

(Ragnar / Floki POV)

- Floki, three more days and we'll be home. Our first raid, we gotta get drunk when we get back.

- We have nothing to celebrate, three ships sank, and even when we sailed inland the spoil was not large, the Gods were not on our side.

- We will sacrifice a few slaves and perhaps set sail again before winter comes, at least we have many slaves ...

- Slaves, spoils ... I'm glad to be back, it wasn't a successful raid.

- You're happy to be back because Helga is waiting in for you in Kattegat... are you planning to get married?

- (giggles) No... you must be bored, don't waste your energy talking, just grab the oar and row.

(End POV)

Three months later, while I was in Kattegat, I saw ships entering the port, they returned sooner than I expected. Tonight I will take Lagerth with me and we will come to the settlement, and maybe we will find something interesting at the market.

A few hours later, when we were in Kattegat, most of the crews had already unloaded their goods and put them up for sale, the rest of the Vikings who were not going to trade either returned home or were already drunk.

Walking between the stalls, we saw several men taking turns having sex with one of the new slaves, I never paid any attention to it, but after a while I started to see the difference between old and new slaves ... hair, slaves always had their hair trimmed, the new arrivals still had long ones.

Apart from the slaves, there were some utensils, weapons, but poor quality. Ornaments, mainly female ones ... there were kabłączki (temple rings) made of various metals, pendants made of amber.

- Ulf, look at those earrings. Beautiful isn't it?

Lagertha pointed me to a pair of gold earrings, the motif was very characteristic, some birds and a cross. The ornament probably came from the Byzantine Empire.

I asked the seller about the price ... it was high, then I asked out of curiosity where they got it. He didn't say the exact location, but they sailed inland along the river and reached a large settlement. I could not deduce anything from such a description. The Slavs living in these areas either traded with the Empire, or attacked some merchant from the Empire... the only logical explanation. Lagertha liked the earrings so I bought them.

As we were about to go back, we saw Ragnar and a few people sitting and drinking beer.

- Ragnar, how was your first raid? Where's Floki gone, he doesn't usually miss any celebrations?

- Ulf, you could come with us, you missed your chance. We have won many slaves. The loot wasn't too bad either, it paid off ... and Floki was here somewhere, maybe he went to pee.

As soon as Ragnar finished saying these words I saw Floki coming out from behind the building accompanied by a woman, when they came closer to the light I recognized that it was Helga.

Helga saw that I was standing at the table, left Floki and walked over to me.

- Ulf, I didn't have a chance to thank you.

- You don't have to thank, it's a thing of the past.

Lagertha came closer and hugged me, Helga nodded her head seeing this and returned to Floki and she sat on his lap ... I suspect that Lagertha has marked her territory in this way. We talked a little longer and I took my wife home ... she'll have to earn those earrings.

The next day, when we woke up, breakfast was ready. Mira was standing by the stove and preparing food for us.

Luckily she recovered, though I wasn't sure she would come out of it. At first it seemed that everything was fine, but after two days she passed out and started to have a fever, for the next three weeks she did not get out of bed. My medical knowledge was not that big, the only thing I could do was herbal mixtures and compresses ... but she recovered.

After breakfast, I went to the workshop, but before I could touch the tools, I already had a visitor ... I have to think about a dog, a few dogs, or even better a few bears.

- Olafur, what brings you to me?

- Jarl Harald wants to see you.

Not having much choice, I went home, told Lagertha where I was going.

Olafur tried to make a conversation, I wanted to tell him to fuck off, but I was tactful and just ignored him.

(Olafur POV)

Jarl told me to bring Ulf to him, he is planning to recruit him, Siggy said she tried and Ulf refused ... and I hate him. I have not yet forgotten how he threatened me when I was at Svein's house. Who does he think he is? Bastard, son of some slave whore. I hear that he saved Siggy and Jarl's granddaughter ... They say he killed thirty people, only a fool will believe such fairy tales ... and this bastard still ignores me.

(End POV)

Olafur led me to Jarl's house, but his face looked as if he had to eat a whole lemon. Jarl Haradl was sitting in the chieftain's chair, he was already old at that time, he looked over fifty, when I looked at him like that, he spoke first.

- Ulf Ericson, I remember a few years ago when your stepmother accused you of unlawful killing of your father. You were young and you fought well ... now you saved my daughter-in-law and granddaughter, for which I thank you. Take it from me as a gift.

- Jarl Harald, unfortunately I cannot accept this gift. Your daughter-in-law has already tried to thank me so and I refused.

Jarl didn't look angry, but rather curious and surprised, he probably never heard a refusal... there always got to be that first time.

- Ulf why don't you want a gift?

- If I accept it, it will mean that I will be your man, faithful to your family ... and I bow to no man.

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