

We entered the grand hall and made our way towards the front for the sorting ceremony while being eyed by the sea of senior students who were already seated on the tables of their houses. Unlike last time, Hermione was walking beside Harry and though she was curiously looking at everything around her she was not trying to unnecessarily explain things to children around her. we reached the front and crowded to listen to the instructions by McGonagall.

She explained that she will call each student by name and they are to move towards the stool with the hat, place it on their heads and after they are sorted to keep it back on the stool and join the table of their chosen house. While she began announcing the names I finally looked towards someone whose eyes had not left me from the moment we disembarked the hogwarts express, Daphne.

When she noticed me looking towards her and giving a smile she shyly smiled back and then tilted her head to look down while playing with her fingers. I knew that it will be at least the weekend before we could properly meet and as was previously discussed between us she was not suppose to show that we knew each other before I took the opportunity to talk and make her acquaintance. Her name was called quite early and she looked towards me one last time and proceeded to get the sorting done. As was expected she was sorted into Slytherin and she moved towards table while being greeted by the seniors who were obviously of the same circle as her family.

It was soon Hermione's turn who was sorted into Gryffindor and then it was finally harry's turn. The name caused a commotion as was expected and harry quickly moved towards the hat, placed it on his head, and directly asked to be placed in Gryffindor, the hat was quick to oblige and Harry was sorted along with the loud cheers from the gryffindor table and the twins shouting "we got potter". Ron soon followed and the the sorting ceremony was over without any deviation from his previous life.

After the ceremony was over the hat sang its song

Oh, you may not think I'm pretty,

But don't judge on what you see,

I'll eat myself if you can find

A smarter hat than me.

You can keep your bowlers black,

Your top hats sleek and tall,

For I'm the Hogwarts Sorting Hat

And I can cap them all.

There's nothing hidden in your head

The Sorting Hat can't see,

So try me on and I will tell you

Where you ought to be.

You might belong in Gryffindor,

Where dwell the brave at heart,

Their daring, nerve and chivalry

Set Gryffindors apart;

You might belong in Hufflepuff,

Where they are just and loyal,

Those patient Hufflepuffs are true

And unafraid of toil;

Or yet in wise old Ravenclaw,

If you've a ready mind,

Where those of wit and learning,

Will always find their kind;

Or perhaps in Slytherin

You'll make your real friends,

Those cunning folk use any means

To achieve their ends.

So put me on! Don't be afraid!

And don't get in a flap!

You're in safe hands (though I have none)

For I'm a Thinking Cap!

The songs by the hat were always strange and most students never paid it much attention, soon after, Dumbledore got up said his usual greetings "The very best of evenings to you!... Now… to our new students, welcome, to our old students, welcome back! Another year full of magical education awaits you.. I would like to announce that our caretaker Mr. Filch has asked me to remind everyone that use of magic in the corridors is forbidden and the forbidden forest is out of bounds to all students. " And finally, I must tell you that this year, the third-floor corridor on the right-hand side is out of bounds to everyone who does not wish to die a most painful death". The last announcement caused a little discussion among the students but were soon silenced by Dumbledore. He finally ended with "Before we begin our banquet, I would like to say a few words. And here they are: Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak! Thank you."

The discussions on the tables continued as they were instantly filled with all sorts of delicacies and the students started interacting with what was to be their friends and family for the duration of their magical education. Everyone on the gryffindor table was excited to speak to Harry potter and he was happy to oblige. He patiently interacted with everyone and by the end of the feast their image of the boy who lived was completely shattered. It seemed as if everything that they thought to be true was nothing but the total opposite.

After the feast every first year was asked to follow their respective prefect towards their quarters. A redhead handsome man stood in front of the chattering first years of gryffindor introducing himself as Percy weasley and the prefect for this year and asked everyone to follow him to the common room and they should pay clear attention on the path. They soon reached the stairs, at this point Percy stopped, turned around and explained to everyone that the grand staircase tend to move from time to time and they should pay apt attention while taking them.

They reached a painting and Percy explained that this painting termed as the Fat lady, a literal fat lady singing painting, is the entrance to the gryffindor common room and no one is to leak the entrance or the password that is needed for entry to anyone other than a Gryffindor or they would be seriously punished according to the rules. The password for this year was Caput Draconis and every change henceforth will be posted on the notice board inside the common room and in case one forgets the password they can wait till someone else comes and lets them in.

We followed Percy to enter the gryffindor common room, it was decorated in the Gryffindor red and Gold. This was a comfy looking room with ample space, sofas and a fireplace. It was currently packed with senior students who were meeting their friends after vacations and everyone going about settling down to start a new school year. Percy informed us that first years were given their dormitories on the first floor with boys and girls being seperated and boys being restricted to enter the girls dormitories.

We reached our dorm and selected the beds. Harry's roommates were Ron, Dean and Sheamus. Hermione shared her dorms with two other gryffindor newcomers. Harry unpacked, freshened up and went to bed.

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