
Love At First Sight

After helping Marie delivering her babies, it was decided that the girl, Lana will be raised by the butler, Ian, and will live together with me in Cassau.

Now I have a butler and a maid! Yay! Is not how I feel right now.

Everyone has decided without my agreement that they will help raise the girl.

Just because Albert wanted to hide the fact that his children is twin, so that no one from the cult will find out about it, he had his own baby girl to be taken into my house.

It was me who told him to make sure that the cult doesn't know about the twins. First it was because the doctor who checked on Marie's condition before can only detect one heartbeat. It would be a shocking event if she suddenly gave birth to two babies.

And we don't know if the doctor is part of the cult or not. If his children somehow got marked by the cult, Albert can't do anything about it. So at least he want one of them to survive in case something like that truly happened.

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