and massaged his hand.

The guard looked at the Matron and shook his head "8-10" the guard said.

"So 2 Soul force and about 9 strength." The woman looked at the sky, as if asking the gods for some help.

The guard patted his shoulder, as if in comfort. "Don't worry kid. Just because you cannot become a Fighter or a Spiritualist doesn't mean that you can't be anything in your life. Being a farmer isn't that bad once you get used to it."

"I'll leave him to you then." The fighter gave the old matron a nod with another yawn before he turned around and left.

He looked at the matron once again and almost flinched at the disgusted look she was giving him. Gone was the stern and motherly facade that she'd donned in front of the guard.

"Another useless mouth to feed." The woman shook her head and muttered to herself but loudly enough that he could easily hear her "Might as well come in. Let's find a place to cram you in."

She led him inside the dilapidated orphanage which was suffering from a serious lack of funding and took him inside a dorm that was filled with mattresses that were attached side to side with each other without much room for maneuver.

He felt a growing pit in his stomach.

After living a pampered life in the 21st century, he had a feeling that he won't be very happy living in his uncomfortable mess.

The woman pointed at a red stained mattress and said "Su Li died of grey fever a while ago. You can take his bed." She then thrust an old and dirty cloth bundle in his hands. "Your basic necessities." She said before she frowned "Don't let the other kids steal it. And if they do, then don't come to me."

With that she left.

He wanted to ask her where the other kids were right now but did he even want to know?

He shook his head and opened the dirty cloth bundle.

Inside were a few old tattered clothes along with an equally old and tattered bed sheet that was filled with stains.

He didn't want to think about it.

He threw the bed sheet over the mattress and sat down on top of it before he tries to remember the powers he'd bought in the CYOA he'd filled that was given to him by the ROB.

He remembered one of the powers. A pocket dimension. With him as the door.

He closed his eyes and tried to see his body as a door and then went inside himself.

When he opened his eyes, he wasn't inside the old dilapidated orphanage but was instead inside a room. A 20x20 foot large room which was totally empty except for a large strange machine kept at the corner of the room.

There wasn't any light source in the room as far as he could see but the room was still filled with light.

The silence was disconcerting.

He wished that his pocket dimension had a better room at least and then was astonished when the whole room changed in front of his very eyes and changed to resemble his room from his past life.

Okay. That was cool as fuck.

He looked through the window and saw a similar scenery to what he had seen in his past life.

Now the light was coming from the windows instead of everywhere.

The lack of sound was still disconcerting.

He thought about something and then wished for that to change.

The earlier lack of sound was changed with slight swaying of wind, sweet singing of birds and the chirping of crickets.

All the background noise of our lives that we never truly notice until it's gone.

He wondered if he'd willed birds and insects into existence with a thought or if it was just the noise. The thought was disconcerting.

He decided to explore the Pocket Dimension at a later date. For now, he was more interested in the strange machine that as innocently sitting beside his bed.

He went to the Machine and saw a paper on top of it.

He looked at the top of the paper and saw the words written on top of it.


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