
Reece - Little Bunny, Over The Edge




 We were chasing the last of the rogues through the woods. There had been almost a dozen of them this time. They were determined to get onto my land and get something. I had a feeling I knew what. They were trying to make it to my house, to my Luna, to my mate.

 We had eliminated almost all of them. But this one had stayed back and out of the fighting when it started so that he could break away and make a run for it when we were all distracted. Well, that wasn't going to work on me. I chased after him immediately. Noah, Henry, and Will followed suit.

 We had chased him up into the mountains. Almost to the house. He was faster than most, but I was gaining on him, and he knew it. I could hear his growling wolf voice as he snarled at me.

 "Why are you so fast? You can't be fast and strong." He was upset. He would not make it to his goal, and he knew it.

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