
Froggy training


After finishing the funeral ceremony, baldy fox took us by car, all the way up to the city, because the shrine was located in the mountains; I hardly spend any time in a civilized environment even when I was a drug addict.

I sat beside the girl in the back seat, while baldy and his wife sat in the front.

The girl and wife pair was so revolted with me; their piercing gazes all most poke a hole in my head.

Starting with myself, I might remark funny comments about someone, but never in my life; I had the heart to hurt somebody's feelings using something that he can't take control of; to me, was like blaming someone blind for not seeing the path.

'All you, just wait! After you all fall in love with me, I will treat you like trash too'

The young girl had long dark purple hair, with matching royal blue eyes, and fairy white skin; her cuteness was just heavenly; she's genuinely a goddess at the making, his wife at the contrary, had a motherly charm to her, same as Miku her eyes were also blue but blood-flecked. And differently, her hair was short and raven with few occasion white hair strands peaking from the top. It's like you gathered all That traditional Japanese beauty in one pack.

'Shame she's already old and weary,' I contemplated.

I wondered how did this man manage to get a beauty like this in the peak of her youth; so, I asked Narcos if she's also a target.

<The wife early life was rough; she grew up as a poor girl from the slums, but after your uncle offered to marry her at a very young age, she gladly accepted, but she's not a target; the system only picks the cream of the crop, here stats aren't significant enough!>

'You asshole! Look at me god damned! Do I look significant to you? Ah! By the way, Can you show me my stats?'

<Yes, gladly>


Name: Yami Yokihima

Age: 16

Looks: 2/10

Description: brings instant disgust and discomfort to everyone looking at you.

Charisma: 3/10

Description: better shut your mouth while people are speaking.

Talent: 7/10

Description: your grandma did a good job teaching you till now—overall, an excellent feel for painting. But the skill is yet to be trained.

Biggest regret: not eating that last plate of pasta your grandma made you.


'Ok, ok, don't expose more! Now, How can I raise her infatuation points?'

<Host is not in the condition to try and do anything with his current body, even if your god himself, she will still not spare a glance at you>

'What the hell!? And how I'm supposed to do this?'

<Narcos designed a diet plan, plus a weight lifting program, for a duration of three months in a final goal of losing 56 kgs>

'Two months? Can I use steroids? Do I look like Colman to you?'

(A/N: Colman is an American bodybuilder that won the mister Olympia eight times and wildly considered to be the goat)

<Host is not asked, but obligated>

'Oh! You drug dealer, old man! You got me on this one real good! I will curse you for a hundred years to come.'

We finally arrived at the Haruka family house; this family is composed of my uncle, his wife, Miku, an older sister that study abroad, and a brother in his mid-twenties. The house was pretty big, the biggest in the neighborhood actually, even though this baldy fox is overly greedy, but he's relatively rich; he can even afford a maid and a driver.

They gave me a cupboard at the house's last story; it was the smallest room, usually assigned for luggage.

'Godammit! even the maid room is bigger' I remarked, looking around.

As I dictated, they want to be as far as possible from a 'disgusting' kid like me, but I can't complain, I will have my revenge sooner or later.

First thing first, I put my grandma's picture on the drawer beside my bed; in my heart, she was my only mother; I can't allow myself to forget even the slightest detail from her face.

Then, after unpacking my suitcase, I crashed on the stern bed and quickly dozed.

After a super relaxed sleep session, I woke up early.

'These beds in the city are just a cheat!' Yami was used to sleep in the dusty hard ground every night.

I washed my face and had a quick shower, before going down to eat some breakfast, the first one I found holding a tablet in his hands while looking seriously reviewing something. was my new "Father."

He noticed my arrival, and warmly greeted me. His wife and daughter were also sitting at the big table, but they didn't even spare me a glimpse; the wife looked utterly disgusted as she mumbled something under her breath, while the daughter put down her fork at once and announced that she suddenly lost her appetite before leaving.

'This fucking bitch! Narcos Why would you pick someone like her?'

<System picks love interests blankly from stats, personality and attitudes are not one of narcos concerns>

The uncle informed me that I have to attend school; after three months, I briefly nodded my head. The breakfast ended with awkward silence and lot of lost appetites; I couldn't blame them for being honest; after looking at the mirror yesterday, even a dog is looking more handsome than me.

<Host training will start after 30 minutes; the host is advised to pick a suitable place.>

'Ah! Shit, I need to rush to the park nearby!'

Rushing, I told my uncle that I wanted to visit the neighborhood.

I made a country bumpkin expression, which made him laugh at my silly enthusiasm as he waved his hand in agreement.

I walked up to the park; kids were romping freely in the little sand compartment. Then, I saw some fat middle-aged women working out; they looked at me, and as you guessed, even them found me disgusting.

That greatly light up the fire in my eyes;

'If a washed-up old woman thinks she's better than me, then I might as well dig my grave and die'

"Narcos, tell me what I should do!"

<The first phase is building up your endurance while burning as much fat as possible; the host will run at least 4 kilometers, jump squat like a frog at least 400 times, and a deep stretch session for 20 minutes>

"Dude! Are you serious? I can't even walk 20 meters without feeling tired."

<Host should bear with it; Narcos will strike you with a 50 thousand volt worth of lighting every time you try to stop>

(A/N: that's the voltage used for a police stun gun)

"Shit! You wicked system, what kind of system will hurt his host?"

<The system will do his utmost best to reassure the host success, the host should start running after 2 minutes or face the punishment>

"Fuck! Here I go, don't lighten my ass up!"

After half an hour of running, I was completely out of breath, tongue out like a frog, gasping for heavy gusts of air, while my back was drenched with a sea of sweat.

I was about to stop when a lightning strike hit my spine; it was so painful it almost made me faint.

After sidling for a couple of seconds, I quickly said, "Ok, Ok! Don't do it again! I will run till I blackout; please don't use that wicked lightning on me anymore" after experiencing the system love, my legs ran three times faster; the women in the park watched me with astonishment; some of them even called me a maniac.

I felt an odd energy fill my body as I pounded on my soft chest like a gorilla, yelling, "I'm Usain bolt now! Who can catch me?"

Well, I didn't realize it at the time, but that was all on my head; in fact, I was running like a half-dying snail.

Finally, after 3 hours of continuous running, The 4 kilometers ended; I felt my lungs burning, and my heart was pumping blood so hard it wanted to come out of my chest to slap the system.

Before long, I sat on the grass for 10 minutes before the system ordered me to perform my jumps.

"Ah!! Fuck! This is hell!"

Another strike hit my nerves system; I immediately jumped like a chimpanzee on steroids while the kids in the park snickered at me.

"Mama! Monkey?" said one of them.

"No, cutie, it's probably some crazy kid with a severe case of autism, such a poor soul!" The mother answered.

'Really bitch? Really?'

After 50 jumps, the fat in my body was moving like an earthquake under my skin; I can hear the kids chanting "froggy!" each time I jump, I silently sobbed and did my assigned work.

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