
Chapter 17: Hestia's power!

Lucian and the others had returned to the adventures guild with one hundred and one giant rat tails, as well as the ears to boot.

They headed over to the recipient to cash in their reward and reported the quest complete.

"Oh my, your back already?" The receptionist said in surprise.

"That's right, that quest was easy!" Hestia said as she grabbed onto Lucian's arm, pressing her chest into it.

The receptionist looked Hestia up and down but couldn't tell she was a monster, thanks to her hood.

"Yes... and you are?" She asked.

"That's enough, Hestia," Lucian said as he freed his arm from her grasp.

"So how much will we get for these?" Lucian then said as he dropped the large sack full of rat tails.

"Oh my." The receptionist said as she saw how many tails were there.

She slowly started to count the tails from the bag, still surprised just how many of them were there.

After a bit of time...

"So that is 101 tails in total, at five copper coins, a tail comes to a total of five silver coins and five coppers." She said as she counted out the money, placing it into a bag for him.

"Here you go, and thank you for all your hard work." She said, handing over the reward.

Lucian took the reward and nodded to her.

"See you again." He said, smiling at the receptionist, causing her to blush a little.

"How about some food?" He then said, getting a happy reaction from Hestia and Ron.

"How about it, Ron know anywhere good?" Lucian asked as he tossed his coin purse into the air catching it.

Ron smiled after thinking about it for a moment.

"Follow me!" He then said as they headed off out of the adventures guild.

It was getting late now, and the sun had already set. Lanterns now illuminated the streets, and people were settling in and around the taverns to eat and drink.

"This is the place," Ron said as he and the others arrived.

"Alright, time to eat!" Hestia shouted, getting excited.

Lucian noticed the name. "The broken fang." And nodded for them to go in.

"This place is good, costs a little more, but they also offer rooms at a fair rate," Ron said as he was about to open the door.

However, the door flung open as a group of men appeared laughing and chanting. Ron froze on the spot as he saw it was the brute from the other night.

The large man stopped laughing as he noticed Ron and Lucian becoming serious all of a sudden.

"Well, well. Look who it is!"Kain said as his black mohawk seemed to stand on end at the sound of his name.

"It's those bastards from the other night!"

"Yeah, the ones who got us banned for a week!" Some of the others said, clearly pissed off about what had happened.

"Yeah, and this time, you got no one at the guild to hide behind," Kain said as he stepped closer to Lucian, itching for a fight.

Lucian took another look at his number and stats screen as he got closer.

Name - Kain

Class - Human Barbarian.

Skills - Two-handed sword expert. Brute force.

Rank - 7/20 - Steel rank.

States - Strength 6/10 - Speed - 4/10 - intelligence - 3/10.

Magic - 0/8.

Lucian could see that this time his stats were slightly higher and not affected by alcohol.

"I hope you're ready to pay for embarrassing me the other night!" Kain shouted as he raised his fist to strike Lucian.

Suddenly Hestia grabbed his wrist and slammed her palm into his chest, knocking him back a good few paces, to Kain's surprise.

"Who the hell is this bitch!" He shouted as he took a good look at her.

His men weren't happy about what had happened, and they slowly started to draw their weapons.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," Lucian said with a smile.

Hestia also smiled as she cracked her knuckles.

"What should I do with them, master, burn them all alive?" She asked with a wicked smile.

"No, no, Hestia, not here," Lucian said.

Ron seconded that as he was waving his hands in distress.

"Tell you what, Kain... If you can defeat my slave here, you can make any demand of me you want." Lucian said.

Kain cocked an eyebrow as he listened. Looking Hestia up and down, liking what he saw, especially her large breasts.

"Is that right... What we got under that hood, eh girly?" Kain said, acting tough.

Hestia took her hood down, revealing her white hair, pointy ear and fangs, much to the surprise of Kain and the others.

"Well, looky here, lads! We got ourselves a Hobgoblin!" Kain shouted as he whistled.

All of his men started laughing and whistling as Kain got them excited.

"What's the matter lad, can't hold it with the ladies, so you have to keep a monster around to fuck?" Kain said, throwing the insults in now.

Hestia was seriously pissed off now, and Lucian could tell she was about to burn them all alive.

"Calm down, Hestia." He said.

She didn't have a choice, thanks to the slave seal and bit her lip in frustration.

"Please let me kill them, master." She said with almost puppy dog eyes.

"Alright, I expect your challenge. What are the rules?" Kain said, cracking his giant fists?

Lucian could see that Hestia's stats were about even with Kains, although she was a little stronger.

"This will be a perfect chance to see just how strong she really is." Lucian thought.

"How about a fistfight. No weapons and no magic." Lucian purposed.

Kain laughed hard.

"That's fine with me! Goblin bitch won't stand a chance!" He shouted as he tossed his large two-handed sword to his men.

"Take her down, Kain!"

"Yeah fuck that monster bitch up!" His men cheered from the side of the streets.

"Lucian, what are you doing!" Ron shouted, sounding worried.

