
World 1.8

Yang was still bothered but at least Jihoon calmed down a bit.. The doctor said that his father collapsed because of nervousness, maybe he was worried about Jihoon going out with Yang.

He then glanced again at the sleeping omega on his shoulder, their hands are still tucked into each other. Yang suggested that holding hands can relieve shock and anxiety.

"Jihoon? wake up.. " he gently said

Jihoon slowly opened his eyes and stared at Yang who was smiling at him "Are you okay now?" he asked. Jihoon nodded but his face turned red when he noticed their hands, he yanked away immediately, he was embarrassed.

Yang let Jihoon talk to his father privately, he went to the hospital garden instead to kill some time while waiting for the omega.

AUTHOR: Are you not going home?

{No, I want to stay at Jihoon's side more, he needs me}

AUTHOR: You're just using this opportunity to achieve the mission

{Of course it was included! But I still feel bad}

AUTHOR: And now you're feeling guilty

{What the bloody hell did you think of me?! Excuse me! I'm not that heartless}

AUTHOR: Oh! Jihoon is coming

And then the omega really showed up, he sat beside Yang and then let his shoulders touch the Alpha..

"Are you done? How's your father? I hope he's okay now" Yang said while Jihoon just nodded back

Of course what reply will he expect? Jihoon can't speak after all. So instead of letting the silence crawling between them, Yang let himself talk "You know, I love flowers.. Isn't it funny? Im an Alpha man but I love flowers" he glanced at Jihoon and saw him smile


{Shut up! Don't distract me}

"Flowers are soft and sweet, just like you Jihoon.. you're like a flower in my eyes" Yang was very proud of his line, seeing how the omega's ears turned red just now

Jihoon was very shy from what he heard, it was the first time that someone gave him a sweet compliment, it's making his heart pound like crazy. He was very thankful to Yang, he was always there for him even in the toughest times, without Yang maybe his father will be in danger now. He was scared and the nightmare from the past is still there. The faces of those bastard alphas were fresh on his mind, he couldn't even save his own mother because he was just a child that time.

Remembering it all was making his breath heavy, he didn't even notice the tears falling down on his cheeks "H-Hey Jihoon? Why are you crying?" Yang seems startled but still manages to let the omega lean on his chest while caressing the back of his head "Did I offend you or something? I apologize, okay?" he said in a comforting voice

{Is my line too corny for him to cry like this?}

AUTHOR: Idiot! he was triggered from his past memories

Yang tightened his embrace as he locked the male more into his arms "Jihoon, don't be afraid" he cupped Jihoon's cheeks so that he will look up on him "I'm here.. I am here" he uttered wiping the tears with his fingers "Don't cry, okay? If I only met you earlier I'll promise that you will not feel this way" he said solemnly

"I'm sorry, I came too late" Yang meant what he said, thinking that maybe If he picked up the book before time, Jihoon would not be left alone suffering.. He was really pitying the male with it's hard life..

{ He doesn't deserve all of this}

AUTHOR: I know what you feel but don't ruin the plot

It took minutes for Jihoon to recover, it was even late at night so the guards told them that the visit hours are already over. Since Jihoon can't stay at the hospital, Yang drives him home..

"Please locked the door and gate properly and please be alert all the time, Im worried for you" Yang said in a very understandable voice but the omega didn't answer

"I should go now.. I will see you tomorrow" Yang turned around but stopped halfway when he felt a slight grab on his shirt's hem.. Jihoon was holding in it and not letting go..

"Y-You want me to stay?" he asked, the omega nodded

In the end, he took the chance to sleep at Jihoon's house..

"I'm going to sleep on the sofa please don't bother yourself" Yang said after taking the pillow and blanket Jihoon gave him to use

Yang didn't think of anything that night, he was so tired so he immediately went to sleep; snoring soundly in the living room.


Yang woke up by the system's voice, it was too loud for his ears but he just groaned and then pulled the other pillow on his side to cover his ears not until he noticed something heavy and moving on his chest. It was so dark so he grabbed the phone beside him to use it as a light.

"Jihoon??!!! What are you doing?!" he exclaimed as he pushed the omega on the floor

The system was flashing red again 'WARNING! HE'S IN HEAT! I REPEAT! HE'S IN HEAT'


"Jihoon calm down, okay? wai-- " he hurriedly covered his nose..

{Author what should I do? His pheromones are so strong!}

AUTHOR: Just let him take the medicine before it's too late

Yang admits that the pheromones from Jihoon were already affecting him, Jihoon was a dominant omega so his heat cycle was very strong compared to a recessive one. He stood up and hurriedly went to Jihoon's bedroom, he immediately scanned every drawer but still couldn't find his suppressants.

He was busy scanning every corner when he suddenly heard the door locked..

{ Crap! He's here and he really locked the door}

AUTHOR: Do something, don't lose your control

{Damn! Im t-trying b-but his p-pheromones a-are too strong}

AUTHOR: Don't inhale it idiot! Unless you want to break his cherry so hard

{ Damn! Stop saying things like that, Im struggling here}

The omega walked towards him that caused him to take a step back..

"Jihoon? Hey calm down, I don't want to do it in this way" he uttered

AUTHOR: But you're having lewd thoughts right now like tying him up and wanting to hear his moan

{Shut up! Don't read my thoughts!}

Yang's sight accidentally went down to Jihoon's boxer and then his eyes widened..

"Shit! He's really hard....and wet"

kyahh! Jihoon's heat cycle suddenly came, what will Yang do about it? Let's find out in the next chapter...


yohan26_creators' thoughts
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