
World 4.4

"..Shiro! Let's head inside"

Homura took Shiro's hand, as they walked ahead. Yuna prepared dinner for them. Homura bathed and dressed the child. After eating, the two headed to Shiro's room, which was a vacant room in the mansion for some guests. 

Homura was going to walk towards the door when Shiro gripped the hem of his shirt "Can you please stay with me until I fell asleep?" his crimson eyes were imploring towards him

He averted his gaze with a little bit of hesitation "O-Okay.." he answered

Homura let Shiro sleep on his chest, the child was clinging on him like he was the father.

{Uhh...Am I going to give father love?}

"He really was a child.." he sighed in his thoughts

Hours passed by, Homura was already snoring soundly, defenseless. When the night became deeper, the moon was slowly revealing itself. 

The cold wind was passing through the balcony as it slowly opened the glass door. The long curtains were blown away, letting the cold air from outside reach Homura's skin. A shadow emerged beside him.

"How are you my love?" a voice said, it was deep and melodic. His fingers crawled towards Homura's cheeks, caressing his face. He smirked and then gently cupped the male's jaw, letting his fingers rub the male's cherry plum lips "I will take you someday..and I will chain you with me forever"



The door slammed open, spitting Yuna catching her breath, it seems like she dashed going upstairs to check the male. The lady ran towards the bed, shaking the sleeping Homura.

"Homura! Wake up! "

Homura opened his eyes, rubbing his eyelids. "What is it?" he mumbled

Yuna grabbed his wrist "There was a dead body downstairs, low class vampire have seen roaming around the Mansion---" the lady froze, her eyes widened "W-Where is Shiro?!! Where's the kid, homura?!" she exclaimed

Homura sprang up as he hurriedly put on his slippers, grabbing his katana before leaving the room.

He dashed outside, the chilly night welcomed him. "Shiro?!" Where are you?!" no one answered back. Homura dashed around the mansion, hoping that he would find the kid in the nearby areas, but it seemed like he needed to go deep down the forest. 

Yang was new to this world, he never experienced such terrible and scary things. He knows that he will not die because he was just a transmigrator, However, he didn't want to see the kid bathing in its own blood because of his foolishness. He was the hero in this world, and he needed to fill up his character. 

{Okay, Where did he go?}

AUTHOR: Be careful, the vampires may roaming around inside the forest

{Oh? It seems like you are more nervous than me}

AUTHOR: Kid, I don't care if you die, It's too troublesome to reboot the world again

{You! You shouldn't have tell me that in the first place}

Homura entered the foggy forest, the trees were skyscrapers tall. His steps were croaking the dry leaves under his feet, with the twigs crunching. The stars guiding him were only showing on shady glades. 

"Shiro?!" he called out, but only the crickets' sounds replied to him. He walked deeply towards the middle of the forest, he reached a small hut, it was old and it seemed like it would fall anytime. Homura didn't hesitate to check what's inside.

Homura was brave enough to face any danger ahead of him, but it seems like he is out of luck today. As he entered the hut, a forceful wind pulled him down. It was deep and dark, possibly, it was a bait. 

He passed out for a few minutes. When he opened his eyes, the organic smell of old roots and veins invaded his nostrils. He groaned as he felt the pain on his back the moment he tried to move. 

Homura looked up and saw how far the moon was from him "Tch! I'm trapped!" he exclaimed in his thoughts. He pulled a talisman from his pocket, he chanted a spell to make a light. The surroundings glowed, and in the very corner of the pit he saw a familiar crimson eyes. 

Homura quickly crawled towards the kid but he froze instantly when he saw a pair of raging glowing red eyes, he has fangs showing like a threat, blood all over his clothes. 

"..S-Shiro?" he uttered in surprise

Homura's eyes filled with guilt and sympathy, Yuna told him how the vampires can turn an innocent child into one of them just by biting his neck. Maybe it's not too late, he hopes he can bring back Shiro's innocent side. 

He slowly reached out his hand "Shiro..I-It's me...Homura.." 

"Stay away!!!" Shiro shouted, he was clutching his chest like he was controlling something inside him. His eyes were showing how hard it is to resist. 

