
Chapter 1

In this splendidly wretched world, there are three types of "people", devils would be more accurate.

The Magicians, The Wielders, and the Talented have littered this world with the trash that makes it stink for about as long as anyone could remember. Asserting their power with tools of nothing but unbridled destruction.


No one seems to have ever tackled the presumption of the possibility of something different….

Something more….

And that happens to be quite literally what I was manufactured as...An equal combination of all three, born by chance. A perfect harmony of all great power combined, and I turned out to be...


Completely and utterly incompetent.

My lack of power pulled me through this meaningless life, drowning me in the nastiest gazes and clogging my developing ears with some of the most distasteful whispers one could concoct:

"Wow, who knew such a hybrid could turn out to be such a disappointment?"

"I know! If I were that thing's parents I would've left it to die already."

I was so cast out, that these blessed assholes did away with my gender at first, then eventually my own humanity.

As for my actual parents, they may as well have abandoned me at birth. They treat me like a failed science experiment, a mixture in a test tube that blew the whole lab to bits. Every time they look at me I can almost run my tongue over the regret swimming through those loveless gazes.

I've come to terms with the fact that I happened to be the only 3 year old in history whose parents advised them to cease calling them "Mommy" and "Daddy" but rather Chrystal and Timothy, Tim for short.

Growing up lathered in this feeling of resentment, I began to feel tainted by the fact that I was born this way, in fact, I despised the fact that I was born at all. I hated myself and everyone around me, however, the minute I exhibited the slightest hint of rebellion, I would be thrown back into the corner in which they believed I belonged.

I stopped attending school since every time I stepped into the building I would morph into a lifeless punching bag right before all the student's eyes. I dented lockers with my body and bled all over the stark-white brick walls, attempting to battle an immortal monster notoriously referred to as "teenagers".

Despite however many times I've been forced to bare my fists, I never truly learned how to fight, I simply honed my craft of running away. As one will soon see since I happen to be running right at this very moment.

Funny how that works.

I tripped over myself as I sprinted down a conveniently placed alleyway, separating the grocery store from another that happens to sell man's best friend: liquor.

"Hey! Come back here you shitty hybrid!" One boy cooed, "We don't bite!"

Despite my back facing the boy, it was as if I could feel that poisonous grin slide into place, along with the pitchy whistle of a wielder's weapon whirling into existence reverberating throughout the tight alleyway.

"Well...I do." A deeper voice this time, for whom I had no reason to glance at for clarification since those vampire-like fangs had been barred at me once before.

"Shoot," I muttered in tune to the ratchet note of metal on brick. I whipped around just in time to see a deep valley burrowed into the wall right next to my poor little head.

"Gotcha." They snarled in unison.

I backed away from the two, hands up in surrender.

"H-hey, let's be nice here... ya know... when boys bully a girl...l-like this...i-it usually means they like her." My speech quickly crashed into a nervous, demented chuckle.

The boys shared a momentary glance before howling with uncontrollable laughter, my chuckle spewed from my mouth like a broken sprinkler till the boys spoke.

"Who the hell would like a failure like you?" Vampire boy instigated.

"Like seriously, you're not even cute." The wielder chimed in.

"Maybe if you were hot we'd forgive you for being such a disappointment." Vampire boy wheezed at his own horrid joke, him and his partner clutching their sides in patronizing laughter. Their voices yanked the wavering grin off my face faster than my parents ever could.

I didn't even think that was possible.

"Darnit" I spat and slid my hand into my back pocket, allowing a magic-infused grenade to teeter on the edge of the inside of my pocket and the palm of my ocean of a hand. Vampire boy took immediate notice and dashed at me, void of hesitation.

The grenade had no choice but to slide back into my pocket while I attempted to slip out of the way, at the perfect time too since I had just enough time to watch him rip apart the air where I had just stood. Pressing myself up against the cool brick that cradled my trembling back, the boy leaped forward and swiped at me again. This time I hopped up, willing myself to stay close to the wall, then, angling my body as if I had been walking on it, I pushed off with all the strength in my legs and the screech of claws on brick that followed was deafening.

I twisted around and landed in a crouch a few inches away from vampire boy. Just as I thought I was in the clear, that cursed ax flew directly by my head for the second time today, this time clipping my ear, the boy welding it frowned.

"Stay still you hybrid." He snarled and swung for my head, ignorant to his fallen ax, he subjected himself to using his fists.

I bent backward and allowed my palms to meet the ground directly behind me. I kicked my feet up, cracking his jaw whilst knocking him off balance. As he teetered back I sprang off my hands and allowed vampire boy, whom I could've heard charging at me from a mile away, to crash into his friend. They fell, entangling themselves in each other, and I took the opportunity to make a mad dash to the opposite end of the alleyway and slip into a small, hidden doorway, that I happened to uncover at the ripe age of 4, only to be utilized for situations exactly like these. After all, this wasn't my first rodeo, as one would say.

Squeezing into the tight, dark space, I shut the tiny door as quietly as possible and pushed my sense of hearing to its limit, grasping onto the grunts and snarls of frustration growing closer at first, then fading so far away that my ears lost their grip on the sound.

I released a long breath I hadn't realized I had been holding and relaxed against the cool wall. Eventually, I cracked the tiny door open and peered out for any sign of another assault. When none was found and the coast was officially deemed clear, I slipped out the door and raced back to my home, the brimming grocery basket I had neglected resting idly on the opposite end of the alley.


The trip home was long, as per usual since I had neglected the shorter route long ago.


It just so happened to be littered with threatening persons. Now, I have to pick my way through tall weeds and hidden traps set by Mother Nature herself, luckily, I happen to know each and every ditch and valley by heart.

