
090 R18

Those who had no families wanted to fight, those who had families refused to fight, and it was selfish behavior on their part... They completely ruined my day, I even lost my appetite.

There was nothing left for me to do but to cut off everyone's head ... my people suggested to sacrifice them to the Gods ... I was always an advocate of freedom of religion, so I couldn't refuse them... I told my people just to leave their heads intact, because they would be needed to later identify who they were, with the rest of the body they can do whatever they want.

The next day I ordered to load the heads of the nobility into the boxes and sent them as a gift to the Queen, the messenger was also to convey that Edinburgh, Carlisle are now free from rebels ... and from everything that is alive, but the queen did not have to know that ... we can also blame the Scots for burning the city down.

Our next destination was the city of Eoferwic (Jorvik), but we cannot leave without saying goodbye, it would only prove my lack of culture... I sent a messenger to the castle to inform the Queen of our arrival.

(Queen Ealhswith / Bishop Unwan POV)

- Your Excellency, I don't know what to do, I need advice. The pagans who came to our kingdom ... I made a deal with them, I had no choice. They killed most of the rebels and sent me their heads as evidence ... they also sent the heads of their wives and children ... (The Queen)

- You did wrong, Queen Ealhswith. The Christian Queen, allies with the children of the devil to murder innocent Christians. (Bishop)

- They were not innocent, they were rebels! If they succeeded, my family would perish... (Queen)

- You lie to yourself, you want to whiten your soul, but you can't fool God. He sees your actions and if you are not punished in this world, you will receive punishment in heaven. Heads of women and children... (Bishop)

- I didn't want them dead!!! I need advice ... this man wants me ... I'm afraid if I don't succumb to his lust, he will kill my son. My children are all I have. Help me... I'm afraid. (Queen)

- You are full of sinful thoughts, you ally with pagans, now you think about sharing your bed with one of them ... who is your husband's murderer. The reasons are not important, the actions are important. Sin has no excuse. A Christian doesn't do that. Perhaps it would be better for everyone if you did not sit on the throne. You have to decide for yourself what is more important, your immortal soul or your earthly life. I can't help you. (Bishop)

(End POV)

In the evening, two days later, together with a group of my people, I went to the castle for a farewell feast.

Once again, an uglier Yeti cousin was standing at the gate ... I tried to ignore him, but this was easier said than done. We passed the gate and together with a few guards who were our escort and we went to the castle, a few minutes later we were in front of the entrance to the dining room, where a man was waiting to announce our arrival.

My men sat at the designated tables, and I made my way to the main table to sit down next to the queen.

- My Lady, you look charming, but as they say, if someone is beautiful, everything suits him. Just like me ... ahh, did you like my gift? (Ulf)

- There were women and children ... (Queen)

- The same treacherous blood ran in their veins, I could spare them ... but in ten years they might try to kill your son ... You don't have to thank me. (Ulf)

- I wasn't going to ... I allied myself with the heathen against the Christian. (Queen)

- Spare me this remorse, from hearing such self-pity, I lose my appetite ... Now I need information from you about Mercia and Wessex. (Ulf)

- I don't have much information, King Offa of Mercia and King Beorhtric of Wessex have defeated King Ealhmund of Kent together. Despite the agreements, King Offa seized Kent for himself and all of Kingdom of East Anglia. They were arguing over the control of Lundenwick, but Wessex was to weak to take the city by force. King Ealhmund's son, Prince Ecbert was banished from the country. He was at Charlemagne's court in the Frankish Empire and when King Beorhtric died, Ecbert returned and seized the throne of Wessex for himself. I don't know anything else, women are not allowed into politics, my husband took care of everything... when he was alive. (Queen)

- Thank you My Lady, not much, but enough to do something. If my men attack King Offa's lands, Wesesx is unlikely to come to his aid, of course you won't help him either. You have enough problems in your Kingdom, too much to meddle in the affairs of others. (Ulf)

The feast continued until the late evening hours, and I learned a few more insignificant but perhaps useful things ... after conquering and fortifying Jorvik, my next destination will be the city of Lundenwick.

As the feast was slowly over, I placed my hand on the queen's thigh.

- It's time to say goodbye to the guests and go to bed ... of course I will accompany you today, you look like you need male company. (Ulf)

- I'm not ... a whore. (Queen)

- Of course you are not, but you are my property and you owe me a lot, if not for me and my troops ... do you really want to oppose me, Ealhswith? (Ulf)

The queen looked at me, she wanted to oppose me, but she understood perfectly well that it would be a big mistake. Ealhswith got up from the table, signaled the servants who had begun clearing the table, and headed for the private quarters, so I did the same and followed the queen.

The door to the chamber closed behind us, the room was dim, only a few candles were lit. I sat down on the chair, looked at the queen ...

- You don't have to be ashamed, I've seen you naked before ... and it was a lovely sight. (Ulf)

She lowered her head and slowly began to undress, as the dress fell to the floor, I heard a soft sob. I got up from my chair, approached the queen, lifted her head and licked a tear from her cheek.

- You think I'm a monster, you despise me ... and it's perfectly understandable. But before you judge someone, think about your husband's deeds ... When his army fought against the Scots, do you think they had mercy on women and children? While you were kneeling and praying to God or having a feast ... Your soldiers robbed, murdered, and ra.pe.d ...

- They are pagans and they attacked us first. (Queen)

- Maybe, maybe not, but it doesn't matter ... we both have blood on our hands, but at least I know I'm a monster. (Ulf)

I kissed her lips and placed my hand between the queen's thighs and began to caress her. She stood motionless, not knowing how to act ... I stuck my fingers into her vagina, still kissing her. There was nothing romantic about it, just a business deal.

After a few minutes, I pushed the queen into bed, undressed, and lay down next to her. I started kissing her neck, breasts, belly, hips and thighs ... she did not respond to my caresses, she lay motionless as a log, but I was indifferent to it. She could take pleasure in it, and having decided otherwise... it was her choice. Without waiting any longer, I put my penis inside her ... I heard a soft hiss from the queen's mouth, she had an expression of pain on her face. I was aware she wasn't wet and she hadn't had a man in a year, but after a few moments her body would get used to it.

After a dozen or so minutes, I ended up inside her. I got up from the bed, poured us two glasses of wine and handed the queen ... she drank greedily. We had s.e.x a few more times that night.

In the morning I was awakened by the rays of the sun streaming through the window, I rubbed my eyes, I reached for a glass of wine and drank it in one gulp.

When I put down the goblet, I saw red stains on its surface ... I looked at the bed, there was a lot of blood on it, I unveiled the bedspread ... underneath it lay the dead queen. It looked as though I fell asleep she slashed her veins.

Was I so bad in bed? ... Another trouble, now I will have to kill her children ...

MC is a bastard, murderer, sociopath ... if someone has not figured it out yet, after so many chapters, after this chapter, they will definitely understand.

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