Homura didn't gave up, he moved closer to the kid with pitiful eyes "D-Don't worry, I will not kill you..L-Let's go" he tried to convince Shiro with his calm tone

{Oh my! I will never kill a child}

AUTHOR: It's not that you are going to kill him, he will just turn to ashes

{It's still the same!}

Shiro suddenly stayed still. A mischievous smirked suddenly overtake his expression, his crimson dark eyes glowed under the warm moonlight. 

"S-Shir--" Homura paused, the light coming from his talisman already disappeared, the darkness embraced them once again. He stayed still, trying to understand the situation he's into right now. 

Then after a few minutes of thinking, he lit another talisman.

He should be very careful because it was the last, but snarling fangs with their gruesome faces greeted him the moment he lightened the area. Homura was fast enough to roll towards the corner as he quickly drew out his sword. 

Two vampires run into him, side by side. Homura bent down, slicing their knees as they both fell and turned to ashes immediately. He miscalculated his bending position so his elbow was scratched onto the ground, the dripping blood from him attracts more vampires. 

He was at a disadvantage because the pit is small and dark, he needed to control his every move. Another vampire dashed towards him with sharp nails, his senses were all awake to read the enemy's technique. He grabbed the vampire's wrist, then he pinned it down straight to the ground. When he was going to pierce it, it's sharp nails moved quickly to his stomach.

"..Argh!!" he whined in pain, twitching his eyes. His trembling arms didn't give up by stabbing the vampire under him as it turned to ashes. Homura spit blood, squinting his eyes to resist the throbbing pain. 

"...Crap! I can't fight if I'm like this" he uttered in dismay

The night was going deep and low class vampires are getting more ferocious as they smell Homura's flowing blood. He tried to stop it by pressing the wound with his palm. 

Three vampires showed up in front of him while he tried to move back onto the pit's wall. He tried to stand up with his trembling knees, swaying his sword to them. The vampires attack him in unison but they immediately turn to ashes when a shadow emerged between them. 

Homura was left there speechless, as he watched the unknown guy kill all the remaining vampires. He tried to stay awake by biting his lower lip very hard. His vision was becoming blurry and the groaning sounds from the vampires were gradually fading from his sense of hearing.

His eyelids started to fall, slowly. Numbness was crawling all over his body, he could no longer feel himself.  When his body was going to hit the ground, a warm embrace caught him quickly. The unknown man lifted him and carried him like a princess laying on his arms.

The man was tall, his red robe with hood was covering his face. It was the same color Homura saw when he encountered a vampire in the dark alley. The unknown man tightened his grip on Homura's waist, then without a warning, he flew upward like a flashing wind. They are now both free from the deep pit. 

Homura managed to lift up his head "W-Who a-a-are y-you?" he spoke as his wound sting more

He couldn't see the man's face because it was dark, and the shadow from his hood were covering both of his eyes. Suddenly, fireflies gathered around them, forming a pathway light. The sparkling insects are like guiding and showing them the way out of the forest. 

Some of the fireflies flew towards Homura, they surrounded him as they sparkled and glittered. The fireflies hovered around him leaving bright traces in the air. Homura slowly felt his strength coming back, his senses were slowly recovering. He can no longer feel the pain from his wounded stomach. 

The two stopped as they reached a clear pathway, the fireflies flying away as it slowly vanished into thin air. The unknown man finally put Homura down, on the soft grasses caressing his feet.

"Who are you?! Why are you always saving me?!" Homura seized the man's wrist

The moon once again showed up above from the thin clouds. The trees rustled along the chilly air.

The unknown man's hood was blown off by the wind, revealing his face. His long silver white hair danced and swayed in the cold breeze. Every thread was sparkling gracefully under the moonlight. He was wearing a mask on his eyes.

He was so enchanting that even Homura froze down to his legs, speechless.

"You.." he paused and cupped Homura's face "I will come and take you someday" His voice was enticing to any one's ears. He made a cunning smile as he rubbed the male's cherry lips "Because you are mine…" 

Then with his gentle tap on the forehead, Homura once again fell asleep.

Sorry for the late update...

Kyaahh! Who is that man?

Such a mysterious one <///>

yohan26_creators' thoughts
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