It's much easier to learn these things when your life's on the line.

Picking my way through the last set of bushes I stumbled onto my all-to-familiar neighborhood street, my house resting right at the end before the street curves and waterfalls into another one. I jogged over to my sizable residence which was just as plain and white as the rest of the neighborhood.

Bounding up the steps leading to my door I gripped the handle and yanked it open, after typing in the password of course, and it swung open with an ear-splitting creak.

I stepped into my house, immediately halted by none other than Chrystal, aka. my mother.

"Hey," she barked "go make yourself useful for once and sweep downstairs."

I flinched, my mouth never betraying my cloaked fear.

"Hey! Did you fuckin' hear me?! I knew you were powerless but are you mute now too?!" She screeched, "And where the fuck are my damn groceries?!"

My flinch sputtered into a perpetual shiver. I offered a curt nod which only seemed to flood gasoline over the fire scorching in this broad's stomach. Taking about 3 steps forward I felt that much-to-familiar whip of her's snake around my midsection and warm the skin there to the point of being uncomfortable.

I just about lamented at the anger seeping through this woman's tool.

"Then answer me, damnit!!"

Her voice banged around the insides of my skull, cooking up a terrifically horrendous headache.

My eyes widened and without thought, I unconsciously grabbed the whip, I could hear and feel my skin searing. A pain like no other shot through my entire arm and I winced from the agony. For some reason that only seemed to tighten my grip and steel my eyes until I was ripped off my feet and dragged towards my mother at speeds that made my hair fly back. The burning around my ribcage ceased only to be reignited by the contact of her fist to my stomach.

I gasped for air as spit and blood sprayed from my mouth. I crumpled to the ground like a rag doll, gripping my sides as if that would make the pain stop. My stomach was met with a swift kick that almost grabbed my lunch from my belly and decorated the floor with it.

"Shit," I muttered, trembling.

Chrystal chuckled and stared at me as if I was the most revolting creature on the planet.

"Useless child, you can't even scream when someone beats you." Her chuckle twisted into a snarl as she drew her leg back to issue me another kick when the door swung open.

The bipolar psychopath whipped around and raced to her husband, searching for any sort of comfort that could be provided to her, of course, it was instantly granted as the wizard wrapped his war-belated arms around the woman.

Glancing at the couple, it was easy to see where I had originated from, earning my sharp hazel eyes and dark skin from my mother and my dark Afro of hair from my father, who cut his off when he began his military work for the King.

"S-she tried to hit me." Her voice trembled and my head shot up, shock and fear gripping my facial features, "I had to defend myself, she's so scary when she's mad. I just want the best for her and she keeps being mean." A stream of manufactured tears raced down her cheeks.

My father's expression twisted into one of inexplicable rage and my pain numbed as quickly as the shadow passed over his eyes. A fear like none I had experienced gripped my body so hard it began to hurt again. Tears welled in my eyes and before any moves could be made I scrambled to my feet as quickly as my wounds would allow me, dashing up the steps and diving into my refuge of a room. I shut the door behind me and slid to the ground, pulling my knees to my chest and resting my wet cheeks on my kneecaps.

This world is revolting.

It makes me sick to think that that one day some bastard'll get lucky and off me and no one would give a damn. They'd just keep living their slimy, corrupted lives, simply with one less person in it.

"Fucking humans." I snarled in a growl mimicking a rabid dog.


I paused, raising a hand over my mouth as if double-checking the voice came from my own vocal cords, only to sigh and cover my face with my arm, shielding my eyes from the midday sun pouring into my room. Just as exhaustion finally began to wrap its fingers around me I was jolted to my feet, whipping around, fists raised, by a sharp knock on my door.

"There is an event downtown. We're leaving, come or don't but you will not be pulling that shit you pulled earlier today." My father's deep voice rumbled around in my head igniting a frivolous shiver in me.

"B-but I-"

"Shut up you little shit." His voice ripped mine to shreds and allowed it to float to the ground in the form of tears.

"Hurry up. Get out here now."

I trembled, my legs shook and my fists had fallen to my sides long ago. I flexed my hands and tears mingled with sweat, cascaded down my cheeks. I took a shaky step forward only to crash onto my knees and cower with my arms over my head. My forehead met my hardwood floor as my father's patience officially ran clean.

The door slammed open faster than my mind could process and I was ripped out of my temporary comfort onto my uneven feet. The grip on my arm was steel as he dragged me down the staircase into the room I had been beaten down in. He tossed me in front of him and I drifted limply onto the cold marble as a leaf would.

Two thunderous steps rumbled in front of me sending a fearful jolt throughout my trembling body.

My shaky gaze slowly traversed up, drinking in the scene before me, nothing but an angry woman with her rage falling off of her like a bloody waterfall. As potent as her vexation was, it was quickly cloaked by a false, almost plastic sadness.

"Oh my daughter, I only want the best for you, why do you treat me this way?"

I parted my lips wanting to tell them that it wasn't me, please don't accuse me, I would never hurt anyone please stop making me the bad guy. I'm begging you…

None of those words slipped past my lips however, the wrathful gaze beating down on me, sewed my mouth shut.

"Don't you have something to say you useless rat?" Tim snarled

"I-" my voice quivered, "I-i'm sorry...Chrystal."

A sudden kick to my stomach told me exactly what I had done wrong. Doubled over in pain and squeezing my bruised stomach, I corrected myself.


The pride and sense of accomplishment radiating from the woman in front of me bore down on me like a weight, it suffocated me to the point of coughing, my shoulders felt heavy and I could hardly seem to keep my head up.

Is this what it feels like to be completely and utterly outclassed? Overpowered? Disregarded and thrown away like the trash you are?

...I see…

Good thing I'm used to it.

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