
Ch.91 The hard part of what really?

When Kris saw Noah Bennet, a cross the street,'He realised that they must be looking for Sylar. Since he has been going around stealing peoples powers making a show out of it, and by show I mean the serial murder kind.'

He just gave the man a smile, and held Clear by the hand as he assists her to enter the car.

He then takes her to where he, and Felicity were staying.

As soon as he entered the warehouse he said,"Hey babe! look who I brought! She needs our help!"

The moment Clear stepped in, 3 throwing darts that the Interceptor used flew pass in between Kris's legs embedding on the cement flooring.

Cold sweat trickle down Kris's back, as Felicity came down the stairs from the loft area of the warehouse.

Putting on a brave face, and an audible gulp he said,"Like I was saying somebody took her kid, and that's why she needs our help."

[Felicity POV]

Kris hastily introduced,"Clear, this is my girlfriend Felicity Smoak. Felicity, this is my Friend Clear Walker."

'Huh?! wasn't her last name Rivers, so she got married.'

Felicity thought.

She then sported a lovely smile, and shook Clear's hand.

"Sorry about that earlier dear, my equipment seems to be malfunctioning for some reason." telling Kris but she did not turn her head to face him, and still continued to look at Clear with a smile.

"It's a pleasure to finally meet you Clear, Kris has told me so much about you."

Clear sense the tense atmosphere, so she just smiled and said,"He did?! I hope it wasn't anything bad."

Felicity said,"Don't be silly, nothing like that. Come in make yourself at home." while dragging Clear to the loft Kris gave them space, and stepped out to get them some food.

When Kris left Felicity quickly asked her,"Is Kris your daughter's father?"

"What?! No! for the last time, Kris is not Molly's father why do people assume, that he is?" denied Clear

"Well I just want to be sure... Ok do you have a picture of Molly? I'll need it for facial recognition, to search for her in any active camera available."

Just when they were about to continue Clear's phone rang,"Yeah? Clear Walker speaking..."

"Officer Parkman?! What do you mean There's another way?! No! I'm somewhere by the south docks at a friend's loft. What do you mean twin?! No! as far as I know, I'm an only child. Yes, Ok let's meet up in an hour."

"That was the police officer that found Molly before... He ask if I was in little china town, and if I had a twin. He asked to meet in a Diner in an hour."

Felicity then press somewhere behind her ear, and said,"Kris we need a ride, come pick us up. There's been a development, get here soon while I'll secure the lab."

This tiny ear piece was one of the things Felicity made in her boredom. It could act as a communication device, and remain undetectable from common means of detection.

After securing the lab, the ladies met Kris in front of the warehouse, and they went to the diner where Matt told Clear to met him.

[General POV]

Matt was already there waiting for them drinking coffee, and obviously shaken about something.

When they sat down, Matt looked at the new commer and was about to say something, but Clear cut him off, "It's ok you don't have to worry about her, she's a friend."

Matt didn't say anything else, and began his story.

"Earlier I was called to respond to a 911 call, This asian guy said he was being attacked. So me and my partner went to check the address given. It was located in little china town."

"When we got there a fight broke loose in the 5th floor apartment area, chairs and tables came down thru the apartment window."

"So we rushed in, even kicked down the door only to find someone that looks exactly like you Clear. She was ripping this asian guy, limb from limb she kept asking "where did you hide him?", "what's the your purpose?" this was when my partner went in with the gun trying to calm her down... I thought it was you so, I even called her Clear."

"Which she didn't respond to... as she grabbed a near by stool, threw it at my partner. Knocked him out good plus 4 broken ribs, his in the hospital right now."

"When I was about to shoot her, she grabbed me by the arm and threw me out the window like I weighed nothing. Lucky for me there was this big ugly Red Dragon sign board out front of the apartment building. It caught me, and save me from a 5 storie drop."

"But here's what I heard before she left, 'Linderman must have them, and there's only one place Linderman would be in right now!' see that's the clue Linderman is a mob boss, and is known for alot of illegal stuff. Who says kidnapping children isn't one of them."

Kris nodded, and said,"I know where Linderman is, He is in New York to attend the announcement of the election this weekend."

"Guess were going to New York..." Kris looked at the ladies, but Felicity said,"You both go, You'll need me hear to keep an eye on the lab."

"Are you sure? We could always bring the lab with us." Said Kris

"No! go with her look for Molly, and bring her back safe. Ok." Kris nodded at this with conviction.

"Thank you Felicity, I'll bring them both back safe." Clear said to Felicity.

"Well, Thanks Matt. We will be going to New York, you did great by giving us this information." Kris shook Matts hand for this.

The three people left, while Matt was approached by a man with horned rimmed glasses.

Kris, and Clear dropped off Felicity at the warehouse. Kris packed a few things they might need including a set of unbreakable test tubes. He also gave Clear a pair of bulletproof compression suit.

Kris then filled the car's tank for there road trip to New York.

When the two left that afternoon for New York, Matt met a man that can cause nuclear explosions by the name of Ted Sprague.

But Kris, and Clear didn't know this. While Kris wasn't really aware of the events in the Heroes series as he hasn't watch most of it before. Leaving him only knowing the basics and who's who.

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