
Art Academy


<+10 infatuation points>

<Current infatuation: 90%>

<Status change: liking>>>> Besotted>

'Shit! How the hell did it jump to 90% this quickly!'

<The Jealousy host displayed in front of the young girl had a significant impact; Miku subconsciously liked your fake obsessively protective act>

'Hmm, I see! Eh, at this point, I'll just accept whatever you fling at me.'

After Yami got out of his room, leaving Miku in a daze, he got downstairs to take a stroll; however, on the way, he found his adoptive uncle, watering the garden flowers.

"Hello, uncle!" He greeted.

Baldy looked back and saw the boy's figure walking outside; he leisurely waved his hands and said, "Hehe! Looking great! I have some excellent news for you,"

'News? What new surprise this baldy is preparing now?'

Yami got confused by his uncle's sly smile.

Nevertheless, he politely asked, "What are they, uncle Anzo,"

Baldy fox stopped his watering activity and put his arms under his back, proudly declaring, "I managed to enroll you at the best school in the country; only rich people and prodigies get accepted there; however, your old man pulled some strings behind the scenes, but even with that, you're quite extremely fortunate."

He added, "You going to study at the same school as my daughter Miku,"

A dubious look roamed my face, 'Wasn't she a first-year high school student, And I'm a third-year middle schooler.'

Allegedly, I replied, "But we are in totally different grades; shouldn't she be a second year high school student?"

"You're right, but this school contains all grades, formed at distant buildings and areas, all studying in one vast Academy that have a vibrant history and reputation stretching for at least several decades,"

"Oh, is it that great?!" I questioned, feeling amazed.

Pleased by my excited replay, he giggled, "Yes, it is; you will have the chance to meet the cream of the crop of this nation, so make sure to make connections with the youngsters there,"

I was looking at his satisfied face.

'Eh, This is Weird! Why would he sent me to such a luxurious Academy? Is he trying to use me for something? Or butter me up more and make me internally grateful to him?'

I wondered inside my mind, yet my body answered with a clear sense smiling like a dog seeing a fresh bone, "Thank you, uncle! You're the best!"

"Hohoho, don't worry about it, Ah! the school will start next Monday; I will send you the uniform after its ready,"

"Understood," Yami paid his respect and headed straight to the gym.

'Shit! I never thought I would be able to attend such a prestigious school! If I did Well, I might lend myself to a great university. Plus, It can secure me some powerful connections that can help me build a business, pushing my prospect and funds to another level; everything is said while ensuring a golden thigh if I failed too.'

<Host is right. But still, it can be a blessing and a curse at the same time>

'Hm!? What do you mean, Narcos?'


<Host will understand in the near future>

I was troubled by narcos vague last sentence, yet I shoved it at the back of my head; after all, I don't really have a choice in the first place; rather than focusing on an unpredictable fate, I will prefer to improve my chances with every minute I still left.

And that's precisely what I did; reaching the gym as motivated as a ever, I trained for two hours straight, continually challenging myself, till eventually, reaching my last breath.

'Oh damn! I never been pumped up like this before!'

Leaving the gym, the dusky moonlight already covered the city's sky.

Making my way to the Haruka household, I used my keys to enter the house secretly, going straight to my room, yet a voice called for me in the way; I turned around and saw Miku, holding a plate in her hands; she was frowning. However, her voice was soft and shaky, exposing how she really felt.

"You forgot your dinner," she muttered.

I turned my gaze to face her, and in an amused tone, I said, "Such a good maid, I'm blessed,"

She lowered her eyebrows even more and scuffed, pointing her finger at me, "Our deal going to expire tomorrow; if you have a drop of self-respect, don't talk to me again,"

Yami laughed after hearing her gossip, "I don't think our deal will expire anytime soon,"

He waved the back of his hand, defacing her words.

"Y-you!!" she angrily yelled, And before she can utter anything, he added, "I'm kind of tired today; come and feed me,"

Her furious expression didn't change as much;

Furthermore, she expected him to pull something weird, like he usually perpetrates.

A light "Tsk" heard, before she strode closer to him, eventually doing precisely what she's been "ordered".

Time passed, and he looked at the still little visible hickey in her neck before chiming, "How's that boy reacted to my lovely mark?"

She was still grabbing the fork, when she heard his words, consequently dropping the food in it.

"H-he didn't notice," she announced in a weak voice.

"How about I go to your art Academy tomorrow? I would like to see him in person," he leisurely said, opening his mouth to take the next bite.

Still, his inside was wondering why he would utter such words.

As a reaction, Her face jolted like the taste of coffee when someone expects tea, dropping her eyes to the ground before recollecting herself, "Why would you want to see him?"

He raised a brow, feeling amused, merely smirking at the girl's question, yet the smirk only appeared wicked and ill-attended in the girl's round eyes.

"Just take me tomorrow, can you?" he stared daggers toward the girl's watery eyes.

She helplessly nodded her head, feeding him the last spoon.

"Good," he asserted.

Standing up, she's about to depart finishing her "obligations," but Yami asked her another unexpected question, "What's your school like?"

'School!? Why would he want to know about my school?'

Her confusion didn't last long, as he explained a second later, "I'm going to attend it Monday with you, and wanted to know what it's like?"

"huh!? You are attending AMS Academy too?" My statement caused her skin to jump.

'I only got accepted because of my musical talent and fame as a national violin player'

"Yes, if you are going to ask how, I don't know either, ask your father; he's the one who pulled it off,"

Full of curiosity, she whispered, "I see,"

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