
Assassin’s Guild

"Did it work?" Silent Night asked as Lucan exited the cave.

"Its just under 7 hours to get back."

"Ugh. It can't be helped. A handful of hours is far better than 60 gold."

"Yes, let's go to the guild. I want to get out of these slippers and robe."

"Are you sad to see the floppy hat go?" She teased.

"Actually yes, I will save it. I could see myself sitting beside a lake wearing it while I am fishing on a sunny day."

Silent Night struggled to contain her laughter. "How is it that you're a Hand of Raze but the only life goals I hear you repeatedly talk about is going fishing? I would expect someone in your position to strive for world dominance or try to infiltrate multiple governments and slowly take control. You know, the shady stuff warlocks are known for. Power and prestige."

"Well you should know that my character is touched by a mental affliction called 'Warlock's insanity' but that has nothing to do with this. No, my goal is to be satisfied, isn't that what everyone wants? I just so happen to know how to achieve it."

"Pff, yeah right. Whenever you eventually get around to fishing you are going to be complaining that you wish you could be making wands, you will ramble on and on about how peaceful and relaxing it is."

Lucan and Silent Night neared the gates of the city. As they did, Silent stopped talking and began to wrap a piece of dark cloth around her face until only her eyes were visible.

Lucan was about to ask, but then remember her identical twin sister the celebrity. Most likely she didn't want to be hassled by her sisters mistaken fans. At least for now, she didn't have to worry about being the focus of everyone's attention. The moment they walked into the city, everyone couldn't help but stare at the guy in slippers and a bathrobe with a floppy hat.

Without so much as opening her mouth, Silent Night led the way to the transfer point and paid the 8 silver for both of them to teleport to a small village called Hamlet.

The village was about the same size as Shadowsweep. Hamlet was located on top of a ravine and surrounded by forest.

The people on the street paid them no attention as Lucan was led to the northern outskirt of the village.

Silent Night approached a worn-down shack and proceeded with the secret knock. The door cracked open.

"Codename Longshot to make a claim and I have brought a recommendation." Silent Night said, nodding to Lucan.

A man, or maybe a woman hidden by a dark cloak opened the door and motioned to a set of stairs inside the shack.

Lucan followed Silent as they spent 10 minutes walking down the stairs, venturing deep underground. The stairway opens to a sizeable room, in one corner was a makeshift bar with several cloaked figures sitting around tables, eating and drinking. There was a counter with a few people working and several doors leading elsewhere.

Lucan joined Silent while waiting in line at the counter.

"Longshot, is that you? Where have you been?" A lean man dressed like a monk and not hiding his appearance walked over.

"I have been busy; it looks like you haven't." She said, motioning to his drinking friends.

"I just wanted to say hello and… is this strange fella your friend? I haven't seen him around before."

"I am recommending him."

"Hi, I am Lucan Quilldrake." Lucan proudly said.

"Ha, let me give you a tip, this is the kind of place where you keep your identity hidden, that's why we have codenames."

Lucan smiled. "I appreciate your good intentions, but you and I are different. I am a Hand of Raze, a supreme warlock. I deal in power and magic selling strength to others. If you want the ability to blend with shadows and squeeze through a crack, you come to me. If you want to be able to make a person stop cold in their tracks with a single glance, I can give you the ability to make someone so scared the crap their pants just from you looking their directions. I am a dealer of spells, abilities, skills and enhancements related to shadow and mental magic. It's important for people to know my name. Heck if you want to remain anonymous just think my name three times and ask for power. Remember… the name is Lucan Quilldrake."

"If you are done with your sales pitch, it is our turn." Silent Night said before dragging Lucan to the counter.

"How can I help you." Said the older woman behind the counter.

"Codename Longshot, I need to make a claim, proof of completion should have already been sent over. I would also like to use my recommendation."

"Hi, I am-."

"Yes, Lucan Quilldrake, everyone is aware." She said while shuffling her papers and not looking up. Lucan wasn't embarrassed, his goal had been achieved. He never expected acolytes to come flooding in, but if someone was in a pinch, they just might turn to him, then it would spread from there.

The woman behind the counter stamped a piece of parchment and handed it to Lucan. "Third door on the left, descended the stairs and give this to the gatekeeper to begin your assessment."

"Thank you." Lucan said before turning to go to the door.

"I am going to look for a quick contract. Send me a whisper when your done." Silent said before moving to the second line at the counter.

[Silent Night has requested to be your friend.]

Lucan stopped walking. He hesitated to accept. Right now his friend list was empty. The first time he got invited to a party it ended horribly. But just because he would be on her friends list didn't mean she could easily betray, and he didn't need to trust her. Lucan accepted.

He opened the door and went further underground.

"Hey Bloodfist, how do you think he will do?" A cloaked man asked the monk who had sat back down at the table.

"Eh, bronze at best. Silver if he puts on some armor, but I think if he had it, he would wear it."

"Maybe, I have heard of Raze, you shouldn't cause problems without a cause."

"What, you're not actually going to go to him for strength are you? That's crazy, I don't want to be kidnapping babies and tossing them into fires to make sacrifices to great demons. Count me out."

Another woman at the table laughed. "Have you heard the name Hellfire?"

"Of course, I have." Bloodfist said. "He is the second highest ranking warlock."

"Yes, and he is a direct warlock of the Duke of Flames. Another one of Raze's hands. Hellfire did a big Q&A on the forums a couple months ago. He went into detail about his class and explained how Raze is neutral and you buy power with experience. It is a good read; you should look at it next time your resting."

"We will see how he does." Bloodfist said while getting up to fetch another round of silk-whisky for the table.


"Are you the gate keeper?" Lucan asked the man who stood before the large gate at the bottom of the steps.


Lucan handed out the piece of paper.

The man looked it over. "Behind this gate is an Instance we use to test the new recruits to see if you are worth it. The dungeon will acclimate to your level, but I suggest you wear better equipment if you want to do well."

"My intelligence suggest that this is the best place for a warlock to find leather armor, I don't want to waste my money on half measures. This is the best I can do for now."

The gatekeeper ignored him and continued. "Your goal is to assassinate the orc chief and escape with your life. This is impossible so we will use this opportunity to see what you're capable of. Death in this Instance will not cause you to drop items or lose experience. Your have two hours to try as many times as you like, but after two hours, when you die you will not be permitted to re-enter. The council of examiners is watching so use this time to impress them in some way." The gate keeper summoned an hourglass, turning it over before opening the gate.

Lucan peered in as a wall of magical energy blocked his sight. He would have to walk through and enter.

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