"Are you really going to let her fight this guy without magic?" He asked.

"Calm down, Ron. I have a feeling she will be fine."

"Alright, you little skank! I'm going to beat you down into the ground and make you my slave." Kain said as had started marching towards Hestia.

Hestia looked the brute up and down, spitting on the floor before looking at Lucian, who gave her a nod.

"Don't hold back." He said with a serious expression.

Hestia smiled, and her eyes lit up from the excitement.

"Take this!" Kain shouted as he swung a huge right hook aiming for Hestia's face, trying to pound her to the floor with one big strike.

Hestia quickly ducked under his attack and slipped behind his large frame with ease, giggling at him.

"Why you!" Kain shouted as he turned around, throwing a sidekick aimed at her stomach.

Hestia crossed her arms and blocked the attack. Although the force sent her skidding back along the stone cobbles, she took no damage.

"Is that all you've got?" Hestia said as she taunted him.

Kain growled and charged in, throwing punch after punch in an attempt to overwhelm her with brute force.

Hestia could step back each time and avoid every strike as she was faster, until she hit a brick wall, leaving her nowhere to go.

"It over now, you bitch!" He said as he twisted his back, cocking his arm, ready to unleash a decisive blow.

"Eat this!" He shouted as he swung his arm with all his might.

Hestia smiled at the last second and dived right under his legs sliding out behind him, avoiding the punch.

Kain's fist hit the corner of the brick wall and smashed the bricks to pieces from the power of his punch, smashing the entire wall down.

"Why you!" He shouted as he turned around, ready to attack again.

However, this time Hestia was the one who went on the attack as she closed the gap with her speed and raised her first to strike the brute as hard as she could.

Slamming punch after punch and kick after kick into the large barbarian until she jumped into the air and slammed her foot into his gut, sending him skidding back along the ground.

"How did you like that!" Hestia shouted as she landed back onto the ground in her fighting stance.

To her and everyone else's surprise, though. Kain had taken barely any damage, and if anything was getting stronger, the more pissed off he got.

"I think im going to have some fun with you. Once I've beaten you into the ground, I'm going to take you to my bed am do it all over again, you little monster slut!" He shouted.

Hestia growled, and her fangs were showing now.

"Like I would ever let that happen, you pig!" She shouted.

"We need to stop this, Lucian. He's going to kill her!" Ron said, panicking.

"He's a steel rank and a barbarian at that. There is no way Hestia can beat him in a fistfight!" Ron pleaded.

Lucian was interested as he watched both of them go at it. Little did Ron know, Hestia was also at the level of a steel rank adventurer, as well as her overall stats being higher than Kain's.

Not only was this a good test to see how much stats mattered, but it was also good to see just how strong Hestia was.

"Don't worry, Ron. She's still getting warmed up."

Kain suddenly broke out into a run as he charged at Hestia, attempting to catch her in a bear hug.

Hestia jumped back but was surprised when he suddenly burst towards her faster than she had anticipated, catching her in his grasp.

"Your mine!" He shouted, giving a disgusting smile.

Hestia did the only thing she could as she tilted her head back, slamming it into his, delivering a massive headbutt with her horns.

"Arghh!" Kain screamed as Hestia's horns cut his forehead, causing him to let go of her.

"You bitch!" He screamed as he grasped his head in pain, blood flowing from the wound.

"Shut up, you pig!" Hestia shouted as she kicked the brute right in-between the legs landing a brutal blow to his privates.

Kain shrieked from the pain and dropped to his knees as his eyes went wide, looking as if they would pop out of his skull.

"Time to die, scum!" Hestia shouted as she smashed her first into his face over and over again as she held his mohawk with her free hand.

All of Kain's men had gone quiet now as they watched Hestia best him into a bloodied pulp, not stopping until she was satisfied.

Kain was out cold, and if not for Lucian's super hearing picking up a faint heartbeat, he would have sworn he was dead.

Hestia walked back over to Lucian, covered in blood with a smile plastered on her face.

"Did you see me, master! Did you see me kick his ass!" She shouted.

Lucian smiled as he patted her head.

"Good job Hestia, you'll get a double helping of food tonight!"

Hestia was jumping up and down in excitement while Lucian took another look at Kain's stats now that he was bloodied and beaten.

Name - Kain

Class - Human Barbarian.

Skills - Two-handed sword expert.

Rank - 3/20 - Copper rank.

States - Strength 2/10 - Speed - 1/10 - intelligence - 2/10.

Magic - 0/8.

Injuries - broken jaw - broken nose - broken skull - ruptured eardrum - Concussion - Click to see more...

"Wow..." Lucian said as he studied the stats.

From what he could see, an individual's stats were more like reflections of their current strength. Meaning it could also drop down if one became injured.

"Why, you bitch! You'll pay for that!" Kain's men shouted as they all drew their weapons. Distracting Lucian from his thoughts and causing Ron to panic even more.

"Now, can I kill them all?" Hestia asked with an innocent smile.

"No, Hestia. Let me handle this one." Lucian said as he drew his Warhammer.

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